Source code for law.task.base

# coding: utf-8

Custom luigi base task definitions.

__all__ = ["Task", "WrapperTask", "ExternalTask"]

import sys
import socket
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import inspect

import luigi
import six

from law.config import Config
from law.parameter import NO_STR, CSVParameter
from import localize_file_targets
from law.parser import root_task, global_cmdline_values
from law.logger import setup_logger
from law.util import (
    no_value, abort, law_run, common_task_params, colored, uncolored, make_list, multi_match,
    flatten, BaseStream, human_duration, patch_object, round_discrete, empty_context, perf_counter,
from law.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

getfullargspec = inspect.getfullargspec if six.PY3 else inspect.getargspec

[docs]class BaseRegister(luigi.task_register.Register): def __new__(metacls, classname, bases, classdict): # default attributes, irrespective of inheritance classdict.setdefault("exclude_index", False) # unite "exclude_params_*" sets with those of all base classes for base in bases: for attr, base_params in vars(base).items(): if attr.startswith("exclude_params_") and isinstance(base_params, set): params = classdict.setdefault(attr, set()) if isinstance(params, set): params.update(base_params) # remove those parameter names from "exclude_params_*" sets which are explicitly # listed in corresponding "include_params_*" sets defined on the class itself for attr, include_params in classdict.items(): if attr.startswith("include_params_") and isinstance(include_params, set): exclude_attr = "exclude" + attr[len("include"):] if exclude_attr in classdict and isinstance(classdict[exclude_attr], set): classdict[exclude_attr] -= include_params # create the class cls = ABCMeta.__new__(metacls, classname, bases, classdict) # default attributes, apart from inheritance if getattr(cls, "update_register", None) is None: cls.update_register = False # deregister when requested if cls.update_register: cls.deregister() # add to register (mimic luigi.task_register.Register.__new__) cls._namespace_at_class_time = metacls._get_namespace(cls.__module__) metacls._reg.append(cls) return cls
[docs]class BaseTask(six.with_metaclass(BaseRegister, luigi.Task)): # whether to cache the result of requires() for input() and potentially also other calls cache_requirements = False exclude_index = True exclude_params_index = set() exclude_params_req = set() exclude_params_req_set = set() exclude_params_req_get = set() prefer_params_cli = set() @staticmethod def resource_name(name, host=None): if host is None: host = socket.gethostname().partition(".")[0] return "{}_{}".format(host, name)
[docs] @classmethod def deregister(cls, task_cls=None): """ Removes a task class *task_cls* from the luigi task register. When *None*, *this* class is used. Task family strings and patterns are accepted as well. *True* is returned when at least one class was successfully removed, and *False* otherwise. """ # always compare task families if task_cls is None: task_family = cls.get_task_family() elif isinstance(task_cls, six.string_types): task_family = task_cls else: task_family = task_cls.get_task_family() success = False # remove from the register i = -1 while True: i += 1 if i >= len(Register._reg): break registered_cls = Register._reg[i] if multi_match(registered_cls.get_task_family(), task_family, mode=any): Register._reg.pop(i) i -= 1 success = True logger.debug("removed task class {} from register".format(registered_cls)) return success
[docs] @classmethod def modify_param_args(cls, params, args, kwargs): """ Hook to modify command line arguments before they are event created within :py:meth:`get_param_values`. """ return params, args, kwargs
[docs] @classmethod def modify_param_values(cls, params): """ Hook to modify command line arguments before instances of this class are created. """ return params
[docs] @classmethod def get_param_values(cls, params, args, kwargs): # call the hook optionally modifying the values before values are assigned params, args, kwargs = cls.modify_param_args(params, args, kwargs) # assign to actual parameters values = super(BaseTask, cls).get_param_values(params, args, kwargs) # parse left-over strings in case values were given programmatically, but unencoded values = [ ( name, (getattr(cls, name).parse(value) if isinstance(value, six.string_types) else value), ) for name, value in values ] # call the hook optionally modifying the values afterwards, # but remove temporary objects that might have been placed into it param_names = {name for name, _ in params} values = [ (name, value) for name, value in cls.modify_param_values(OrderedDict(values)).items() if name in param_names ] return values
@classmethod def req(cls, inst, **kwargs): return cls(**cls.req_params(inst, **kwargs)) @classmethod def req_params(cls, inst, _exclude=None, _prefer_cli=None, _skip_task_excludes=False, _skip_task_excludes_get=None, _skip_task_excludes_set=None, **kwargs): # common/intersection params params = common_task_params(inst, cls) # determine parameters to exclude _exclude = set() if _exclude is None else set(make_list(_exclude)) # also use this class' req and req_get sets # and the req and req_set sets of the instance's class # unless explicitly skipped if _skip_task_excludes_get is None: _skip_task_excludes_get = _skip_task_excludes if not _skip_task_excludes_get: _exclude.update(cls.exclude_params_req, cls.exclude_params_req_get) if _skip_task_excludes_set is None: _skip_task_excludes_set = _skip_task_excludes if not _skip_task_excludes_set: _exclude.update(inst.exclude_params_req, inst.exclude_params_req_set) # remove excluded parameters for name in list(params.keys()): if multi_match(name, _exclude, any): del params[name] # add kwargs params.update(kwargs) # remove params that are preferably set via cli class arguments prefer_cli = set(cls.prefer_params_cli or ()) if _prefer_cli is None else set(_prefer_cli) if prefer_cli: cls_args = [] prefix = cls.get_task_family() + "_" if luigi.cmdline_parser.CmdlineParser.get_instance(): for key in global_cmdline_values().keys(): if key.startswith(prefix): cls_args.append(key[len(prefix):]) for name in prefer_cli: if name in params and name in cls_args: del params[name] return params def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BaseTask, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # task level logger, created lazily self._task_logger = None # attribute for cached requirements if enabled self._cached_requirements = no_value
[docs] def complete(self): # create a flat list of all outputs outputs = flatten(self.output()) if len(outputs) == 0: logger.warning("task {!r} has no outputs or no custom complete() method".format(self)) return True return all(t.complete() for t in outputs)
[docs] def input(self): # get potentially cached requirements if self.cache_requirements: if self._cached_requirements is no_value: self._cached_requirements = self.requires() else: print("BASETASK.INPUT() TAKING REQS FROM CACHE BITCHES") reqs = self._cached_requirements else: reqs = self.requires() return luigi.task.getpaths(reqs)
[docs] @abstractmethod def run(self): return
def get_logger_name(self): return self.task_id def _create_logger(self, name, level=None): return setup_logger(name, level=level) @property def logger(self): if not self._task_logger: name = self.get_logger_name() existing = name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict self._task_logger = logging.getLogger(name) if existing else self._create_logger(name) return self._task_logger @property def live_task_id(self): """ The task id depends on the task family and parameters, and is generated by luigi once in the constructor. As the latter may change, this property returns to the id with the current set of parameters. """ # create a temporary dictionary of param_kwargs that is patched for the duration of the # call to create the string representation of the parameters param_kwargs = {attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in self.param_kwargs} # only_public was introduced in luigi 2.8.0, so check if that arg exists str_params_kwargs = {"only_significant": True} if "only_public" in getfullargspec(self.to_str_params).args: str_params_kwargs["only_public"] = True with patch_object(self, "param_kwargs", param_kwargs): str_params = self.to_str_params(**str_params_kwargs) # create the task id task_id = luigi.task.task_id_str(self.get_task_family(), str_params) return task_id def walk_deps(self, max_depth=-1, order="level", yield_last_flag=False): # see if order not in ("level", "pre"): raise ValueError("unknown traversal order '{}', use 'level' or 'pre'".format(order)) # yielding the last flag as well is only available in 'pre' order if order != "pre" and yield_last_flag: raise ValueError("yield_last_flag can only be used in 'pre' order, but got '{}'".format( order)) tasks = [(self, 0)] while len(tasks): task, depth = tasks.pop(0) deps = flatten(task.requires()) next_depth = tasks[0][1] if tasks else None # define the tuple of objects to yield tpl = (task, deps, depth) if not yield_last_flag: yield tpl # define the next deps, considering the maximum depth if set deps = ( (d, depth + 1) for d in deps if max_depth < 0 or depth < max_depth ) # add to the tasks run process, depending on the traversal order if order == "level": tasks[len(tasks):] = deps elif order == "pre": tasks[:0] = deps # when an additional flag should be yielded that denotes whether the object is the last # one in its depth, evaluate this decision here and then yield # note: this assumes that the deps were not changed by the using context if yield_last_flag: is_last = next_depth is None or next_depth < depth yield tpl + (is_last,) def cli_args(self, exclude=None, replace=None, skip_empty_bools=True): exclude = set() if exclude is None else set(make_list(exclude)) if replace is None: replace = {} args = OrderedDict() for name, param in self.get_params(): # skip excluded parameters if multi_match(name, exclude, any): continue # get the raw value raw = replace.get(name, getattr(self, name)) # when the parameter is bool but its value is None, skip it if skip_empty_bools and isinstance(param, luigi.BoolParameter) and raw is None: continue # serialize and add it args["--" + name.replace("_", "-")] = str(param.serialize(raw)) return args
[docs]class Register(BaseRegister): def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): inst = super(Register, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs) # check for interactive parameters for param in inst.interactive_params: value = getattr(inst, param) if value: # reset the interactive parameter setattr(inst, param, ()) # at this point, inst must be the root task so set the global value root_task(inst) skip_abort = False try: logger.debug("evaluating interactive parameter '{}' with value {}".format( param, value)) skip_abort = getattr(inst, "_" + param)(value) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\naborted") # abort the process if not explicitly skipped if not skip_abort: abort(exitcode=0) print("") return inst
[docs]class Task(six.with_metaclass(Register, BaseTask)): log_file = luigi.Parameter( default=NO_STR, significant=False, description="a custom log file; default: <task.default_log_file>", ) print_deps = CSVParameter( default=(), significant=False, description="print task dependencies but do not run any task; this CSV parameter accepts a " "single integer value which sets the task recursion depth (0 means non-recursive)", ) print_status = CSVParameter( default=(), significant=False, description="print the task status but do not run any task; this CSV parameter accepts up " "to three values: 1. the task recursion depth (0 means non-recursive), 2. the depth of the " "status text of target collections (default: 0), 3. a flag that is passed to the status " "text creation (default: '')", ) print_output = CSVParameter( default=(), significant=False, description="print a flat list of output targets but do not run any task; this CSV " "parameter accepts up to two values: 1. the task recursion depth (0 means non-recursive), " "2. a boolean flag that decides whether paths of file targets should contain file system " "schemes (default: True)", ) remove_output = CSVParameter( default=(), significant=False, description="remove task outputs but do not run any task by default; this CSV parameter " "accepts up to three values: 1. the task recursion depth (0 means non-recursive), 2. one " "of the modes 'i' (interactive), 'a' (all), 'd' (dry run) (default: 'i'), 3. a boolean " "flag that decides whether the task is run after outputs were removed (default: False)", ) fetch_output = CSVParameter( default=(), significant=False, description="copy all task outputs into a local directory but do not run any task; this " "CSV parameter accepts up to four values: 1. the task recursion depth (0 means " "non-recursive), 2. one of the modes 'i' (interactive), 'a' (all), 'd' (dry run) (default: " "'i'), 3. the target directory (default: '.'), 4. a boolean flag that decides whether " "external outputs and outputs of external tasks should be fetched (default: False)", ) interactive_params = [ "print_deps", "print_status", "print_output", "fetch_output", "remove_output", ] # cache size for published messages message_cache_size = 10 # force skipping this task when remove_output is set to "all" mode skip_output_removal = False exclude_index = True exclude_params_req = set() exclude_params_repr = set() exclude_params_repr_empty = set() @classmethod def req_params(cls, inst, _exclude=None, _prefer_cli=None, **kwargs): _exclude = set() if _exclude is None else set(make_list(_exclude)) # always exclude interactive parameters _exclude |= set(inst.interactive_params) return super(Task, cls).req_params(inst, _exclude=_exclude, _prefer_cli=_prefer_cli, **kwargs) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Task, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # cache for messages published to the scheduler self._message_cache = [] # cache for the last progress published to the scheduler self._last_progress_percentage = None @property def default_log_file(self): return "-" def is_root_task(self): return root_task() == self def publish_message(self, msg, stdout=sys.stdout, scheduler=True, **kwargs): msg = str(msg) # write to stdout if stdout: stdout.write(msg + "\n") stdout.flush() # publish to the scheduler if scheduler: self._publish_message(msg, **kwargs) def _publish_message(self, msg, flush_cache=False, silent=False): msg = uncolored(str(msg)) # flush the message cache? if flush_cache: del self._message_cache[:] # add to message cache and handle overflow self._message_cache.append(msg) if self.message_cache_size >= 0: end = max(len(self._message_cache) - self.message_cache_size, 0) del self._message_cache[:end] # set status message based on the full, current message cache if callable(getattr(self, "set_status_message", None)): self.set_status_message("\n".join(self._message_cache)) elif not silent: logger.warning("set_status_message not set, cannot send task message to scheduler") def _create_message_stream(self, *args, **kwargs): return TaskMessageStream(self, *args, **kwargs) def _create_logger(self, name, level=None, **kwargs): return setup_logger(name, level=level, add_console_handler={ "handler_kwargs": {"stream": self._create_message_stream(**kwargs)}, }) @contextmanager def publish_step(self, msg, success_message="done", fail_message="failed", runtime=True, scheduler=True, flush_cache=False): self.publish_message(msg, scheduler=scheduler, flush_cache=flush_cache) success = False t0 = perf_counter() try: yield success = True finally: msg = success_message if success else fail_message if runtime: diff = perf_counter() - t0 msg = "{} (took {})".format(msg, human_duration(seconds=diff)) self.publish_message(msg, scheduler=scheduler, flush_cache=flush_cache) def publish_progress(self, percentage, precision=1): percentage = int(round_discrete(percentage, precision, "floor")) if percentage != self._last_progress_percentage: self._last_progress_percentage = percentage if callable(getattr(self, "set_progress_percentage", None)): self.set_progress_percentage(percentage) else: logger.warning("set_progress_percentage not set, cannot send task progress to " "scheduler") def create_progress_callback(self, n_total, reach=(0, 100), precision=1): def make_callback(n, start, end): def callback(i): self.publish_progress(start + (i + 1) / float(n) * (end - start), precision) return callback if isinstance(n_total, (list, tuple)): width = 100.0 / len(n_total) reaches = [(width * i, width * (i + 1)) for i in range(len(n_total))] return n_total.__class__(make_callback(n, *r) for n, r in zip(n_total, reaches)) else: return make_callback(n_total, *reach) def iter_progress(self, iterable, n_total, reach=(0, 100), precision=1, msg=None): # create a progress callback with all arguments progress_callback = self.create_progress_callback(n_total, reach=reach, precision=precision) # when msg is set, place the iteration in an outer context context = (lambda: self.publish_step(msg)) if msg else empty_context # iterate and invoke the callback with context(): for i, val in enumerate(iterable): yield val progress_callback(i) def cli_args(self, exclude=None, replace=None): exclude = set() if exclude is None else set(make_list(exclude)) # always exclude interactive parameters exclude |= set(self.interactive_params) return super(Task, self).cli_args(exclude=exclude, replace=replace) def __repr__(self): color = Config.instance().get_expanded_bool("task", "colored_repr") return self.repr(color=color) def __str__(self): color = Config.instance().get_expanded_bool("task", "colored_str") return self.repr(color=color) def repr(self, all_params=False, color=None, **kwargs): if color is None: color = Config.instance().get_expanded_bool("task", "colored_repr") family = self._repr_family(self.get_task_family(), color=color, **kwargs) parts = [ self._repr_param(name, value, color=color, **kwargs) for name, value in six.iteritems(self._repr_params(all_params=all_params)) ] + [ self._repr_flag(flag, color=color, **kwargs) for flag in self._repr_flags() ] return "{}({})".format(family, ", ".join(parts)) def _repr_params(self, all_params=False): # determine parameters to exclude exclude = set() if not all_params: exclude |= self.exclude_params_repr exclude |= set(self.interactive_params) # build a map "name -> value" for all significant parameters params = OrderedDict() for name, param in self.get_params(): value = getattr(self, name) include = ( param.significant and not multi_match(name, exclude) and (name not in self.exclude_params_repr_empty or value) ) if include: params[name] = value return params def _repr_flags(self): return [] def _repr_family(self, family, color=False, **kwargs): return colored(family, "green") if color else family def _repr_param(self, name, value, color=False, serialize=True, **kwargs): # try to serialize first unless explicitly disabled if serialize: param = getattr(self.__class__, name, no_value) if param != no_value: value = param.serialize(value) if isinstance(param, luigi.Parameter) else param return "{}={}".format(colored(name, color="blue", style="bright") if color else name, value) def _repr_flag(self, name, color=False, **kwargs): return colored(name, color="magenta") if color else name def _print_deps(self, args): return print_task_deps(self, *args) def _print_status(self, args): return print_task_status(self, *args) def _print_output(self, args): return print_task_output(self, *args) def _remove_output(self, args): return remove_task_output(self, *args) def _fetch_output(self, args): return fetch_task_output(self, *args) @classmethod def _law_run_inst(cls, inst, _exclude=None, _replace=None, _global=None, _run_kwargs=None): # get the cli arguments args = inst.cli_args(exclude=_exclude, replace=_replace) # prepend a space to values starting with "-" for key, value in args.items(): if value.startswith("-"): args[key] = " {}".format(value) # flatten them flat_args = sum((make_list(tpl) for tpl in args.items()), []) # add global parameters when given if _global: flat_args.extend([str(arg) for arg in make_list(_global)]) # build the full command cmd = [cls.get_task_family()] + flat_args # run it return law_run(cmd, **(_run_kwargs or {})) @classmethod def law_run_inst(cls, _exclude=None, _replace=None, _global=None, _run_kwargs=None, **kwargs): # create a new instance inst = cls(**kwargs) return cls._law_run_inst(inst, _exclude=_exclude, _replace=_replace, _global=_global, _run_kwargs=_run_kwargs) def law_run(self, _exclude=None, _replace=None, _global=None, _run_kwargs=None, **kwargs): # when kwargs are given, create a new instance inst = self.req(self, **kwargs) if kwargs else self return self._law_run_inst(inst, _exclude=_exclude, _replace=_replace, _global=_global, _run_kwargs=_run_kwargs) def localize_input(self, *args, **kwargs): return localize_file_targets(self.input(), *args, **kwargs) def localize_output(self, *args, **kwargs): return localize_file_targets(self.output(), *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class WrapperTask(Task): """ Use for tasks that only wrap other tasks and that by definition are done if all their requirements exist. """ exclude_index = True def _repr_flags(self): return super(WrapperTask, self)._repr_flags() + ["wrapper"]
[docs] def complete(self): # get potentially cached requirements if self.cache_requirements: if self._cached_requirements is no_value: self._cached_requirements = self.requires() reqs = self._cached_requirements else: reqs = self.requires() return all(task.complete() for task in flatten(reqs))
[docs] def output(self): return self.input()
[docs] def run(self): return
[docs]class ExternalTask(Task): exclude_index = True run = None def _repr_flags(self): return super(ExternalTask, self)._repr_flags() + ["external"]
class TaskMessageStream(BaseStream): def __init__(self, task, stdout=sys.stdout, scheduler=True, flush_cache=False, **kwargs): super(TaskMessageStream, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.task = task self.stdout = stdout self.scheduler = scheduler self.flush_cache = flush_cache def _write(self, msg): # foward to publish_message self.task.publish_message(msg.rstrip("\n"), stdout=self.stdout, scheduler=self.scheduler, flush_cache=self.flush_cache, silent=True) # trailing imports from law.task.interactive import ( print_task_deps, print_task_status, print_task_output, remove_task_output, fetch_task_output, )