Source code for law.cli.index

# coding: utf-8

"law index" cli subprogram.

import os
import sys
import traceback
from importlib import import_module
from collections import OrderedDict

import luigi
import six

from law.config import Config
from law.task.base import Task, ExternalTask
from law.util import multi_match, colored, abort, makedirs, brace_expand
from law.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

_cfg = Config.instance()

[docs]def setup_parser(sub_parsers): """ Sets up the command line parser for the *index* subprogram and adds it to *sub_parsers*. """ parser = sub_parsers.add_parser( "index", prog="law index", description="Create or update the (human-readable) law task index file ({}). This is only " "required for the shell auto-completion.".format(_cfg.get_expanded("core", "index_file")), ) parser.add_argument( "--modules", "-m", nargs="+", help="additional modules to traverse", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-externals", "-e", action="store_true", help="skip external tasks", ) parser.add_argument( "--remove", "-r", action="store_true", help="remove the index file and exit", ) parser.add_argument( "--show", "-s", action="store_true", help="print the content of the index file and exit", ) parser.add_argument( "--location", "-l", action="store_true", help="print the location of the index file and exit", ) parser.add_argument( "--quiet", "-q", action="store_true", help="quiet mode without output", ) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", action="store_true", help="verbose output, disables the quiet mode when set", )
[docs]def execute(args): """ Executes the *index* subprogram with parsed commandline *args*. """ # update args if args.verbose: args.quiet = False cfg = Config.instance() index_file = cfg.get_expanded("core", "index_file") # just print the file location? if args.location: print(index_file) return # just show the file content? if if os.path.exists(index_file): with open(index_file, "r") as f: print( return else: abort("index file {} does not exist".format(index_file)) # just remove the index file? if args.remove: if os.path.exists(index_file): os.remove(index_file) print("removed index file {}".format(index_file)) return # get modules to lookup lookup = [m.strip() for m in cfg.options("modules")] if args.modules: lookup += args.modules # expand braces lookup = sum(map(brace_expand, lookup), []) if not args.quiet: print("indexing tasks in {} module(s)".format(len(lookup))) exit_code = 0 # loop through modules, import everything to load tasks for modid in lookup: if not modid: continue if args.verbose: sys.stdout.write("loading module '{}'".format(modid)) try: import_module(modid) except Exception as e: exit_code += 1 if not args.verbose: print("error in module '{}': {}".format(colored(modid, "red"), str(e))) else: print("\n\nerror in module '{}':".format(colored(modid, "red"))) traceback.print_exc() continue if args.verbose: print(", {}".format(colored("done", style="bright"))) # determine tasks to write into the index file seen_families = [] task_classes = [] lookup = [Task] while lookup: cls = lookup.pop(0) lookup.extend(cls.__subclasses__()) # skip tasks in __main__ module in interactive sessions if cls.__module__ == "__main__": continue # skip when explicitly excluded if cls.exclude_index: continue # skip external tasks is_external_task = issubclass(cls, ExternalTask) if args.no_externals and is_external_task: continue # skip non-external tasks without run implementation run_is_callable = callable(getattr(cls, "run", None)) run_is_abstract = getattr(, "__isabstractmethod__", False) if not is_external_task and (not run_is_callable or run_is_abstract): continue # show an error when there is a "-" in the task family as the luigi command line parser will # automatically map it to "_", i.e., it will fail to lookup the actual task class # skip the task task_family = cls.get_task_family() if "-" in task_family: logger.critical( "skipping task '{}' as its family '{}' contains a '-' which cannot be interpreted " "by luigi's command line parser, please use '_' or alike".format(cls, task_family), ) continue # show an error when there is a "_" after a "." in the task family, i.e., when there is a # "_" in the class name (which is bad python practice anyway), as the shell autocompletion # is not able to decide whether it should complete the task family or a task-level parameter # skip the task if "_" in task_family.rsplit(".", 1)[-1]: logger.error( "skipping task '{}' as its family '{}' contains a '_' after the namespace " "definition which would lead to ambiguities between task families and task-level " "parameters in the law shell autocompletion".format(cls, task_family), ) continue # skip already seen task families and warn when the class is not added yet in the classes to # index as this is usually a sign of multiple definitions of the same task, e.g. through # imports of the same physical file via different module ids if task_family in seen_families: if cls not in task_classes: logger.error( "skipping task '{}' as a task with the same family '{}' but a different " "different address was already seen; this is likely due to multiple imports of " "the same physical file through different module ids and since it is no longer " "unique, luigi's task lookup will probably fail".format(cls, task_family), ) continue seen_families.append(task_family) task_classes.append(cls) def get_task_params(cls): params = [] for attr in dir(cls): member = getattr(cls, attr) if isinstance(member, luigi.Parameter): exclude = getattr(cls, "exclude_params_index", set()) if not multi_match(attr, exclude, any): params.append(attr.replace("_", "-")) return params def index_line(cls, params): # format: "module_id:task_family:param param ..." return "{}:{}:{}".format(cls.__module__, cls.get_task_family(), " ".join(params)) stats = OrderedDict() # write the index file makedirs(os.path.dirname(index_file)) with open(index_file, "w") as f: for cls in task_classes: # get prams params = get_task_params(cls) # fill stats if cls.__module__ not in stats: stats[cls.__module__] = [] stats[cls.__module__].append((cls.get_task_family(), params)) f.write(index_line(cls, params) + "\n") # print stats if args.verbose: for mod, data in six.iteritems(stats): print("\nmodule '{}', {} task(s):".format(colored(mod, style="bright"), len(data))) for task_family, _ in data: print(" - {}".format(colored(task_family, "green"))) print("") if not args.quiet: print("written {} task(s) to index file '{}'".format(len(task_classes), index_file)) return exit_code
[docs]def get_global_parameters(config_names=("core", "scheduler", "worker", "retcode")): """ Returns a list of global, luigi-internal configuration parameters. Each list item is a 4-tuple containing the configuration class, the parameter instance, the parameter name, and the full parameter name in the cli. When *config_names* is set, it should be a list of configuration class names that are exclusively taken into account. """ params = [] for cls in luigi.task.Config.__subclasses__(): if config_names and cls.__name__ not in config_names: continue for attr in dir(cls): param = getattr(cls, attr) if not isinstance(param, luigi.Parameter): continue full_name = attr.replace("_", "-") if getattr(cls, "use_cmdline_section", True): full_name = "{}-{}".format(cls.__name__.replace("_", "-"), full_name) params.append((cls, param, attr, full_name)) return params