
Collection of minor patches for luigi. These patches are only intended to support extra features for law, rather than changing default luigi behavior.

before_run(func, force=False)[source]#

Adds a function func to the list of callbacks that are invoked right before luigi starts running scheduled tasks. Unless force is True, a function that is already registered is not added again and False is returned. Otherwise, True is returned.


Runs all patches. This function ensures that a second invocation has no effect.

before_run(func, force=False)[source]#

Adds a function func to the list of callbacks that are invoked right before luigi starts running scheduled tasks. Unless force is True, a function that is already registered is not added again and False is returned. Otherwise, True is returned.


Runs all patches. This function ensures that a second invocation has no effect.


Sets the default luigi return codes in luigi.retcodes.retcode to:

  • already_running: 10

  • missing_data: 20

  • not_run: 30

  • task_failed: 40

  • scheduling_error: 50

  • unhandled_exception: 60


Patches the luigi.worker.Worker._add_task method to skip dependencies of the triggered task when running in a sandbox, as dependencies are already controlled from outside the sandbox. Also, the severity of luigi’s interface logging is increased when running in a sandbox.


Patches the luigi.worker.Worker._add method to make sure that no dependencies are yielded when the triggered task is added to the worker when running in a sandbox and that the task is added to the scheduler with the id of the outer task.


Patches the luigi.worker.Worker._run_task method to store the worker id and the id of its first task in the task. This information is required by the sandboxing mechanism.


Patches the luigi.worker.Worker._get_work method to only return information of the sandboxed task when running in a sandbox. This way, actual (outer) task and the sandboxed (inner) task appear to a central as the same task and communication for exchanging (e.g.) messages becomes transparent.


Patches the luigi.interface._WorkerSchedulerFactory to include sandboxing information when creating a worker instance.


Patches the to immediately stop the keep-alive thread when running within a sandbox.


Patches the luigi.cmdline_parser.CmdlineParser to store the original command line arguments for later processing in the law.config.Config, and to update the way that parameter objects are called to parse empty strings.


Patches luigi.interface._schedule_and_run to invoke all callbacks registered via before_run() right before luigi starts running scheduled tasks. This is achieved by patching within the scope of luigi.interface._schedule_and_run.


Patches luigi.setup_logging.InterfaceLogging._default to avoid adding multiple tty stream handlers to the logger named “luigi-interface” and to preserve any previously set log level. Also, the formatters of its stream handlers are amended in order to colorize parts of luigi log messages.