Source code for

# coding: utf-8

"law run" cli subprogram.

import os
import sys

from luigi.cmdline import luigi_run

from law.config import Config
from law.task.base import Task
from law.util import abort
from law.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def setup_parser(sub_parsers): """ Sets up the command line parser for the *run* subprogram and adds it to *sub_parsers*. """ parser = sub_parsers.add_parser( "run", prog="law run", description="Run a task with configurable parameters. See " " for more info.", ) parser.add_argument( "task_family", help="a task family registered in the task index file or a module and task class in the " "format <module>.<class>", ) parser.add_argument( "parameter", nargs="*", help="task parameters", )
[docs]def execute(args, argv): """ Executes the *run* subprogram with parsed commandline *args*. """ task_family = None error = None # try to infer the task module from the passed task family and import it parts = args.task_family.rsplit(".", 1) if len(parts) == 2: modid, cls_name = parts try: mod = __import__(modid, globals(), locals(), [cls_name]) task_cls = getattr(mod, cls_name, None) if task_cls is not None: if not issubclass(task_cls, Task): abort("object '{}' is not a Task".format(args.task_family)) task_family = task_cls.get_task_family() except ImportError as e: # distinguish import errors resulting from an unknown modid from all other cases modid_unknown = str(e) in ( "No module named {}".format(modid), # py 2 "No module named '{}'".format(modid), # py 3 ) if modid_unknown: # keep the error in case the task family cannot be inferred from the index file error = e else: raise # read task info from the index file and import it if task_family is None: cfg = Config.instance() index_file = cfg.get_expanded("core", "index_file") if os.path.exists(index_file): info = read_task_from_index(args.task_family, index_file) if not info: abort("task family '{}' not found in index".format(args.task_family)) modid, task_family, _ = info __import__(modid, globals(), locals()) # complain when no task could be found if task_family is None: if error: raise error abort("task '{}' not found".format(args.task_family)) # run luigi sys.argv[0] += " run" luigi_run([task_family] + argv[3:])
[docs]def read_task_from_index(task_family, index_file=None): """ Returns module id, task family and space-separated parameters in a tuple for a task given by *task_family* from the *index_file*. When *None*, the *index_file* refers to the default as defined in :py:mod:`law.config`. Returns *None* when the task could not be found. """ # read task information from the index file given a task family if index_file is None: cfg = Config.instance() index_file = cfg.get_expanded("core", "index_file") # open and go through lines with open(index_file, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.count(":") >= 2: modid, family, params = line.split(":", 2) if family == task_family: return modid, family, params return None