Source code for law.job.base

# coding: utf-8

Base classes for implementing remote job management and job file creation.

__all__ = ["BaseJobManager", "BaseJobFileFactory", "JobArguments", "JobInputFile"]

import os
import time
import shutil
import tempfile
import fnmatch
import base64
import copy
import re
import json
from collections import defaultdict
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from threading import Lock
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import six

from law.config import Config
from import get_scheme, get_path
from import RemoteTarget
from law.util import (
    colored, make_list, make_tuple, iter_chunks, makedirs, create_hash, empty_context,
from law.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

def get_async_result_silent(result, timeout=None):
    Calls the ``get([timeout])`` method of an `AsyncResult
    object *result* and returns its value. The only difference is that potentially raised exceptions
    are returned instead of re-raised.

    """  # noqa
        return result.get(timeout)
    except Exception as e:
        return e

[docs]class BaseJobManager(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): """ Base class that defines how remote jobs are submitted, queried, cancelled and cleaned up. It also defines the most common job states: - PENDING: The job is submitted and waiting to be processed. - RUNNUNG: The job is running. - FINISHED: The job is completed and successfully finished. - RETRY: The job is completed but failed. It can be resubmitted. - FAILED: The job is completed but failed. It cannot or should not be recovered. The particular job manager implementation should match its own, native states to these common states. *status_names* and *status_diff_styles* are used in :py:meth:`status_line` and default to :py:attr:`default_status_names` and :py:attr:`default_status_diff_styles`. *threads* is the default number of concurrent threads that are used in :py:meth:`submit_batch`, :py:meth:`cancel_batch`, :py:meth:`cleanup_batch` and :py:meth:`query_batch`. .. py:classattribute:: PENDING type: string Flag that represents the ``PENDING`` status. .. py:classattribute:: RUNNING type: string Flag that represents the ``RUNNING`` status. .. py:classattribute:: FINISHED type: string Flag that represents the ``FINISHED`` status. .. py:classattribute:: RETRY type: string Flag that represents the ``RETRY`` status. .. py:classattribute:: FAILED type: string Flag that represents the ``FAILED`` status. .. py:classattribute:: default_status_names type: list The list of all default status flags that is used in :py:meth:`status_line`. .. py:classattribute:: default_status_diff_styles type: dict A dictionary that defines to coloring styles per job status that is used in :py:meth:`status_line`. .. py:classattribute:: job_grouping type: bool Whether this manager implementation groups jobs into single interactions for submission and status queries. In general, this means that the submission of a single job file can result in multiple jobs on the remote batch system. .. py:classattribute:: chunk_size_submit type: int The default chunk size value when no value is given in :py:meth:`submit_batch`. When the value evaluates to *False*, no chunking is allowed. .. py:classattribute:: chunk_size_cancel type: int The default chunk size value when no value is given in :py:meth:`cancel_batch`. When the value evaluates to *False*, no chunking is allowed. .. py:classattribute:: chunk_size_cleanup type: int The default chunk size value when no value is given in :py:meth:`cleanup_batch`. When the value evaluates to *False*, no chunking is allowed. .. py:classattribute:: chunk_size_query type: int The default chunk size value when no value is given in :py:meth:`query_batch`. When the value evaluates to *False*, no chunking is allowed. """ PENDING = "pending" RUNNING = "running" FINISHED = "finished" RETRY = "retry" FAILED = "failed" default_status_names = [PENDING, RUNNING, FINISHED, RETRY, FAILED] # color styles per status when job count decreases / stagnates / increases default_status_diff_styles = { PENDING: ({}, {}, {"color": "green"}), RUNNING: ({}, {}, {"color": "green"}), FINISHED: ({}, {}, {"color": "green"}), RETRY: ({"color": "green"}, {}, {"color": "red"}), FAILED: ({}, {}, {"color": "red", "style": "bright"}), } # job grouping settings job_grouping = False # chunking settings for unbatched methods # disabled by default chunk_size_submit = 0 chunk_size_cancel = 0 chunk_size_cleanup = 0 chunk_size_query = 0
[docs] @classmethod def job_status_dict(cls, job_id=None, status=None, code=None, error=None, extra=None): """ Returns a dictionay that describes the status of a job given its *job_id*, *status*, return *code*, *error*, and additional *extra* data. """ return dict(job_id=job_id, status=status, code=code, error=error, extra=extra)
[docs] @classmethod def cast_job_id(cls, job_id): """ Hook for casting an input *job_id*, for instance, after loading serialized data from json. """ return job_id
def __init__(self, status_names=None, status_diff_styles=None, threads=1): super(BaseJobManager, self).__init__() self.status_names = status_names or list(self.default_status_names) self.status_diff_styles = status_diff_styles or self.default_status_diff_styles.copy() self.threads = threads self.last_counts = [0] * len(self.status_names)
[docs] @abstractmethod def submit(self): """ Abstract atomic or group job submission. Can throw exceptions. Should return a list of job ids. """ return
[docs] @abstractmethod def cancel(self): """ Abstract atomic or group job cancellation. Can throw exceptions. Should return a dictionary mapping job ids to per-job return values. """ return
[docs] @abstractmethod def cleanup(self): """ Abstract atomic or group job cleanup. Can throw exceptions. Should return a dictionary mapping job ids to per-job return values. """ return
[docs] @abstractmethod def query(self): """ Abstract atomic or group job status query. Can throw exceptions. Should return a dictionary mapping job ids to per-job return values. """ return
[docs] def group_job_ids(self, job_ids): """ Hook that needs to be implemented if the job mananger supports grouping of jobs, i.e., when :py:attr:`job_grouping` is *True*, and potentially used during status queries, job cancellation and removal. If so, it should take a sequence of *job_ids* and return a dictionary mapping ids of group jobs (used for queries etc) to the corresponding lists of original job ids, with an arbitrary grouping mechanism. """ raise NotImplementedError( "internal error, {}.group_job_ids not implemented".format(self.__class__.__name__), )
def _apply_batch( self, func, result_type, job_objs, default_chunk_size, threads=None, chunk_size=None, callback=None, **kwargs # noqa ): # default arguments threads = max(threads or self.threads or 1, 1) # is chunking allowed? chunk_size = max(chunk_size or default_chunk_size, 0) if default_chunk_size else 0 chunking = chunk_size > 0 # build chunks if needed job_objs = make_list(job_objs) job_objs = list(iter_chunks(job_objs, chunk_size)) if chunking else job_objs # factory to call the passed callback for each job file even when chunking def cb_factory(i): if not callable(callback): return None if chunking: def wrapper(result_data): offset = sum(map(len, job_objs[:i])) for j in range(len(job_objs[i])): data = result_data if isinstance(result_data, Exception) else result_data[j] callback(offset + j, data) else: def wrapper(data): callback(i, data) return wrapper # threaded processing pool = ThreadPool(threads) results = [ pool.apply_async(func, (arg,), kwargs, callback=cb_factory(i)) for i, arg in enumerate(job_objs) ] pool.close() pool.join() # store result data or an exception result_data = result_type() if chunking: for _job_objs, res in, results): data = get_async_result_silent(res) for i, job_obj in enumerate(_job_objs): if isinstance(result_data, list): result_data.append(data if isinstance(data, Exception) else data[i]) else: result_data[job_obj] = data if isinstance(data, Exception) else data[job_obj] else: for job_obj, res in, results): data = get_async_result_silent(res) if isinstance(result_data, list): result_data.append(data) else: result_data[job_obj] = data return result_data
[docs] def submit_batch(self, job_files, threads=None, chunk_size=None, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Submits a batch of jobs given by *job_files* via a thread pool of size *threads* which defaults to its instance attribute. When *chunk_size*, which defaults to :py:attr:`chunk_size_submit`, is not negative, *job_files* are split into chunks of that size which are passed to :py:meth:`submit`. When *callback* is set, it is invoked after each successful job submission with the index of the corresponding job file (starting at 0) and either the assigned job id or an exception if any occurred. All other *kwargs* are passed to :py:meth:`submit`. The return value is a list containing the return values of the particular :py:meth:`submit` calls, in an order that corresponds to *job_files*. When an exception was raised during a submission, this exception is added to the returned list. """ return self._apply_batch( func=self.submit, result_type=list, job_objs=job_files, default_chunk_size=self.chunk_size_submit, threads=threads, chunk_size=chunk_size, callback=callback, **kwargs # noqa )
[docs] def cancel_batch(self, job_ids, threads=None, chunk_size=None, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Cancels a batch of jobs given by *job_ids* via a thread pool of size *threads* which defaults to its instance attribute. When *chunk_size*, which defaults to :py:attr:`chunk_size_cancel`, is not negative, *job_ids* are split into chunks of that size which are passed to :py:meth:`cancel`. When *callback* is set, it is invoked after each successful job (or job chunk) cancelling with the index of the corresponding job id (starting at 0) and either *None* or an exception if any occurred. All other *kwargs* are passed to :py:meth:`cancel`. Exceptions that occured during job cancelling are stored in a list and returned. An empty list means that no exceptions occured. """ results = self._apply_batch( func=self.cancel, result_type=dict, job_objs=job_ids, default_chunk_size=self.chunk_size_cancel, threads=threads, chunk_size=chunk_size, callback=callback, **kwargs # noqa ) # return only errors return [error for error in results.values() if isinstance(error, Exception)]
[docs] def cleanup_batch(self, job_ids, threads=None, chunk_size=None, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Cleans up a batch of jobs given by *job_ids* via a thread pool of size *threads* which defaults to its instance attribute. When *chunk_size*, which defaults to :py:attr:`chunk_size_cleanup`, is not negative, *job_ids* are split into chunks of that size which are passed to :py:meth:`cleanup`. When *callback* is set, it is invoked after each successful job (or job chunk) cleaning with the index of the corresponding job id (starting at 0) and either *None* or an exception if any occurred. All other *kwargs* are passed to :py:meth:`cleanup`. Exceptions that occured during job cleaning are stored in a list and returned. An empty list means that no exceptions occured. """ results = self._apply_batch( func=self.cleanup, result_type=dict, job_objs=job_ids, default_chunk_size=self.chunk_size_cleanup, threads=threads, chunk_size=chunk_size, callback=callback, **kwargs # noqa ) # return only errors return [error for error in results.values() if isinstance(error, Exception)]
[docs] def query_batch(self, job_ids, threads=None, chunk_size=None, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Queries the status of a batch of jobs given by *job_ids* via a thread pool of size *threads* which defaults to its instance attribute. When *chunk_size*, which defaults to :py:attr:`chunk_size_query`, is not negative, *job_ids* are split into chunks of that size which are passed to :py:meth:`query`. When *callback* is set, it is invoked after each successful job (or job chunk) status query with the index of the corresponding job id (starting at 0) and the obtained status query data or an exception if any occurred. All other *kwargs* are passed to :py:meth:`query`. This method returns a dictionary that maps job ids to either the status query data or to an exception if any occurred. """ return self._apply_batch( func=self.query, result_type=dict, job_objs=job_ids, default_chunk_size=self.chunk_size_query, threads=threads, chunk_size=chunk_size, callback=callback, **kwargs # noqa )
def _apply_group( self, func, result_type, group_func, job_objs, threads=None, callback=None, **kwargs # noqa ): # default arguments threads = max(threads or self.threads or 1, 1) # group objects job_objs = group_func(make_list(job_objs)) # factory to call the passed callback for each job file even when chunking def cb_factory(i): if not callable(callback): return None def wrapper(result_data): offset = sum(map(len, list(job_objs.values())[:i])) for j in range(len(list(job_objs.values())[i])): data = result_data if isinstance(result_data, Exception) else result_data[j] callback(offset + j, data) return wrapper # threaded processing pool = ThreadPool(threads) results = [ pool.apply_async(func, make_tuple(arg), kwargs, callback=cb_factory(i)) for i, arg in enumerate(job_objs.items()) ] pool.close() pool.join() # store result data or an exception result_data = result_type() for _job_objs, res in, results): data = get_async_result_silent(res) for i, job_obj in enumerate(_job_objs): if isinstance(result_data, list): result_data.append(data if isinstance(data, Exception) else data[i]) else: result_data[job_obj] = data if isinstance(data, Exception) else data[job_obj] return result_data
[docs] def submit_group(self, job_files, threads=None, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Submits several job groups given by *job_files* via a thread pool of size *threads* which defaults to its instance attribute. As per the definition of a job group, a single job file can result in multiple jobs being processed on the remote batch system. When *callback* is set, it is invoked after each successful job submission with the index of the corresponding job (starting at 0) and either the assigned job id or an exception if any occurred. All other *kwargs* are passed to :py:meth:`submit`. The return value is a list containing the return values of the particular :py:meth:`submit` calls, in an order that in general corresponds *job_files*, with ids of single jobs per job file properly expanded. When an exception was raised during a submission, this exception is added to the returned list. """ # in order to use the generic grouping mechanism in _apply_group create a trivial group_func def group_func(job_files): groups = defaultdict(list) for job_file in job_files: groups[job_file].append(job_file) return groups return self._apply_group( func=self.submit, result_type=list, group_func=group_func, job_objs=job_files, threads=threads, callback=callback, **kwargs # noqa )
[docs] def cancel_group(self, job_ids, threads=None, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Takes several *job_ids*, groups them according to :py:meth:`group_job_ids`, and cancels all groups simultaneously via a thread pool of size *threads* which defaults to its instance attribute. When *callback* is set, it is invoked after each successful job cancellation with the index of the corresponding job id (starting at 0) and either *None* or an exception if any occurred. All other *kwargs* are passed to :py:meth:`cancel`. Exceptions that occured during job cancelling are stored in a list and returned. An empty list means that no exceptions occured. """ results = self._apply_group( func=self.cancel, result_type=dict, group_func=self.group_job_ids, job_objs=job_ids, threads=threads, callback=callback, **kwargs # noqa ) # return only errors return [error for error in results.values() if isinstance(error, Exception)]
[docs] def cleanup_group(self, job_ids, threads=None, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Takes several *job_ids*, groups them according to :py:meth:`group_job_ids`, and cleans up all groups simultaneously via a thread pool of size *threads* which defaults to its instance attribute. When *callback* is set, it is invoked after each successful job cleanup with the index of the corresponding job id (starting at 0) and either *None* or an exception if any occurred. All other *kwargs* are passed to :py:meth:`cleanup`. Exceptions that occured during job cancelling are stored in a list and returned. An empty list means that no exceptions occured. """ results = self._apply_group( func=self.cleanup, result_type=dict, group_func=self.group_job_ids, job_objs=job_ids, threads=threads, callback=callback, **kwargs # noqa ) # return only errors return [error for error in results.values() if isinstance(error, Exception)]
[docs] def query_group(self, job_ids, threads=None, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Takes several *job_ids*, groups them according to :py:meth:`group_job_ids`, and queries the status of all groups simultaneously via a thread pool of size *threads* which defaults to its instance attribute. When *callback* is set, it is invoked after each successful job status query with the index of the corresponding job id (starting at 0) and the obtained status query data or an exception if any occurred. All other *kwargs* are passed to :py:meth:`query`. This method returns a dictionary that maps job ids to either the status query data or to an exception if any occurred. """ return self._apply_group( func=self.query, result_type=dict, group_func=self.group_job_ids, job_objs=job_ids, threads=threads, callback=callback, **kwargs # noqa )
[docs] def status_line(self, counts, last_counts=None, sum_counts=None, timestamp=True, align=False, color=False): """ Returns a job status line containing job counts per status. When *last_counts* is *True*, the status line also contains the differences in job counts with respect to the counts from the previous call to this method. When you pass a list or tuple, those values are used intead to compute the differences. The status line starts with the sum of jobs which is inferred from *counts*. When you want to use a custom value, set *sum_counts*. The length of *counts* should match the length of *status_names* of this instance. When *timestamp* is *True*, the status line begins with the current timestamp. When *timestamp* is a non-empty string, it is used as the ``strftime`` format. *align* handles the alignment of the values in the status line by using a maximum width. *True* will result in the default width of 4. When *align* evaluates to *False*, no alignment is used. By default, some elements of the status line are colored. Set *color* to *False* to disable this feature. Example: .. code-block:: python status_line((2, 0, 0, 0, 0)) # 12:45:18: all: 2, pending: 2, running: 0, finished: 0, retry: 0, failed: 0 status_line((0, 2, 0, 0), last_counts=(2, 0, 0, 0), skip=["retry"], timestamp=False) # all: 2, pending: 0 (-2), running: 2 (+2), finished: 2 (+0), failed: 0 (+0) """ # check and or set last counts use_last_counts = bool(last_counts) if use_last_counts and not isinstance(last_counts, (list, tuple)): last_counts = self.last_counts or ([0] * len(self.status_names)) if last_counts and len(last_counts) != len(self.status_names): raise Exception("{} last status counts expected, got {}".format(len(self.status_names), len(last_counts))) # check current counts if len(counts) != len(self.status_names): raise Exception("{} status counts expected, got {}".format(len(self.status_names), len(counts))) # calculate differences if last_counts: diffs = tuple(n - m for n, m in zip(counts, last_counts)) # number formatting if isinstance(align, bool) or not isinstance(align, six.integer_types): align = 4 if align else 0 count_fmt = "%d" if not align else "%{}d".format(align) diff_fmt = "%+d" if not align else "%+{}d".format(align) # build the status line line = "" if timestamp: time_format = timestamp if isinstance(timestamp, six.string_types) else "%H:%M:%S" line += "{}: ".format(time.strftime(time_format)) if sum_counts is None: sum_counts = sum(counts) line += "all: " + count_fmt % (sum_counts,) for i, (status, count) in enumerate(zip(self.status_names, counts)): count = count_fmt % count if color: count = colored(count, style="bright") line += ", {}: {}".format(status, count) if diffs: diff = diff_fmt % diffs[i] if color: # 0 if negative, 1 if zero, 2 if positive style_idx = (diffs[i] > 0) + (diffs[i] >= 0) diff = colored(diff, **self.status_diff_styles[status][style_idx]) line += " ({})".format(diff) # store current counts for next call self.last_counts = list(counts) return line
[docs]class BaseJobFileFactory(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): """ Base class that handles the creation of job files. It is likely that inheriting classes only need to implement the :py:meth:`create` method as well as extend the constructor to handle additional arguments. The general idea behind this class is as follows. An instance holds the path to a directory *dir*, defaulting to a new, temporary directory inside ``job.job_file_dir`` (which itself defaults to the system's tmp path). Job input files, which are supported by almost all job / batch systems, are automatically copied into this directory. The file name can be optionally postfixed with a configurable string, so that multiple job files can be created and stored within the same *dir* without the risk of interfering file names. A common use case would be the use of a job number or id. Another *transformation* that is applied to copied files is the rendering of variables. For example, when an input file looks like .. code-block:: bash #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "Hello, {{my_variable}}!" the rendering mechanism can replace variables such as ``my_variable`` following a double-brace notation. Internally, the rendering is implemented in :py:meth:`render_file`, but there is usually no need to call this method directly as implementations of this base class might use it in their :py:meth:`create` method. .. py::classattribute:: config_attrs type: list List of attributes that is used to create a configuration dictionary. See :py:meth:`get_config` for more info. .. py::attribute:: dir type: string The path to the internal job file directory. .. py::attribute: cleanup type: bool Boolean that denotes whether this internal job file directory is temporary and should be cleaned up upon instance deletion. It defaults to *True* when the *dir* constructor argument is *None*. """ config_attrs = ["dir", "render_variables", "custom_log_file"] render_key_cre = re.compile(r"\{\{(\w+)\}\}") class Config(object): def __repr__(self): return repr(self.__dict__) def __getattr__(self, attr): return self.__dict__[attr] def __setattr__(self, attr, value): self.__dict__[attr] = value def __getitem__(self, attr): return self.__dict__[attr] def __setitem__(self, attr, value): self.__dict__[attr] = value def __contains__(self, attr): return attr in self.__dict__ def __init__(self, dir=None, render_variables=None, custom_log_file=None, mkdtemp=None, cleanup=None): super(BaseJobFileFactory, self).__init__() cfg = Config.instance() # get default values from config if None if mkdtemp is None: mkdtemp = cfg.get_expanded_bool("job", "job_file_dir_mkdtemp") if cleanup is None: cleanup = cfg.get_expanded_bool("job", "job_file_dir_cleanup") # store the cleanup flag self.cleanup = cleanup # when dir ist None, a temporary directory is forced if not dir: mkdtemp = True # store the directory, default to the job.job_file_dir config self.dir = str(dir or cfg.get_expanded("job", "job_file_dir")) self.dir = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(self.dir)) # create the directory makedirs(self.dir) # check if it should be extended by a temporary dir if mkdtemp: self.dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.dir) # store attributes self.render_variables = render_variables or {} self.custom_log_file = custom_log_file # locks for thread-safe file operations self.file_locks = defaultdict(Lock) def __del__(self): self.cleanup_dir(force=False) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.create(*args, **kwargs) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): return
[docs] @classmethod def postfix_file(cls, path, postfix=None, add_hash=False): """ Adds a *postfix* to a file *path*, right before the first file extension in the base name. When *add_hash* is *True*, a hash based on the full source path is added before the postfix. Example: .. code-block:: python postfix_file("/path/to/file.tar.gz", "_1") # -> "/path/to/file_1.tar.gz" postfix_file("/path/to/file.txt", "_1", add_hash=True) # -> "/path/to/file_dacc4374d3_1.txt" *postfix* might also be a dictionary that maps patterns to actual postfix strings. When a pattern matches the base name of the file, the associated postfix is applied and the path is returned. You might want to use an ordered dictionary to control the first match. """ path = str(path) dirname, basename = os.path.split(path) # get the actual postfix _postfix = postfix if isinstance(postfix, dict): for pattern, _postfix in six.iteritems(postfix): if fnmatch.fnmatch(basename, pattern): break else: _postfix = "" # optionally add a hash of the full path if add_hash: full_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(path))) _postfix = "_" + create_hash(full_path) + (_postfix or "") # add the postfix if _postfix: parts = basename.split(".", 1) parts[0] += _postfix path = os.path.join(dirname, ".".join(parts)) return path
[docs] @classmethod def postfix_input_file(cls, path, postfix=None): """ Shorthand for :py:meth:`postfix_file` with *add_hash* set to *True*. """ return cls.postfix_file(path, postfix=postfix, add_hash=True)
[docs] @classmethod def postfix_output_file(cls, path, postfix=None): """ Shorthand for :py:meth:`postfix_file` with *add_hash* set to *False*. """ return cls.postfix_file(path, postfix=postfix, add_hash=False)
[docs] @classmethod def render_string(cls, s, key, value): """ Renders a string *s* by replacing ``{{key}}`` with *value* and returns it. """ return s.replace("{{" + key + "}}", str(value))
[docs] @classmethod def linearize_render_variables(cls, render_variables): """ Linearizes variables contained in the dictionary *render_variables*. In some use cases, variables may contain render expressions pointing to other variables, e.g.: .. code-block:: python render_variables = { "variable_a": "Tom", "variable_b": "Hello, {{variable_a}}!", } Situations like this can be simplified by linearizing the variables: .. code-block:: python linearize_render_variables(render_variables) # -> # { # "variable_a": "Tom", # "variable_b": "Hello, Tom!", # } """ linearized = {} for key, value in render_variables.items(): if not isinstance(value, str): raise Exception("render variables must be strings, found '{}' for key '{}'".format( value, key)) while True: m = if not m: break sub_key = value = cls.render_string(value, sub_key, render_variables.get(sub_key, "")) linearized[key] = value # add base64 encoded render variables themselves vars_str = base64.b64encode(six.b(json.dumps(linearized) or "-")) if six.PY3: vars_str = vars_str.decode("utf-8") linearized["render_variables"] = vars_str return linearized
[docs] @classmethod def render_file(cls, src, dst, render_variables, postfix=None, silent=True): """ Renders a source file *src* with *render_variables* and copies it to a new location *dst*. In some cases, a render variable value might contain a path that should be subject to file postfixing (see :py:meth:`postfix_file`). When *postfix* is not *None*, this method will replace substrings in the format ``postfix:<path>`` the postfixed ``path``. In the following example, the variable ``my_command`` in *src* will be rendered with a string that contains a postfixed path: .. code-block:: python render_file(src, dst, {"my_command": "echo postfix:some/path.txt"}, postfix="_1") # replaces "{{my_command}}" in src with "echo some/path_1.txt" in dst In case the file content is not readable, the method returns unless *silent* is *False* in which case an exception is raised. """ src, dst = str(src), str(dst) if not os.path.isfile(src): raise IOError("source file for rendering does not exist: {}".format(src)) with open(src, "r") as f: try: content = except UnicodeDecodeError: if silent: return raise def postfix_fn(m): return cls.postfix_input_file(, postfix=postfix) for key, value in six.iteritems(render_variables): # value might contain paths to be postfixed, denoted by "__law_job_postfix__:..." if postfix: value = re.sub(r"\_\_law\_job\_postfix\_\_:([^\s]+)", postfix_fn, value) content = cls.render_string(content, key, value) # finally, replace all non-rendered keys with empty strings content = cls.render_key_cre.sub("", content) with open(dst, "w") as f: f.write(content)
[docs] def provide_input(self, src, postfix=None, dir=None, render_variables=None, skip_existing=False): """ Convenience method that copies an input file to a target directory *dir* which defaults to the :py:attr:`dir` attribute of this instance. The provided file has the same basename, which is optionally postfixed with *postfix*. Essentially, this method calls :py:meth:`render_file` when *render_variables* is set, or simply ``shutil.copy2`` otherwise. If the file to create is already existing, it is overwritten unless *skip_existing* is *True*. """ # create the destination path src, dir = str(src), dir and str(dir) postfixed_src = self.postfix_input_file(src, postfix=postfix) dst = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(dir or self.dir), os.path.basename(postfixed_src)) # thread-safe check for the existince of the file in a thread-safe context = self.file_locks[dst] if skip_existing else empty_context() with context: # create if not existing or if overwriting if not skip_existing or not os.path.exists(dst): # provide the file if render_variables: self.render_file(src, dst, render_variables, postfix=postfix) else: shutil.copy2(src, dst) return dst
[docs] def get_config(self, **kwargs): """ The :py:meth:`create` method potentially takes a lot of keywork arguments for configuring the content of job files. It is useful if some of these configuration values default to attributes that can be set via constructor arguments of this class. This method merges keyword arguments *kwargs* (e.g. passed to :py:meth:`create`) with default values obtained from instance attributes given in :py:attr:`config_attrs`. It returns the merged values in a dictionary that can be accessed via dot-notation (attribute notation). Example: .. code-block:: python class MyJobFileFactory(BaseJobFileFactory): config_attrs = ["stdout", "stderr"] def __init__(self, stdout="stdout.txt", stderr="stderr.txt", **kwargs): super(MyJobFileFactory, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr def create(self, **kwargs): config = self.get_config(kwargs) # when called as create(stdout="log.txt"): # config.stderr is "stderr.txt" # config.stdout is "log.txt" ... """ cfg = self.Config() for attr in self.config_attrs: cfg[attr] = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.get(attr, getattr(self, attr))) return cfg
[docs] def cleanup_dir(self, force=True): """ Removes the directory that is held by this instance. When *force* is *False*, the directory is only removed when :py:attr:`cleanup` is *True*. """ if not self.cleanup and not force: return if isinstance(self.dir, six.string_types) and os.path.exists(self.dir): shutil.rmtree(self.dir)
[docs] @abstractmethod def create(self, **kwargs): """ Abstract job file creation method that must be implemented by inheriting classes. """ return
[docs]class JobArguments(object): """ Wrapper class for job arguments. Currently, it stores a task class *task_cls*, a list of *task_params*, a list of covered *branches*, an *auto_retry* flag, and custom *dashboard_data*. It also handles argument encoding as reqired by the job wrapper script at `law/job/ <>`__. .. py:attribute:: task_cls type: :py:class:`law.Register` The task class. .. py:attribute:: task_params type: list The list of task parameters. .. py:attribute:: branches type: list The list of branch numbers covered by the task. .. py:attribute:: workers type: int The number of workers to use in "law run" commands. .. py:attribute:: auto_retry type: bool A flag denoting if the job-internal automatic retry mechanism should be used. .. py:attribute:: dashboard_data type: list If a job dashboard is used, this is a list of configuration values as returned by :py:meth:`law.job.dashboard.BaseJobDashboard.remote_hook_data`. """ def __init__(self, task_cls, task_params, branches, workers=1, auto_retry=False, dashboard_data=None): super(JobArguments, self).__init__() self.task_cls = task_cls self.task_params = task_params self.branches = branches self.workers = max(workers, 1) self.auto_retry = auto_retry self.dashboard_data = dashboard_data or []
[docs] @classmethod def encode_bool(cls, b): """ Encodes a boolean *b* into a string (``"yes"`` or ``"no"``). """ return "yes" if b else "no"
[docs] @classmethod def encode_string(cls, s): """ Encodes a string *s* via base64 encoding. """ encoded = base64.b64encode(six.b(s or "-")) return encoded.decode("utf-8") if six.PY3 else encoded
[docs] @classmethod def encode_list(cls, l): """ Encodes a list *l* into a string via base64 encoding. """ encoded = base64.b64encode(six.b(" ".join(str(v) for v in l) or "-")) return encoded.decode("utf-8") if six.PY3 else encoded
[docs] def get_args(self): """ Returns the list of encoded job arguments. The order of this list corresponds to the arguments expected by the job wrapper script. """ return [ self.task_cls.__module__, self.task_cls.__name__, self.encode_string(self.task_params), self.encode_list(self.branches), self.workers, self.encode_bool(self.auto_retry), self.encode_list(self.dashboard_data), ]
[docs] def join(self): """ Returns the list of job arguments from :py:meth:`get_args`, joined into a single string using a single space character. """ return " ".join(str(arg) for arg in self.get_args())
[docs]class JobInputFile(object): """ Wrapper around a *path* referring to an input file of a job, accompanied by optional flags that control how the file should be handled during job submission (mostly within :py:meth:`BaseJobFileFactory.provide_input`). See the attributs below for more info. .. py:attribute:: path type: str The path of the input file. .. py:attribute:: copy type: bool Whether this file should be copied into the job submission directory or not. .. py:attribute:: share type: bool Whether the file can be shared in the job submission directory. A shared file is copied only once into the submission directory and :py:attr:`render_local` must be *False*. .. py:attribute:: forward type: bool Whether this file should actually not be listed as a normal input file in job description but just passed to the list of inputs for treatment in the law job script itself. Only considered if supported by the submission system (e.g. local ones such as htcondor or slurm). .. py:attribute:: postfix type: bool Whether the file path should be postfixed when copied. .. py:attribute:: render_local type: bool Whether render variables should be resolved locally when copied. .. py:attribute:: render_job type: bool Whether render variables should be resolved as part of the job script. .. py:attribute:: is_remote type: bool (read-only) Whether the path has a non-empty protocol referring to a remote resource. .. py:attribute:: path_sub_abs type: str, None Absolute file path as seen by the submission node. Set only during job file creation. .. py:attribute:: path_sub_rel type: str, None File path relative to the submission directory if the submission itself is not forced to use absolute paths. Otherwise identical to :py:attr:`path_sub_abs`. Set only during job file creation. .. py:attribute:: path_job_pre_render type: str, None File path as seen by the job node, prior to a potential job-side rendering. It is a full, absolute path in case forwarding is supported, and a relative basename otherwise. Set only during job file creation. .. py:attribute:: path_job_post_render type: str, None File path as seen by the job node, after a potential job-side rendering. Therefore, it is identical to :py:attr:`path_job_pre_render` if rendering is disabled, and a relative basename otherwise. Set only during job file creation. """ def __init__(self, path, copy=None, share=None, forward=None, postfix=None, render=None, render_local=None, render_job=None): super(JobInputFile, self).__init__() # when path is a job file instance itself, use its values instead if isinstance(path, JobInputFile): copy = path.copy share = path.share forward = path.forward postfix = path.postfix render_local = path.render_local render_job = path.render_job path = path.path # path must not be a remote file target if isinstance(path, RemoteTarget): raise ValueError("{}.path should not point to a remote target: {}".format( self.__class__.__name__, path)) # convenience if render is not None and render_local is None and render_job is None: render_local = bool(render) render_job = False # set some attributes if undefined, based on most common use cases maybe_set = lambda current, default: default if current is None else current if copy is not None and not copy: # share = maybe_set(share, False) share = maybe_set(share, False) postfix = maybe_set(postfix, False) render_local = maybe_set(render_local, False) if share: copy = maybe_set(copy, True) forward = maybe_set(forward, False) render_local = maybe_set(render_local, False) postfix = maybe_set(postfix, False) if forward: copy = maybe_set(copy, False) share = maybe_set(share, False) render_local = maybe_set(render_local, False) postfix = maybe_set(postfix, False) if postfix: copy = maybe_set(copy, True) share = maybe_set(share, False) forward = maybe_set(forward, False) if render_local: copy = maybe_set(copy, True) share = maybe_set(share, False) forward = maybe_set(forward, False) render_job = maybe_set(render_job, False) if render_job: forward = maybe_set(forward, False) render_local = maybe_set(render_local, False) # store attributes, apply residual defaults # TODO: move to job rendering by default self.path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(get_path(path)))) self.copy = True if copy is None else bool(copy) self.share = False if share is None else bool(share) self.forward = False if forward is None else bool(forward) self.postfix = True if postfix is None else bool(postfix) self.render_local = True if render_local is None else bool(render_local) self.render_job = False if render_job is None else bool(render_job) # some residual attribute checks if not self.copy and self.postfix: logger.warning( "input file at {} is configured not to be copied into the submission directory, " "but postfixing is enabled which has no effect".format(self.path), ) if not self.copy and self.share: logger.warning( "input file at {} is configured not to be copied into the submission directory, " "but sharing is enabled which has no effect".format(self.path), ) if self.copy and self.forward: logger.warning( "input file at {} is configured to be copied into the submission directory, but " "but forwarding is enabled which has no effect".format(self.path), ) if not self.copy and self.render_local: logger.warning( "input file at {} is configured not to be copied into the submission directory, " "but rendering is enabled which has no effect".format(self.path), ) if self.share and self.render_local: logger.warning( "input file at {} is configured to be shared across jobs but local rendering is " "active, potentially resulting in wrong file content".format(self.path), ) if self.render_local and self.render_job: logger.warning( "input file at {} is configured to be rendered locally and within the job, which " "is likely unnecessary".format(self.path), ) # different path variants as seen by jobs self.path_sub_abs = None self.path_sub_rel = None self.path_job_pre_render = None self.path_job_post_render = None def __str__(self): return self.path def __repr__(self): return "<{}({}) at {}>".format( self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join("{}={}".format(attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in [ "path", "copy", "share", "forward", "postfix", "render_local", "render_job", ]), hex(id(self)), ) def __eq__(self, other): # check equality via path comparison if isinstance(other, JobInputFile): return self.path == other.path return self.path == str(other) @property def is_remote(self): return get_scheme(self.path) not in ("file", None)
class DeprecatedInputFiles(dict): """ Class to keep track of input files for remote jobs that is only used to show a deprecation warning for users still relying on lists. Therefore, this class emulates the most used list methods and internally fills input files using dict methods. To be removed in version 1.0. """ @classmethod def _log_warning(cls, method): logger.warning_once( "the use of input_files.{} is deprecated, please consider updating your code towards " "using dictionaries instead, e.g., 'input_files[key] = path'; by doing so, law " "automatically adds a render variable 'key' that will refer to the postfixed path of " "the input file for immediate use in remote jobs".format(method), ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): paths = None if not kwargs and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], list): paths = args[0] args = () super(DeprecatedInputFiles, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if paths: self.extend(paths) def _append(self, path): # generate a key by taking the basename of the path and strip the file extension path = str(path) key = os.path.basename(path).split(".", 1)[0] while key in self: key += "_" self[key] = path def append(self, path): # deprecation warning until v0.1 self._log_warning("append(path)") self._append(path) def extend(self, paths): # deprecation warning until v0.1 self._log_warning("extend([path, ...])") for path in paths: self._append(path) def __add__(self, paths): # type-preserving shallow copy self_ = self.__class__(self) self_.extend(paths) return self_ def __iadd__(self, paths): self.extend(paths) return self