Source code for law.notification

# coding: utf-8

Notification functions.

__all__ = ["notify_mail"]

from law.config import Config
from law.util import send_mail, uncolored
from law.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def notify_mail(title, message, recipient=None, sender=None, smtp_host=None, smtp_port=None, **kwargs): """ Sends a notification mail with a *title* and a string *message*. *recipient*, *sender*, *smtp_host* and *smtp_port* default to the configuration values in the [notifications] section. When *recipient* or *sender* are not set, a warning is issued and *False* is returned. Otherwise, the result of :py:meth:`util.send_mail` is returned. """ cfg = Config.instance() if not recipient: recipient = cfg.get_expanded("notifications", "mail_recipient") if not sender: sender = cfg.get_expanded("notifications", "mail_sender") if not smtp_host: smtp_host = cfg.get_expanded("notifications", "mail_smtp_host") if not smtp_port: smtp_port = cfg.get_expanded("notifications", "mail_smtp_port") if not recipient or not sender: logger.warning("cannot send mail notification, recipient ({}) or sender ({}) empty".format( recipient, sender)) return False mail_kwargs = {} if smtp_host: mail_kwargs["smtp_host"] = smtp_host if smtp_port: mail_kwargs["smtp_port"] = smtp_port return send_mail(recipient, sender, title, uncolored(message), **mail_kwargs)