Source code for law.parameter

# coding: utf-8

Custom luigi parameters.

__all__ = [
    "NO_STR", "NO_INT", "NO_FLOAT", "is_no_param", "get_param", "Parameter",
    "TaskInstanceParameter", "OptionalBoolParameter", "DurationParameter", "BytesParameter",
    "CSVParameter", "MultiCSVParameter", "RangeParameter", "MultiRangeParameter", "NotifyParameter",
    "NotifyMultiParameter", "NotifyMailParameter",

import functools
import csv

import luigi
import six

from law.notification import notify_mail
from law.util import (
    human_duration, parse_duration, time_units, time_unit_aliases, human_bytes, parse_bytes,
    byte_units, is_lazy_iterable, make_tuple, make_unique, brace_expand, range_expand, try_int,
from law.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

# make luigi's BoolParameter parsing explicit globally,
luigi.BoolParameter.parsing = getattr(luigi.BoolParameter, "EXPLICIT_PARSING", "explicit")

# also update existing BoolParameter instances in luigi's config classes to have explicit parsing
for cls in luigi.task.Config.__subclasses__():
    for attr in dir(cls):
        member = getattr(cls, attr)
        if isinstance(member, luigi.BoolParameter):
            member.parsing = luigi.BoolParameter.parsing

#: String value denoting an empty parameter.

#: Integer value denoting an empty parameter.
NO_INT = -1

#: Float value denoting an empty parameter.
NO_FLOAT = -1.0

[docs]def is_no_param(value): """ Checks whether a parameter *value* denotes an empty parameter, i.e., if the value is either :py:attr:`NO_STR`, :py:attr:`NO_INT`, or :py:attr:`NO_FLOAT`. """ return value in (NO_STR, NO_INT, NO_FLOAT, no_value)
[docs]def get_param(value, default=None): """ Returns the passed *value* when it does not refer to an empty parameter value, checked with :py:func:`is_no_param`. Otherwise, *default* is returned, which defaults to *None*. """ return default if is_no_param(value) else value
[docs]class Parameter(luigi.Parameter): """ __init__(*args, parse_empty=False, **kwargs) Custom base class of law-based parameters that adds additional features. As per luigi's default behavior, passing empty strings on the command line for a parameter leads to its default value and parsing is not triggered. When *parse_empty* is *True*, the parser is still called and should implement a custom behavior. All other *args* and *kwargs* are passed to :py:class:`luigi.Parameter`. .. py:attribute:: parse_empty type: bool Whether the parameter parsing should be triggered for empty command line arguments (usually empty strings, but not for *None*s). """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.parse_empty = kwargs.pop("parse_empty", False) super(Parameter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class TaskInstanceParameter(Parameter): """ Parameter that can be used to pass the instance of a task. This class does not implement parameter value parsing. """ def serialize(self, x): """""" if isinstance(x, Task): return getattr(x, "live_task_id", x.task_id) return str(x)
[docs]class OptionalBoolParameter(luigi.BoolParameter, Parameter): """ Same as luigi's ``BoolParameter`` (and unlike luigi's ``OptionalBoolParameter``) but parses and serializes ``"None"`` strings transparently to *None* values and vice-versa. """ def parse(self, inp): """""" if isinstance(inp, bool) or inp is None: return inp s = str(inp).lower() if s in ("true", "yes", "1"): return True if s in ("false", "no", "0"): return False if s == "none": return None raise ValueError("cannot interpret '{}' as boolean".format(inp))
[docs]class DurationParameter(Parameter): """ __init__(unit="s", *args, **kwargs) Parameter that interprets a string (or float) value as a duration, represented by a float number with a configurable unit. *unit* is forwarded as both the *unit* and *input_unit* argument of :py:func:`law.util.parse_duration` which is used for the conversion. For optimal precision, value serialization uses :py:func:`law.util.human_duration` with *colon_format*. Example: .. code-block:: python p = DurationParameter(unit="s") p.parse("5") # -> 5.0 (using the unit implicitly) p.parse("5s") # -> 5.0 p.parse("5m") # -> 300.0 p.parse("05:10") # -> 310.0 p.parse("5 minutes, 15 seconds") # -> 310.0 p.serialize(310) # -> "05:15" p = DurationParameter(unit="m") p.parse("5") # -> 5.0 (using the unit implicitly) p.parse("5s") # -> 0.083 p.parse("5m") # -> 5.0 p.parse("05:10") # -> 5.167 p.parse("5 minutes, 15 seconds") # -> 5.25 p.serialize(310) # -> "05:15:00" For more info, see :py:func:`law.util.parse_duration` and :py:func:`law.util.human_duration`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # validate and set the unit self._unit = None self.unit = kwargs.pop("unit", "s") super(DurationParameter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def unit(self): return self._unit @unit.setter def unit(self, unit): unit = time_unit_aliases.get(unit, unit) if unit not in time_units: raise ValueError("unknown unit '{}', valid values are {}".format( unit, time_units.keys())) self._unit = unit def parse(self, inp): """""" if inp in (None, "", NO_STR, no_value): inp = "0" return parse_duration(inp, input_unit=self.unit, unit=self.unit) def serialize(self, value): """""" if not value: value = 0 value_seconds = parse_duration(value, input_unit=self.unit, unit="s") return human_duration(seconds=value_seconds, colon_format=True)
[docs]class BytesParameter(Parameter): """ __init__(unit="MB", *args, **kwargs) Parameter that interprets a string (or float) value as a number of bytes, represented by a float number with a configurable unit. *unit* is forwarded as both the *unit* and *input_unit* argument of :py:func:`law.util.parse_bytes` which is used for the conversion. Example: .. code-block:: python p = BytesParameter(unit="MB") p.parse("5") # -> 5.0 (using the unit implicitly) p.parse("5 MB") # -> 5.0 p.parse(5) # -> 5.0 p.parse("1 GB") # -> 1024.0 p.serialize(310) # -> "310MB" p = BytesParameter(unit="GB") p.parse("5") # -> 5.0 (using the unit implicitly) p.parse("1024 MB") # -> 1.0 p.serialize("2048 MB") # -> "2GB" For more info, see :py:func:`law.util.parse_bytes` and :py:func:`law.util.human_bytes`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # validate and set the unit self._unit = None self.unit = kwargs.pop("unit", "MB") super(BytesParameter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def unit(self): return self._unit @unit.setter def unit(self, unit): if unit not in byte_units: raise ValueError("unknown unit '{}', valid values are {}".format(unit, byte_units)) self._unit = unit def parse(self, inp): """""" if inp in (None, "", NO_STR, no_value): inp = "0" return parse_bytes(inp, input_unit=self.unit, unit=self.unit) def serialize(self, value): """""" if not value: value = 0 value_bytes = parse_bytes(value, input_unit=self.unit, unit="bytes") v, u = human_bytes(value_bytes, unit=self.unit) return "{}{}".format(try_int(v), u)
[docs]class CSVParameter(Parameter): r""" __init__(*args, cls=luigi.Parameter, inst=None, unique=False, sort=False, min_len=None, \ max_len=None, choices=None, brace_expand=False, escape_sep=True, force_tuple=True, **kwargs) Parameter that parses a comma-separated value (CSV) and produces a tuple. *cls* (*inst*) can refer to an other parameter class (instance) that will be used to parse and serialize the particular items. When *unique* is *True*, both parsing and serialization methods make sure that values are unique. *sort* can be a boolean or a function for sorting parameter values. When *min_len* (*max_len*) is set to an integer, an error is raised in case the number of elements to serialize or parse (evaluated after potentially ensuring uniqueness) deceeds (exceeds) that value. Just like in luigi's *ChoiceParamater*, *choices* can be a sequence of accepted values. When *brace_expand* is *True*, brace expansion is applied, potentially extending the list of values. However, note that in this case commas that are not meant to act as a delimiter cannot be quoted in csv-style with double quotes, but they should rather be backslash-escaped instead. Unless *escape_sep* is *False*, escaped separators (comma) are not split when parsing strings and, likewise, separators contained in values to serialze are escaped. By default, single values are parsed such that they result in a tuple containing a single item. However, when *force_tuple* is *False*, single values that do not end with a comma are not wrapped by a tuple. Likewise, during serialization they are converted to a string as is, whereas tuple containing only a single item will end with a trailing comma. Example: .. code-block:: python p = CSVParameter(cls=luigi.IntParameter) p.parse("4,5,6,6") # => (4, 5, 6, 6) p.serialize((7, 8, 9)) # => "7,8,9" # "," that should not be used as delimiter p = CSVParameter() p.parse("a,b,\"c,d\"") # -> ("a", "b", "c,d") # same as p.parse("a,b,c\,d") # -> ("a", "b", "c,d") # uniqueness check p = CSVParameter(cls=luigi.IntParameter, unique=True) p.parse("4,5,6,6") # => (4, 5, 6) # length check p = CSVParameter(cls=luigi.IntParameter, max_len=2) p.parse("4,5,6") # => ValueError # choices p = CSVParameter(cls=luigi.IntParameter, choices=(1, 2)) p.parse("2,3") # => ValueError # brace expansion p = CSVParameter(cls=luigi.IntParameter, brace_expand=True) # (note that with brace_expand enabled, the quoting if "," only works with back slashes) p.parse("1{2,3,4}9") # => (129, 139, 149) # do not force tuples to wrap single values p = CSVParameter(cls=luigi.IntParameter, force_tuple=False) p.parse("1") # => 1 # note: the result would be (1,) with force_tuple left at True (default) p.parse("1,") # => (1,) p.serialize(1) # => "1" p.serialize((1,)) # => "1," p.serialize((1, 2)) # => "1,2" .. note:: Due to the way `instance caching <>`__ is implemented in luigi, parameters should always have hashable, immutable values. Therefore, this parameter produces a tuple and, in particular, not a list. To avoid undesired side effects, the *default* value given to the constructor is also converted to a tuple. .. py:attribute:: _inst type: :py:attr:`cls` Instance of the luigi parameter class *cls* or *inst* directory, that is used internally for parameter parsing and serialization. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._cls = kwargs.pop("cls", luigi.Parameter) self._inst = kwargs.pop("inst", None) self._unique = kwargs.pop("unique", False) self._sort = kwargs.pop("sort", False) self._min_len = kwargs.pop("min_len", None) self._max_len = kwargs.pop("max_len", None) self._choices = kwargs.pop("choices", None) self._brace_expand = kwargs.pop("brace_expand", False) self._escape_sep = kwargs.pop("escape_sep", True) self._force_tuple = kwargs.pop("force_tuple", True) # ensure that the default value is a tuple if "default" in kwargs: kwargs["default"] = make_tuple(kwargs["default"]) # instantiate cls when inst is not set, or set cls base on inst if self._inst is None: self._inst = self._cls() else: self._cls = self._inst.__class__ super(CSVParameter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _check_unique(self, value): if not self._unique: return value return make_unique(value) def _check_sort(self, value): if not self._sort: return value key = self._sort if callable(self._sort) else None value = sorted(value, key=key) return tuple(value) def _check_len(self, value): str_repr = lambda: ",".join(str(v) for v in value) if self._min_len is not None and len(value) < self._min_len: raise ValueError("'{}' contains {} value(s), a minimum of {} is required".format( str_repr(), len(value), self._min_len)) # check max_len if self._max_len is not None and len(value) > self._max_len: raise ValueError("'{}' contains {} value(s), a maximum of {} is required".format( str_repr(), len(value), self._max_len)) def _check_choices(self, value): if not self._choices: return unknown = [] for v in value: if v not in self._choices: unknown.append(v) if unknown: str_repr = lambda value: ",".join(str(v) for v in value) raise ValueError("invalid parameter value(s) '{}', valid choices are '{}'".format( str_repr(make_unique(unknown)), str_repr(self._choices))) def parse(self, inp): """""" return_single_value = False if inp in (None, "", NO_STR, no_value): value = tuple() elif isinstance(inp, (tuple, list)) or is_lazy_iterable(inp): value = make_tuple(inp) elif isinstance(inp, six.string_types): if self._brace_expand: elems = brace_expand(inp, split_csv=True, escape_csv_sep=self._escape_sep) else: # replace escaped separators if self._escape_sep: escaped_sep = "__law_escaped_csv_sep__" inp = inp.replace("\\,", escaped_sep) # proper csv split elems = list(csv.reader([inp]))[0] # add back escaped separators per element if self._escape_sep: elems = [elem.replace(escaped_sep, ",") for elem in elems] # skip trailing empty strings if not elems[-1]: elems.pop() # parse value = tuple(map(self._inst.parse, elems)) return_single_value = len(value) == 1 and not self._force_tuple else: value = (inp,) # apply uniqueness, sort, length and choices checks value = self._check_unique(value) value = self._check_sort(value) self._check_len(value) self._check_choices(value) return value[0] if return_single_value else value def serialize(self, value): """""" if value in (None, NO_STR, no_value): value = tuple() # ensure value is a tuple was_sequence = isinstance(value, (tuple, list)) value = make_tuple(value) # apply uniqueness, sort, length and choices checks value = self._check_unique(value) value = self._check_sort(value) self._check_len(value) self._check_choices(value) # convert to string s = ",".join(str(self._inst.serialize(elem)) for elem in value) # add a trailing comma if necessary if len(value) == 1 and not self._force_tuple and was_sequence: s += "," return s
[docs]class MultiCSVParameter(CSVParameter): r""" __init__(*args, cls=luigi.Parameter, inst=None, unique=False, sort=False, min_len=None, \ max_len=None, choices=None, brace_expand=False, escape_sep=True, force_tuple=True, **kwargs) Parameter that parses several comma-separated values (CSV), separated by colons, and produces a nested tuple. *cls* (*inst*) can refer to an other parameter class (instance) that will be used to parse and serialize the particular items. Except for the additional support for multiple CSV sequences, the parsing and serialization implementation is based on :py:class:`CSVParameter`, which also handles the features controlled by *unique*, *sort*, *max_len*, *min_len*, *choices*, *brace_expand*, *escape_sep* and *force_tuple* per sequence of values. However, note that in this case colon characters that are not meant to act as a delimiter cannot be quoted in csv-style with double quotes, but they should rather be backslash-escaped instead. Unless *escape_sep* is *False*, escaped separators (colon) are not split when parsing strings and, likewise, separators contained in values to serialze are escaped. Example: .. code-block:: python p = MultiCSVParameter(cls=luigi.IntParameter) p.parse("4,5:6,6") # => ((4, 5), (6, 6)) p.serialize((7, 8, (9,))) # => "7,8:9" # ":" that should not be used as delimiter p = MultiCSVParameter() p.parse("a,b:\"c:d\"") # -> (("a", "b"), ("c:d",)) # same as p.parse("a,b:c\:d") # -> (("a", "b"), ("c:d",)) # uniqueness check p = MultiCSVParameter(cls=luigi.IntParameter, unique=True) p.parse("4,5:6,6") # => ((4, 5), (6,)) # length check p = MultiCSVParameter(cls=luigi.IntParameter, max_len=2) p.parse("4,5:6,7,8") # => ValueError # choices p = MultiCSVParameter(cls=luigi.IntParameter, choices=(1, 2)) p.parse("1,2:2,3") # => ValueError # brace expansion # (note that with brace_expand enabled, the quoting if ":" only works with back slashes) p = MultiCSVParameter(cls=luigi.IntParameter, brace_expand=True) p.parse("4,5:6,7,8{8,9}") # => ((4, 5), (6, 7, 88, 89)) .. note:: Due to the way `instance caching <>`__ is implemented in luigi, parameters should always have hashable values. Therefore, this parameter produces a (nested) tuple and, in particular, not a list. To avoid undesired side effects, the *default* value given to the constructor is also converted to a tuple. .. py:attribute:: _inst type: :py:attr:`cls` Instance of the luigi parameter class *cls* or *inst* directly, that is used internally for parameter parsing and serialization. """ # custom csv dialect for splitting by ":" for automatic quoting class _Dialect(csv.excel): delimiter = ":" _dialect = _Dialect() def parse(self, inp): """""" if not inp or inp == NO_STR: value = tuple() elif isinstance(inp, (tuple, list)) or is_lazy_iterable(inp): value = tuple(super(MultiCSVParameter, self).parse(v) for v in inp) elif isinstance(inp, six.string_types): # replace escaped separators if self._escape_sep: escaped_sep = "__law_escaped_multi_csv_sep__" inp = inp.replace("\\" + ":", escaped_sep) # split elems = list(csv.reader([inp], dialect=self._dialect))[0] # add back escaped separators per element if self._escape_sep: elems = [elem.replace(escaped_sep, ":") for elem in elems] value = tuple(super(MultiCSVParameter, self).parse(e) for e in elems) else: value = (super(MultiCSVParameter, self).parse(inp),) return value def serialize(self, value): """""" if not value: return "" return ":".join(super(MultiCSVParameter, self).serialize(v) for v in make_tuple(value))
[docs]class RangeParameter(Parameter): """ __init__(*args, require_start=True, require_end=True, single_value=False, **kwargs) Parameter that parses a range in the format ``start:stop`` and returns a tuple with two integer elements. When *require_start* or *require_stop* are *False*, the formats ``:stop`` and ``start:``, respectively, are accepted as well. In these cases, the tuple will contain an attribute :py:attr:`OPEN` do denote that either side is unconstrained. When *single_value* is *True*, single integer values are accepted and lead to a tuple with one element. .. code-block:: python p = RangeParameter() p.parse("4:8") # => (4, 8) p.serialize((5, 9)) # => "5:9" p.parse("4:") # => ValueError p.parse("4") # => ValueError p = RangeParameter(require_start=False, require_stop=False) p.parse("4:5") # => (4, 5) p.parse("4:") # => (4, OPEN) p.parse(":5") # => (OPEN, 5) p.parse(":") # => (OPEN, OPEN) p.serialize((OPEN, 8)) # => ":8" p = RangeParameter(single_value=True) p.parse("4") # => (4,) p.serialize((5,)) # => "4" .. py:classattribute:: RANGE_SEP type: string Character used as a separator between range edges when parsing strings and serializing values. Defaults to ``":"``. .. py:classattribute:: OPEN type: None Value denoting open edges in parsed ranges. """ RANGE_SEP = ":" OPEN = None
[docs] @classmethod def expand(cls, range, **kwargs): """ Expands *range* (as returned by :py:meth:`parse`) to a sorted list of unique integers. Additional *kwargs* are forwarded to :py:func:`law.util.range_expand`. .. code-block:: python RangeParameter.expand((4, 8)) # -> [4, 5, 6, 7] """ return sorted(set(range_expand(range, **kwargs)))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._require_start = kwargs.pop("require_start", True) self._require_end = kwargs.pop("require_end", True) self._single_value = kwargs.pop("single_value", False) # ensure that the default value is a tuple if "default" in kwargs: kwargs["default"] = make_tuple(kwargs["default"]) super(RangeParameter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _check(self, value): if not isinstance(value, tuple): raise TypeError("invalid type of range {}, must be a tuple".format(value)) elif len(value) == 1 and self._single_value: if not isinstance(value[0], six.integer_types): raise TypeError("invalid type of single value in range {}".format(value)) elif len(value) == 2: start, end = value if start == self.OPEN: if self._require_start: raise ValueError("range {} lacks start value which is required".format(value)) elif not isinstance(start, six.integer_types): raise TypeError("invalid type of start value in range {}".format(value)) if end == self.OPEN: if self._require_end: raise ValueError("range {} lacks end value which is required".format(value)) elif not isinstance(end, six.integer_types): raise TypeError("invalid type of end value in range {}".format(value)) elif value: raise ValueError("cannot interpret {} with {} elements as {}".format( value, len(value), self.__class__.__name__)) def parse(self, inp): """""" if inp in (None, "", NO_STR, no_value): value = tuple() elif isinstance(inp, (tuple, list)) or is_lazy_iterable(inp): value = make_tuple(inp) elif isinstance(inp, six.integer_types): value = (inp,) elif isinstance(inp, six.string_types): parts = inp.split(self.RANGE_SEP) # convert integers try: value = tuple((int(p) if p else self.OPEN) for p in parts) except ValueError: raise ValueError("range '{}' contains non-integer elements".format(inp)) else: value = (inp,) self._check(value) return value def serialize(self, value): """""" if not value: value = tuple() self._check(value) value = [("" if v == self.OPEN else str(v)) for v in value] return self.RANGE_SEP.join(value)
[docs]class MultiRangeParameter(RangeParameter): """ __init__(*args, require_start=True, require_end=True, single_value=False, **kwargs) Parameter that parses several integer ranges (each in the format ``start-end``), separated by comma, and produces a nested tuple. Except for the additional support for multiple ranges, the parsing and serialization implementation is based on :py:class:`RangeParameter`, which also handles the control of open edges with *require_start* and *require_end*, and the acceptance of single integer values with *single_value*. Example: .. code-block:: python p = MultiRangeParameter() p.parse("4:8,12:14") # => ((4, 8), (12, 14)) p.serialize(((5, 9), (13, 15))) # => ""5:9,13:15"" .. py:classattribute:: MULTI_RANGE_SEP type: string Character used as a separator between ranges when parsing strings and serializing values. Defaults to ``","``. """ MULTI_RANGE_SEP = ","
[docs] @classmethod def expand(cls, ranges, **kwargs): """ Expands *ranges* (as returned by :py:meth:`parse`) to a sorted list of unique integers. Additional *kwargs* are forwarded to :py:func:`law.util.range_expand`. .. code-block:: python MultiRangeParameter.expand(((4, 8), (12, 14))) # -> [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14] """ return sorted(set.union(*map(set, map(functools.partial(range_expand, **kwargs), ranges))))
def parse(self, inp): """""" if inp in (None, "", NO_STR, no_value): value = tuple() elif isinstance(inp, (tuple, list)) or is_lazy_iterable(inp): value = tuple(super(MultiRangeParameter, self).parse(v) for v in inp) elif isinstance(inp, six.string_types): elems = inp.split(self.MULTI_RANGE_SEP) value = tuple(super(MultiRangeParameter, self).parse(e) for e in elems) else: value = (super(MultiRangeParameter, self).parse(inp),) return value def serialize(self, value): """""" if not value: return "" # ensure that value is a nested tuple value = tuple(map(make_tuple, make_tuple(value))) return self.MULTI_RANGE_SEP.join( super(MultiRangeParameter, self).serialize(v) for v in value)
[docs]class NotifyParameter(luigi.BoolParameter, Parameter): """ Base class for notification parameters. A notification parameter must provide a notification transport in :py:meth:`get_transport`, e.g. .. code-block:: python def get_transport(self): return { "func": notification_func, "raw": True, # or False } When a task has a specific notification parameter set to *True* and its run method is decorated with the :py:func:`law.notify` function, *notification_func* is called with at least three arguments: *success*, *title* and *message*. *success* is a boolean which is *True* when the decorated function did not raise an exception. *title* is always a string. When *raw* is *False* (the default), *message* is also a string. Otherwise, it is an ordered dictionary containing key value pairs describing the message content. All options passed to :py:func:`law.decorator.notify` are forwarded to *notification_func* as optional arguments. """
[docs] def get_transport(self): """ Method to configure the transport that is toggled by this parameter. Should return a dictionary with ``"func"`` and ``"raw"`` (optional) fields. """ return None
[docs]class NotifyMultiParameter(NotifyParameter): """ __init__(parameters=[], *args, **kwargs) Parameter that takes multiple other :py:class:`NotifyParameter`'s to join their notification functionality in a single parameter. Example: .. code-block:: python class MyTask(law.Task): notify = law.NotifyMultiParameter(parameters=[ law.NotifyMailParameter(significant=False), ... # further NotifyParameters ]) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.parameters = kwargs.pop("parameters", []) super(NotifyMultiParameter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_transport(self): """""" return [param.get_transport() for param in self.parameters]
[docs]class NotifyMailParameter(NotifyParameter): """ Notification parameter defining a basic email transport. Uses :py:meth:`law.notification.notify_mail` internally. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NotifyMailParameter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not self.description: self.description = "when true, and the task's run method is decorated with " \ "law.decorator.notify, an email notification is sent once the task finishes" @classmethod def notify(success, *args, **kwargs): """""" return notify_mail(*args, **kwargs) def get_transport(self): """""" return { "func": self.notify, "raw": False, "colored": False, }
# trailing imports from law.task.base import Task