Source code for law.parser

# coding: utf-8

Helpers to extract useful information from the luigi command line parser.

__all__ = []

from collections import OrderedDict
from argparse import ArgumentParser

import luigi

from law.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

# cached objects
_root_task = None
_full_parser = None
_root_task_parser = None
_global_cmdline_args = None
_global_cmdline_values = None

def root_task(task=None):
    Returns the instance of the task that was triggered on the command line. The returned instance
    is cached. When *task* is define and no root task was cached yet, this methods acts as a setter.
    global _root_task

    if not _root_task:
        if task:
            _root_task = task
            logger.debug("set root task to externally passed instance")
            luigi_parser = luigi.cmdline_parser.CmdlineParser.get_instance()
            if not luigi_parser:
                return None

            _root_task = luigi_parser.get_task_obj()

            logger.debug("built root task instance using luigi argument parser")

    return _root_task

[docs]def full_parser(): """ Returns the full *ArgumentParser* used by the luigi ``CmdlineParser``. The returned instance is cached. """ global _full_parser if not _full_parser: luigi_parser = luigi.cmdline_parser.CmdlineParser.get_instance() if not luigi_parser: return None # build the full argument parser with luigi helpers root_task = luigi_parser.known_args.root_task _full_parser = luigi_parser._build_parser(root_task=root_task) logger.debug("built full luigi argument parser") return _full_parser
[docs]def root_task_parser(): """ Returns a new *ArgumentParser* instance that only contains parameter actions of the root task. The returned instance is cached. """ global _root_task_parser if not _root_task_parser: luigi_parser = luigi.cmdline_parser.CmdlineParser.get_instance() if not luigi_parser: return None root_task = luigi_parser.known_args.root_task # get all root task parameter destinations root_dests = [] for task_name, _, param_name, _ in luigi.task_register.Register.get_all_params(): if task_name == root_task: root_dests.append(param_name) # create a new parser and add all root actions _root_task_parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) for action in list(full_parser()._actions): if not action.option_strings or action.dest in root_dests: _root_task_parser._add_action(action) logger.debug("built luigi argument parser for root task {}".format(root_task)) return _root_task_parser
[docs]def global_cmdline_args(exclude=None): """ Returns a dictionary with keys and string values of command line arguments that do not belong to the root task. For bool parameters, such as ``--local-scheduler``, ``"True"`` is assumed if they are used as flags, i.e., without a parameter value. The returned dict is cached. *exclude* can be a list of argument names (with or without the leading ``"--"``) to be removed. Example: .. code-block:: python global_cmdline_args() # -> {"--local-scheduler": "True", "--workers": "4"} global_cmdline_args(exclude=["workers"]) # -> {"--local-scheduler": "True"} """ global _global_cmdline_args if not _global_cmdline_args: luigi_parser = luigi.cmdline_parser.CmdlineParser.get_instance() if not luigi_parser: return None _global_cmdline_args = OrderedDict() args = list(root_task_parser().parse_known_args(luigi_parser.cmdline_args)[1]) # expand bool flags while args: arg = args.pop(0) # the argument must start with "--" if not arg.startswith("--"): raise Exception("global argument must start with '--', found '{}'".format(arg)) # get the corresponding value which is either part of the argument itself in the format # "--arg=value" or passed in the next argument which must not start with "--" (in this # case it is interpreted as a boolean "True" value) if "=" in arg: arg, value = arg.split("=", 1) elif args and not args[0].startswith("--"): value = args.pop(0) else: value = "True" _global_cmdline_args[arg] = value args = _global_cmdline_args if exclude: args = OrderedDict(args) for key in exclude: if not key.startswith("--"): key = "--" + key.lstrip("-") args.pop(key, None) return args
[docs]def global_cmdline_values(): """ Returns a dictionary of global command line arguments (computed with :py:func:`global_cmdline_args`) to their current values. The returnd dictionary is cached. Example: .. code-block:: python global_cmdline_values() # -> {"core_local_scheduler": True} """ global _global_cmdline_values if not _global_cmdline_values: luigi_parser = luigi.cmdline_parser.CmdlineParser.get_instance() if not luigi_parser: return None # go through all actions of the full luigi parser and compare option strings # with the global cmdline args parser = full_parser() global_args = global_cmdline_args() _global_cmdline_values = {} for action in parser._actions: if any(arg in action.option_strings for arg in global_args): _global_cmdline_values[action.dest] = getattr(luigi_parser.known_args, action.dest) return _global_cmdline_values
def _reset(): """ Resets all singletons defined by the parser functions above. """ global _root_task global _full_parser global _root_task_parser global _global_cmdline_args global _global_cmdline_values _root_task = None _full_parser = None _root_task_parser = None _global_cmdline_args = None _global_cmdline_values = None