Source code for law.patches

# coding: utf-8

Collection of minor patches for luigi. These patches are only intended to support extra features for
law, rather than changing default luigi behavior.

__all__ = ["before_run", "patch_all"]

import re
import functools
import copy
import logging

import luigi
import law
from law.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

_patched = False

_before_run_funcs = []

[docs]def before_run(func, force=False): """ Adds a function *func* to the list of callbacks that are invoked right before luigi starts running scheduled tasks. Unless *force* is *True*, a function that is already registered is not added again and *False* is returned. Otherwise, *True* is returned. """ if func not in _before_run_funcs or force: _before_run_funcs.append(func) return True return False
[docs]def patch_all(): """ Runs all patches. This function ensures that a second invocation has no effect. """ global _patched if _patched: return _patched = True patch_schedule_and_run() patch_task_process_run() patch_default_retcodes() patch_worker_add_task() patch_worker_add() patch_worker_run_task() patch_worker_get_work() patch_worker_factory() patch_keepalive_run() patch_luigi_run_result() patch_cmdline_parser() patch_interface_logging() patch_parameter_copy() patch_parameter_parse_or_no_value() logger.debug("applied all law-specific luigi patches")
[docs]def patch_schedule_and_run(): """ Patches ``luigi.interface._schedule_and_run`` to invoke all callbacks registered via :py:func:`before_run` right before luigi starts running scheduled tasks. This is achieved by patching ```` within the scope of ``luigi.interface._schedule_and_run``. """ _schedule_and_run_orig = luigi.interface._schedule_and_run @functools.wraps(_schedule_and_run_orig) def _schedule_and_run(*args, **kwargs): run_orig = @functools.wraps(run_orig) def run(self): # invoke all registered before_run functions for func in _before_run_funcs: if callable(func): logger.debug("calling before_run function {}".format(func)) func() else: logger.warning("registered before_run function {} is not callable".format(func)) return run_orig(self) with law.util.patch_object(luigi.worker.Worker, "run", run): return _schedule_and_run_orig(*args, **kwargs) luigi.interface._schedule_and_run = _schedule_and_run logger.debug("patched luigi.interface._schedule_and_run")
def patch_task_process_run(): """ Patches ```` to increase the severity of luigi's interface logger when running local workflows that already yielded their branch tasks as dynamic dependencies. """ run_orig = interface_logger = logging.getLogger("luigi-interface") @functools.wraps(run_orig) def run(self): previous_level = interface_logger.level # update logging for local workflows that already yielded their branch tasks if ( isinstance(self.task, law.LocalWorkflow) and self.task.is_workflow() and isinstance(self.task.workflow_proxy, law.workflow.local.LocalWorkflowProxy) and not self.task.local_workflow_require_branches and self.task.workflow_proxy._local_workflow_has_yielded ): interface_logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) try: return run_orig(self) finally: interface_logger.setLevel(previous_level) = run logger.debug("patched")
[docs]def patch_default_retcodes(): """ Sets the default luigi return codes in ``luigi.retcodes.retcode`` to: - already_running: 10 - missing_data: 20 - not_run: 30 - task_failed: 40 - scheduling_error: 50 - unhandled_exception: 60 """ import luigi.retcodes retcode = luigi.retcodes.retcode retcode.already_running._default = 10 retcode.missing_data._default = 20 retcode.not_run._default = 30 retcode.task_failed._default = 40 retcode.scheduling_error._default = 50 retcode.unhandled_exception._default = 60 logger.debug("patched luigis default return codes")
[docs]def patch_worker_add_task(): """ Patches the ``luigi.worker.Worker._add_task`` method to skip dependencies of the triggered task when running in a sandbox, as dependencies are already controlled from outside the sandbox. Also, the severity of luigi's interface logging is increased when running in a sandbox. """ _add_task_orig = luigi.worker.Worker._add_task interface_logger = logging.getLogger("luigi-interface") @functools.wraps(_add_task_orig) def _add_task(self, *args, **kwargs): previous_level = interface_logger.level if law.sandbox.base._sandbox_switched: # increase the log level interface_logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # reset deps if "deps" in kwargs: kwargs["deps"] = None try: return _add_task_orig(self, *args, **kwargs) finally: interface_logger.setLevel(previous_level) luigi.worker.Worker._add_task = _add_task logger.debug("patched luigi.worker.Worker._add_task")
[docs]def patch_worker_add(): """ Patches the ``luigi.worker.Worker._add`` method to make sure that no dependencies are yielded when the triggered task is added to the worker when running in a sandbox and that the task is added to the scheduler with the id of the outer task. """ _add_orig = luigi.worker.Worker._add @functools.wraps(_add_orig) def _add(self, task, *args, **kwargs): # _add_orig returns a generator, which we simply drain here # when we are in a sandbox if law.sandbox.base._sandbox_switched: task.task_id = law.sandbox.base._sandbox_task_id for _ in _add_orig(self, task, *args, **kwargs): pass return [] else: return _add_orig(self, task, *args, **kwargs) luigi.worker.Worker._add = _add logger.debug("patched luigi.worker.Worker._add")
[docs]def patch_worker_run_task(): """ Patches the ``luigi.worker.Worker._run_task`` method to store the worker id and the id of its first task in the task. This information is required by the sandboxing mechanism. """ _run_task_orig = luigi.worker.Worker._run_task @functools.wraps(_run_task_orig) def _run_task(self, task_id): task = self._scheduled_tasks[task_id] task._worker_id = self._id task._worker_first_task_id = self._first_task try: _run_task_orig(self, task_id) finally: task._worker_id = None task._worker_first_task_id = None # make worker disposable when sandboxed if law.sandbox.base._sandbox_switched: self._start_phasing_out() luigi.worker.Worker._run_task = _run_task logger.debug("patched luigi.worker.Worker._run_task")
[docs]def patch_worker_get_work(): """ Patches the ``luigi.worker.Worker._get_work`` method to only return information of the sandboxed task when running in a sandbox. This way, actual (outer) task and the sandboxed (inner) task appear to a central as the same task and communication for exchanging (e.g.) messages becomes transparent. """ _get_work_orig = luigi.worker.Worker._get_work @functools.wraps(_get_work_orig) def _get_work(self): if law.sandbox.base._sandbox_switched: # when the worker is configured to stop requesting work, as triggered by the patched # _run_task method (see above), the worker response should contain an empty task_id task_id = None if self._stop_requesting_work else law.sandbox.base._sandbox_task_id return luigi.worker.GetWorkResponse( task_id=task_id, running_tasks=[], n_pending_tasks=0, n_unique_pending=0, n_pending_last_scheduled=0, worker_state=luigi.worker.WORKER_STATE_ACTIVE, ) else: return _get_work_orig(self) luigi.worker.Worker._get_work = _get_work logger.debug("patched luigi.worker.Worker._get_work")
[docs]def patch_worker_factory(): """ Patches the ``luigi.interface._WorkerSchedulerFactory`` to include sandboxing information when creating a worker instance. """ def create_worker(self, scheduler, worker_processes, assistant=False): worker = luigi.worker.Worker(scheduler=scheduler, worker_processes=worker_processes, assistant=assistant, worker_id=law.sandbox.base._sandbox_worker_id or None) worker._first_task = law.sandbox.base._sandbox_worker_first_task_id or None return worker luigi.interface._WorkerSchedulerFactory.create_worker = create_worker logger.debug("patched luigi.interface._WorkerSchedulerFactory.create_worker")
[docs]def patch_keepalive_run(): """ Patches the ```` to immediately stop the keep-alive thread when running within a sandbox. """ run_orig = @functools.wraps(run_orig) def run(self): # do not run the keep-alive loop when sandboxed if law.sandbox.base._sandbox_switched: self.stop() else: run_orig(self) = run logger.debug("patched")
def patch_luigi_run_result(): __init__orig = luigi.execution_summary.LuigiRunResult.__init__ @functools.wraps(__init__orig) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): __init__orig(self, *args, **kwargs) # condense the summary text into a single line when sandboxed if law.sandbox.base._sandbox_switched: self.summary_text = luigi.execution_summary._create_one_line_summary(self.status) luigi.execution_summary.LuigiRunResult.__init__ = __init__ logger.debug("patched luigi.execution_summary.LuigiRunResult.__init__")
[docs]def patch_cmdline_parser(): """ Patches the ``luigi.cmdline_parser.CmdlineParser`` to store the original command line arguments for later processing in the :py:class:`law.config.Config`, and to update the way that parameter objects are called to parse empty strings. """ __init__orig = luigi.cmdline_parser.CmdlineParser.__init__ @functools.wraps(__init__orig) def __init__(self, cmdline_args): __init__orig(self, cmdline_args) self.cmdline_args = cmdline_args luigi.cmdline_parser.CmdlineParser.__init__ = __init__ logger.debug("patched luigi.cmdline_parser.CmdlineParser.__init__") _get_task_kwargs_orig = luigi.cmdline_parser.CmdlineParser._get_task_kwargs @functools.wraps(_get_task_kwargs_orig) def _get_task_kwargs(self): res = {} for (param_name, param_obj) in self._get_task_cls().get_params(): attr = getattr(self.known_args, param_name) # always skip None if attr is None: continue # skip other empty values unless the parameter has parse_empty set if not attr and not getattr(param_obj, "parse_empty", False): continue # parse the value res.update(((param_name, param_obj.parse(attr)),)) return res luigi.cmdline_parser.CmdlineParser._get_task_kwargs = _get_task_kwargs logger.debug("patched luigi.cmdline_parser.CmdlineParser._get_task_kwargs")
[docs]def patch_interface_logging(): """ Patches ``luigi.setup_logging.InterfaceLogging._default`` to avoid adding multiple tty stream handlers to the logger named "luigi-interface" and to preserve any previously set log level. Also, the formatters of its stream handlers are amended in order to colorize parts of luigi log messages. """ _default_orig = luigi.setup_logging.InterfaceLogging._default # predefined styles for luigi log messages sched_action_colors = { "PENDING": {"color": "cyan"}, "DONE": {"color": "green"}, "FAILED": {"color": "red"}, } sched_task_style = {"style": "bright"} sched_done_style = {"color": "green", "style": "bright"} worker_action_colors = { "running": {"color": "cyan"}, "done": {"color": "green"}, "failed": {"color": "red"}, "new requirements": {"color": "magenta"}, } worker_task_style = sched_task_style # precompiled expressions cre_sched_action = r"^(Informed scheduler that task\s+)([^\s]+)(\s+has\sstatus\s+)({})(.*)$" cre_sched_action = re.compile(cre_sched_action.format("|".join(sched_action_colors.keys()))) cre_sched_done = re.compile("^(Done scheduling tasks)$") cre_worker_action = r"^(\[pid \d+\] Worker Worker\(.+\)\s+)({})(\s+)([^\(]+)(\(.+)$" cre_worker_action = re.compile(cre_worker_action.format("|".join(worker_action_colors.keys()))) # log message formatter to partially colorize some luigi logs def colorize_luigi_logs(record): msg = record.getMessage() # worker task messages m = cre_worker_action.match(msg) if m: s1, action, s2, task, s3 = m.groups() task = law.util.colored(task, **worker_task_style) action = law.util.colored(action, **worker_action_colors[action]) return s1 + action + s2 + task + s3 # scheduler task registration messages m = cre_sched_action.match(msg) if m: s1, task, s2, action, s3 = m.groups() task = law.util.colored(task, **sched_task_style) action = law.util.colored(action, **sched_action_colors[action]) return s1 + task + s2 + action + s3 # scheduler done building tree m = cre_sched_done.match(msg) if m: msg = law.util.colored(, **sched_done_style) return msg return msg @functools.wraps(_default_orig) def _default(cls, opts): _logger = logging.getLogger("luigi-interface") level_before = _logger.level tty_handlers_before = law.logger.get_tty_handlers(_logger) ret = _default_orig(opts) level_after = _logger.level tty_handlers_after = law.logger.get_tty_handlers(_logger) if level_before != logging.NOTSET and level_before != level_after: _logger.setLevel(level_before) if tty_handlers_before: for handler in tty_handlers_after[len(tty_handlers_before):]: _logger.removeHandler(handler) # update formatters to colorize messages for handler in _logger.handlers: if isinstance(handler.formatter, law.logger.LogFormatter): handler.formatter.format_msg = colorize_luigi_logs return ret luigi.setup_logging.InterfaceLogging._default = classmethod(_default) logger.debug("patched luigi.setup_logging.InterfaceLogging._default")
def patch_parameter_copy(): """ Patches ``luigi.parameter.Parameter`` to add a convenience methods that allows to copy parameter instances and assigning new attributes such as descriptions or default values. This same functionality will eventually be moved to luigi, but the patch might be kept for versions of luigi where it was not addded yet. """ def _copy(self, add_default_to_description=False, **kwargs): # copy the instance inst = copy.copy(self) # kwargs should in general match those accepted in the constructor, which are mostly saved # as instance attributes using the same name, except in some cases which must be redirected if "default" in kwargs and "_default" not in kwargs: kwargs["_default"] = kwargs.pop("default") if "config_path" in kwargs and "_config_path" not in kwargs: kwargs["_config_path"] = kwargs.pop("config_path") # overwrite attributes inst.__dict__.update(kwargs) # amend the description if add_default_to_description: prefix = "; " if inst.description else "" inst.description += "{}default: {}".format(prefix, inst._default) return inst luigi.parameter.Parameter.copy = _copy logger.debug("patched luigi.parameter.Parameter.copy") def patch_parameter_parse_or_no_value(): """ Patches ``luigi.parameter.Parameter`` to properly accept empty values such as empty strings for normal parameters or zeros for integer parameters instead of treating them as missing and to be replaced with default values. """ def _parse_or_no_value(self, x): empty = x is None or x is luigi.parameter._no_value return luigi.parameter._no_value if empty else self.parse(x) luigi.parameter.Parameter._parse_or_no_value = _parse_or_no_value logger.debug("patched luigi.parameter.Parameter._parse_or_no_value")