Source code for

# coding: utf-8

Custom base target definition.

__all__ = ["Target"]

from abc import abstractmethod

from law.config import Config
import as shims
from law.util import colored, create_hash
from law.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Target(shims.Target): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.optional = kwargs.pop("optional", False) self.external = kwargs.pop("external", False) super(Target, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): color = Config.instance().get_expanded_bool("target", "colored_repr") return self.repr(color=color) def __str__(self): color = Config.instance().get_expanded_bool("target", "colored_str") return self.repr(color=color) def __hash__(self): return self.hash @property def hash(self): return create_hash(self.uri(), to_int=True) def repr(self, color=None): if color is None: color = Config.instance().get_expanded_bool("target", "colored_repr") class_name = self._repr_class_name(self.__class__.__name__, color=color) parts = [self._repr_pair(*pair, color=color) for pair in self._repr_pairs()] parts += [self._repr_flag(flag, color=color) for flag in self._repr_flags()] return "{}({})".format(class_name, ", ".join(parts)) def colored_repr(self): # deprecation warning until v0.1 logger.warning_once("the use of {0}.colored_repr() is deprecated, please use " "{0}.repr(color=True) instead".format(self.__class__.__name__)) return self.repr(color=True) def _repr_pairs(self): return [] def _repr_flags(self): flags = [] if self.optional: flags.append("optional") if self.external: flags.append("external") return flags def _repr_class_name(self, name, color=False): return colored(name, "cyan") if color else name def _repr_pair(self, key, value, color=False): return "{}={}".format(colored(key, color="blue", style="bright") if color else key, value) def _repr_flag(self, name, color=False): return colored(name, color="magenta") if color else name def _copy_kwargs(self): return {"optional": self.optional, "external": self.external} def status_text(self, max_depth=0, flags=None, color=False, exists=None): if exists is None: exists = self.exists() if exists: text = "existent" _color = "green" else: text = "absent" _color = "grey" if self.optional else "red" return colored(text, _color, style="bright") if color else text
[docs] def complete(self, **kwargs): """ Returns almost the same state information as :py:meth:`exists` (called internally), but potentially also includes settings such as :py:attr:`optional`. All *kwargs* are forwarded to :py:meth:`exists`. This method is mostly useful in conjunction with task implementations whereas the vanilla :py:meth:`exists` method should be used when relying on the actual existence status. """ return self.optional or self.exists(**kwargs)
[docs] @abstractmethod def exists(self): return
@abstractmethod def remove(self, silent=True): return @abstractmethod def uri(self, return_all=False): return