Source code for law.task.interactive

# coding: utf-8

Functions that are invoked by interactive task methods.

__all__ = [
    "print_task_deps", "print_task_status", "print_task_output", "remove_task_output",

import os

import six

from law.config import Config
from import Target
from import FileSystemTarget
from import TargetCollection, FileCollection
from law.util import (
    colored, uncolored, uncolor_cre, flatten, flag_to_bool, query_choice, human_bytes,
    is_lazy_iterable, make_list, merge_dicts, makedirs, get_terminal_width,
from law.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

# formatting characters
fmt_chars = {
    "plain": {
        "ind": 2,
        "free": 1,
        "-": "-",
        "t": "+",
        "l": "+",
        "|": "|",
        ">": ">",
    "fancy": {
        "ind": 2,
        "free": 1,
        "-": "─",
        "t": "├",
        "l": "└",
        "|": "│",
        ">": ">",
fmt_chars["compact"] = merge_dicts(fmt_chars["plain"], {"free": 0})
fmt_chars["fancy_compact"] = merge_dicts(fmt_chars["fancy"], {"free": 0})

# helper to create a list of 3-tuples (target, depth, prefix) of an arbitrarily structured output
def _flatten_output(output, depth):
    if isinstance(output, (list, tuple, set)) or is_lazy_iterable(output):
        return [(outp, depth, "{}: ".format(i)) for i, outp in enumerate(output)]
    if isinstance(output, dict):
        return [(outp, depth, "{}: ".format(k)) for k, outp in six.iteritems(output)]
    return [(outp, depth, "") for outp in flatten(output)]

def _iter_output(output, offset, ind="  "):
    lookup = _flatten_output(output, 0)
    while lookup:
        output, odepth, oprefix = lookup.pop(0)
        ooffset = offset + odepth * ind

        if isinstance(output, Target):
            yield output, odepth, oprefix, ooffset, lookup

            # before updating the lookup list, but check if the output changes by this
            _lookup = _flatten_output(output, odepth + 1)
            if len(_lookup) > 0 and _lookup[0][0] == output:
                print(ooffset + oprefix + colored("not a target", color="red"))
                # print the key of the current structure
                print(ooffset + oprefix)

                # update the lookup list
                lookup[:0] = _lookup

def _print_wrapped(line, width, offset=""):
    # when the width is not set or the line is empty, just print the line
    if not line or width is None or width <= 0:

    # split into actual strings to print (even parts) and color/style modifiers (odd parts) for
    # proper width computation
    parts = [(part, i % 2 == 1) for i, part in enumerate(uncolor_cre.split(line))]

    # build lines with odd parts until the line is filled
    line, length, last_style = "", 0, ""
    while parts:
        part, is_style = parts.pop(0)
        if is_style:
            # style modifier
            line += part
            last_style = part
        elif length + len(part) <= width:
            # actual string that still fits
            line += part
            length += len(part)
            # actual string that would overflow the line, so add the characters that would still fit
            # and then print the line
            n = width - length
            line += part[:n]
            # add the remaining characters with an uncolored offset and reset the state
            parts[:0] = [
                ("\033[0m", True),
                (uncolored(offset), False),
                (last_style, True),
                (part[n:], False),
            line, length, last_style = "", 0, ""
    # print any leftover line
    if line:

[docs]def remove_task_output(task, max_depth=0, mode=None, run_task=False): from law.task.base import ExternalTask from law.workflow.base import BaseWorkflow max_depth = int(max_depth) print("remove task output with max_depth {}".format(max_depth)) run_task = flag_to_bool(run_task) if run_task: print("task will run after output removal") # get the format chars cfg = Config.instance() fmt_name = cfg.get_expanded("task", "interactive_format") fmt = fmt_chars.get(fmt_name, fmt_chars["fancy"]) # get the line break setting break_lines = cfg.get_expanded_bool("task", "interactive_line_breaks") out_width = cfg.get_expanded_int("task", "interactive_line_width") print_width = [(out_width if out_width > 0 else get_terminal_width()) if break_lines else None] _print = lambda line, offset: _print_wrapped(line, print_width[0], offset) # custom query_choice function that updates the terminal_width def _query_choice(*args, **kwargs): if print_width[0]: print_width[0] = out_width if out_width > 0 else get_terminal_width() return query_choice(*args, **kwargs) # determine the mode, i.e., interactive, dry, all modes = ["i", "d", "a"] mode_names = ["interactive", "dry", "all"] if mode and mode not in modes: raise Exception("unknown removal mode '{}'".format(mode)) if not mode: mode = _query_choice("removal mode?", modes, default="i", descriptions=mode_names) mode_name = mode_names[modes.index(mode)] print("selected {} mode".format(colored(mode_name, "blue", style="bright"))) print("") done = [] parents_last_flags = [] for dep, next_deps, depth, is_last in task.walk_deps( max_depth=max_depth, order="pre", yield_last_flag=True, ): del parents_last_flags[depth:] next_deps_shown = bool(next_deps) and (max_depth < 0 or depth < max_depth) # determine the print common offset offset = [(" " if f else fmt["|"]) + fmt["ind"] * " " for f in parents_last_flags[1:]] offset = "".join(offset) parents_last_flags.append(is_last) # print free space free_offset = offset + fmt["|"] free_lines = "\n".join(fmt["free"] * [free_offset]) if depth > 0 and free_lines: print(free_lines) # when the dep is a workflow, independent of its create_branch_map_before_repr setting, # preload its branch map which updates branch parameters if isinstance(dep, BaseWorkflow): dep.get_branch_map() # determine task offset and prefix task_offset = offset if depth > 0: task_offset += fmt["l" if is_last else "t"] + fmt["ind"] * fmt["-"] task_prefix = "{} {} ".format(depth, fmt[">"]) # determine text offset and prefix text_offset = offset if depth > 0: text_offset += (" " if is_last else fmt["|"]) + fmt["ind"] * " " text_prefix = (len(task_prefix) - 1) * " " text_offset += (fmt["|"] if next_deps_shown else " ") + text_prefix text_offset_ind = text_offset + fmt["ind"] * " " # print the task line _print(task_offset + task_prefix + dep.repr(color=True), text_offset) # always skip external tasks if isinstance(dep, ExternalTask): _print(text_offset_ind + colored("task is external", "yellow"), text_offset_ind) continue # skip when this task was already handled if dep in done: _print(text_offset_ind + colored("already handled", "yellow"), text_offset_ind) continue done.append(dep) # skip when mode is "all" and task is configured to skip if mode == "a" and getattr(dep, "skip_output_removal", False): _print(text_offset_ind + colored("configured to skip", "yellow"), text_offset_ind) continue # query for a decision per task when mode is "interactive" task_mode = None if mode == "i": task_mode = _query_choice(text_offset_ind + "remove outputs?", ["y", "n", "a"], default="y", descriptions=["yes", "no", "all"]) if task_mode == "n": continue # start the traversing through output structure for output, odepth, oprefix, ooffset, lookup in _iter_output( dep.output(), text_offset_ind, fmt["ind"] * " ", ): _print(ooffset + oprefix + output.repr(color=True), ooffset + len(oprefix) * " ") ooffset += fmt["ind"] * " " # skip external targets if getattr(output, "external", False): _print(ooffset + colored("external output", "yellow"), ooffset) continue # stop here when in dry mode if mode == "d": _print(ooffset + colored("dry removed", "yellow"), ooffset) continue # when the mode is "interactive" and the task decision is not "all", query per output if mode == "i" and task_mode != "a": if isinstance(output, TargetCollection): coll_choice = _query_choice(ooffset + "remove?", ("y", "n", "i"), default="n", descriptions=["yes", "no", "interactive"]) if coll_choice == "i": lookup[:0] = _flatten_output(output.targets, odepth + 1) continue else: target_choice = coll_choice else: target_choice = _query_choice(ooffset + "remove?", ("y", "n"), default="n", descriptions=["yes", "no"]) if target_choice == "n": _print(ooffset + colored("skipped", "yellow"), ooffset) continue # finally remove output.remove() _print(ooffset + colored("removed", "red", style="bright"), ooffset) return run_task
[docs]def fetch_task_output(task, max_depth=0, mode=None, target_dir=".", include_external=False): from law.task.base import ExternalTask from law.workflow.base import BaseWorkflow max_depth = int(max_depth) print("fetch task output with max_depth {}".format(max_depth)) target_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(str(target_dir))) print("target directory is {}".format(target_dir)) makedirs(target_dir) include_external = flag_to_bool(include_external) if include_external: print("include external tasks") # get the format chars cfg = Config.instance() fmt_name = cfg.get_expanded("task", "interactive_format") fmt = fmt_chars.get(fmt_name, fmt_chars["fancy"]) # get the line break setting break_lines = cfg.get_expanded_bool("task", "interactive_line_breaks") out_width = cfg.get_expanded_int("task", "interactive_line_width") print_width = [(out_width if out_width > 0 else get_terminal_width()) if break_lines else None] _print = lambda line, offset: _print_wrapped(line, print_width[0], offset) # custom query_choice function that updates the terminal_width def _query_choice(*args, **kwargs): if print_width[0]: print_width[0] = out_width if out_width > 0 else get_terminal_width() return query_choice(*args, **kwargs) # determine the mode, i.e., all, dry, interactive modes = ["i", "a", "d"] mode_names = ["interactive", "all", "dry"] if mode is None: mode = _query_choice("fetch mode?", modes, default="i", descriptions=mode_names) elif isinstance(mode, int): mode = modes[mode] else: mode = mode[0].lower() if mode not in modes: raise Exception("unknown fetch mode '{}'".format(mode)) mode_name = mode_names[modes.index(mode)] print("selected {} mode".format(colored(mode_name, "blue", style="bright"))) print("") done = [] parents_last_flags = [] for dep, next_deps, depth, is_last in task.walk_deps( max_depth=max_depth, order="pre", yield_last_flag=True, ): del parents_last_flags[depth:] next_deps_shown = bool(next_deps) and (max_depth < 0 or depth < max_depth) # determine the print common offset offset = [(" " if f else fmt["|"]) + fmt["ind"] * " " for f in parents_last_flags[1:]] offset = "".join(offset) parents_last_flags.append(is_last) # print free space free_offset = offset + fmt["|"] free_lines = "\n".join(fmt["free"] * [free_offset]) if depth > 0 and free_lines: print(free_lines) # when the dep is a workflow, independent of its create_branch_map_before_repr setting, # preload its branch map which updates branch parameters if isinstance(dep, BaseWorkflow): dep.get_branch_map() # determine task offset and prefix task_offset = offset if depth > 0: task_offset += fmt["l" if is_last else "t"] + fmt["ind"] * fmt["-"] task_prefix = "{} {} ".format(depth, fmt[">"]) # determine text offset and prefix text_offset = offset if depth > 0: text_offset += (" " if is_last else fmt["|"]) + fmt["ind"] * " " text_prefix = (len(task_prefix) - 1) * " " text_offset += (fmt["|"] if next_deps_shown else " ") + text_prefix text_offset_ind = text_offset + fmt["ind"] * " " # print the task line _print(task_offset + task_prefix + dep.repr(color=True), text_offset) if not include_external and isinstance(dep, ExternalTask): _print(text_offset_ind + colored("task is external", "yellow"), text_offset_ind) continue if dep in done: _print(text_offset_ind + colored("outputs already fetched", "yellow"), text_offset_ind) continue if mode == "i": task_mode = _query_choice(text_offset_ind + "fetch outputs?", ("y", "n", "a"), default="y", descriptions=["yes", "no", "all"]) if task_mode == "n": _print(text_offset_ind + colored("skipped", "yellow"), text_offset_ind) continue done.append(dep) # start the traversing through output structure with a lookup pattern for output, odepth, oprefix, ooffset, lookup in _iter_output( dep.output(), text_offset_ind, fmt["ind"] * " ", ): try: stat = output.stat() except: stat = None # print the target repr target_line = ooffset + oprefix + output.repr(color=True) if stat: target_line += " ({:.2f} {})".format(*human_bytes(stat.st_size)) _print(target_line, ooffset + len(oprefix) * " ") ooffset += fmt["ind"] * " " # skip external targets if not include_external and getattr(output, "external", False): _print(ooffset + colored("external output, skip", "yellow"), ooffset) continue # skip missing targets if stat is None and not isinstance(output, TargetCollection): _print(ooffset + colored("not existing, skip", "yellow"), ooffset) continue # skip targets without a copy_to_local method is_copyable = callable(getattr(output, "copy_to_local", None)) if not is_copyable and not isinstance(output, TargetCollection): _print(ooffset + colored("not a file target, skip", "yellow"), ooffset) continue # stop here when in dry mode if mode == "d": _print(ooffset + colored("dry fetched", "yellow"), ooffset) continue # collect actual outputs to fetch to_fetch = [output] if mode == "i" and task_mode != "a": if isinstance(output, TargetCollection): coll_choice = _query_choice(ooffset + "fetch?", ("y", "n", "i"), default="y", descriptions=["yes", "no", "interactive"]) if coll_choice == "i": lookup[:0] = _flatten_output(output.targets, odepth + 1) continue else: target_choice = coll_choice to_fetch = list(output._flat_target_list) else: target_choice = _query_choice(ooffset + "fetch?", ("y", "n"), default="y", descriptions=["yes", "no"]) if target_choice == "n": _print(ooffset + colored("skipped", "yellow"), ooffset) continue # flatten all target collections to_fetch_flat = [] while to_fetch: t = to_fetch.pop(0) if isinstance(t, TargetCollection): to_fetch[:0] = list(t._flat_target_list) else: to_fetch_flat.append(t) # actual copy for outp in to_fetch_flat: if not callable(getattr(outp, "copy_to_local", None)): continue basename = "{}__{}".format(dep.live_task_id, outp.basename) outp.copy_to_local(os.path.join(target_dir, basename), retries=0) _print(ooffset + "{} ({})".format(colored("fetched", "green", style="bright"), basename), ooffset)