Source code for law.workflow.base

# coding: utf-8

Workflow and workflow proxy base class definitions.

__all__ = [
    "BaseWorkflow", "WorkflowParameter", "workflow_property", "dynamic_workflow_condition",

import re
import copy
import functools
import itertools
import inspect
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from abc import abstractmethod

import luigi
import six

from law.task.base import Register
from law.task.proxy import ProxyTask, ProxyAttributeTask
from import TargetCollection
from import LocalFileTarget
from law.parameter import NO_STR, MultiRangeParameter, CSVParameter
from law.util import (
    no_value, make_list, make_set, iter_chunks, range_expand, range_join, create_hash,
    is_classmethod, DotDict,
from law.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseWorkflowProxy(ProxyTask): """ Base class of all workflow proxies. .. py:classattribute:: workflow_type type: string The named type of the workflow. This attribute refers to the value of the ``--workflow`` parameter on the command line to select a particular workflow. .. py:attribute:: task type: Task Reference to the actual *workflow* task. """ workflow_type = None add_workflow_run_decorators = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BaseWorkflowProxy, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # find decorators for this proxy's run method that can be configured on the actual task if self.add_workflow_run_decorators: for prefix in [self.workflow_type + "_", ""]: attr = "{}workflow_run_decorators".format(prefix) decorators = getattr(self.task, attr, None) if decorators is not None: # found decorators, so unbound, decorate and re-bound run_func = for decorator in decorators: run_func = decorator(run_func) = run_func.__get__(self, self.__class__) break self._workflow_has_reset_branch_map = False def _get_task_attribute(self, name, fallback=False): """ Return an attribute of the actual task named ``<workflow_type>_<name>``. When the attribute does not exist and *fallback* is *True*, try to return the task attribute simply named *name*. *name* can also be a sequence of strings that are check in the given order. In this case, the *fallback* option is not considered. Eventually, if no matching attribute is found, an AttributeError is raised. """ if isinstance(name, (list, tuple)): attributes = name else: attributes = [ "{}_{}".format(self.workflow_type, name), name, ] for attr in attributes: value = getattr(self.task, attr, no_value) if value != no_value: return value raise AttributeError("'{!r}' object has none of the requested attribute(s) {}".format( self, ",".join(map(str, attributes)), ))
[docs] def complete(self): """ Custom completion check that invokes the task's *workflow_complete* method and if it returns anything else than *NotImplemented* returns the value, or just does the default completion check otherwise. """ complete = self.task.workflow_complete() if complete is not NotImplemented: return complete return super(BaseWorkflowProxy, self).complete()
[docs] def requires(self): """ Returns the default workflow requirements in an ordered dictionary, which is updated with the return value of the task's *workflow_requires* method. """ reqs = DotDict() workflow_reqs = self.task.workflow_requires() if workflow_reqs: reqs.update(workflow_reqs) return reqs
[docs] def output(self): """ Returns the default workflow outputs in an ordered dictionary. At the moment this is just the collection of outputs of the branch tasks, stored with the key ``"collection"``. """ cls = self.task.output_collection_cls or TargetCollection targets = luigi.task.getpaths(self.task.get_branch_tasks()) collection = cls(targets, threshold=self.threshold(len(targets))) return DotDict([("collection", collection)])
[docs] def threshold(self, n=None): """ Returns the threshold number of tasks that need to be complete in order to consider the workflow as being complete itself. This takes into account the :py:attr:`law.BaseWorkflow.acceptance` parameter of the workflow. The threshold is passed to the :py:class:`law.TargetCollection` (or :py:class:`law.SiblingFileCollection`) within :py:meth:`output`. By default, the maximum number of tasks is taken from the length of the branch map. For performance purposes, you can set this value, *n*, directly. """ if n is None: n = len(self.task.get_branch_map()) acceptance = self.task.acceptance return (acceptance * n) if acceptance <= 1 else acceptance
[docs] def run(self): """ Default run implementation that resets the branch map once if requested. """ if self.task.reset_branch_map_before_run and not self._workflow_has_reset_branch_map: self._workflow_has_reset_branch_map = True # reset cached branch map, branch tasks and boundaries self.task._branch_map = None self.task._branch_tasks = None self.task.branches = self.task._initial_branches
[docs]def workflow_property(func=None, attr=None, setter=True, cache=False, empty_value=no_value): """ Decorator to declare an attribute that is stored only on a workflow and optionally cached for subsequent calls. Therefore, the decorated method is expected to (lazily) provide the value to cache if enabled. When the value is equal to *empty_value*, it is not cached and the next access to the property will invoke the decorated method again. The resulting value is stored as either ``_workflow_<func.__name__>`` or ``_workflow_cached_<func.__name__>`` on the workflow. By default, a setter is provded to overwrite the the attribute. Set *setter* to *False* to disable this feature. Example: .. code-block:: python class MyTask(Workflow): @workflow_property def common_data(self): # this method is always called with *self* being the *workflow* return some_demanding_computation() @workflow_property(attr="my_own_property", setter=False, cache=True) def common_data2(self): return some_other_computation() """ def decorator(func): _attr = attr or "_workflow_{}{}".format("cached_" if cache else "", func.__name__) @functools.wraps(func) def getter(self): wf = self.as_workflow() if getattr(wf, _attr, empty_value) == empty_value or not cache: setattr(wf, _attr, func(wf)) return getattr(wf, _attr) _setter = None if setter: def _setter(self, value): # noqa: F811 wf = self.as_workflow() setattr(wf, _attr, value) _setter.__name__ = func.__name__ return property(fget=getter, fset=_setter) return decorator if func is None else decorator(func)
class WorkflowParameter(CSVParameter): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # force an empty default value, disable single values being wrapped by tuples, and declare # the parameter as insignificant as they only act as a convenient branch lookup interface kwargs["default"] = no_value kwargs["force_tuple"] = False kwargs["significant"] = False super(WorkflowParameter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # linearize the default self._default = no_value def parse(self, inp): """""" if inp in (None, NO_STR, no_value): return no_value return super(WorkflowParameter, self).parse(inp) def serialize(self, value): """""" if value in (None, no_value): return "" return super(WorkflowParameter, self).serialize(value)
[docs]def dynamic_workflow_condition( condition_fn=None, create_branch_map_fn=None, requires_fn=None, output_fn=None, condition_as_workflow=False, cache_met_condition=True, ): """ Decorator factory that is meant to wrap a workflow methods that defines a dynamic workflow condition, returning a :py:class:`DynamicWorkflowCondition` instance. """ def decorator(condition_fn): return DynamicWorkflowCondition( condition_fn=condition_fn, create_branch_map_fn=create_branch_map_fn, requires_fn=requires_fn, output_fn=output_fn, condition_as_workflow=condition_as_workflow, cache_met_condition=cache_met_condition, ) return decorator if condition_fn is None else decorator(condition_fn)
class DynamicWorkflowCondition(object): """ Container for a workflow method that defines whether the branch map can be dynamically constructed or whether a placeholder should be used until the condition is met. Similar to Python's ``property``, instances of this class provide additional attributes for decorating other methods that usually depend on the branch map, such as branch requirements or outputs. It is recommended to use the :py:func:`dynamic_workflow_condition` decorator (factory). Example: .. code-block:: python class MyWorkflow(law.LocalWorkflow): def workflow_requires(self): # define requirements for the full workflow to start reqs = super().workflow_requires() reqs["files"] = OtherTask.req(self) return reqs @law.dynamic_workflow_condition def workflow_condition(self): # declare that the branch map can be built if the workflow requirement exists # note: self.input() refers to the outputs of tasks defined in workflow_requires() return self.input()["files"].exists() @workflow_condition.create_branch_map def create_branch_map(self): # let's assume that OtherTask produces a json file containing a list of objects # that _this_ workflows iterates over, so we can simply return this list here return self.input()["files"].load(formatter="json") def requires(self): # branch-level requirement # note: this is not really necessary, since the branch requirements are only # evaluated _after_ a branch map is built, so OtherTask must have been completed return OtherTask.req(self) @workflow_condition.output def output(self): # define the output return law.LocalFileTarget("file_{}.txt".format(self.branch)) def run(self): # trivial run implementation self.output().touch() The condition is defined by ``workflow_condition`` which is decorated by *this* object. Once it is met, the branch map is fully created and cached (as usual) for subsequent calls. In addition, both ``create_branch_map()`` and ``output()`` are decorated with corresponding attributes of the initially decorated object. As a result, both methods will return placeholder objects as long as the condition is not met - the branch map will be considered empty and the output will refer to a temporary placeholder target that is never created. Note that a third decorator for ``requires`` exists as well. As a consequence, the amended workflow is fully dynamic with its exact shape potentially depending heavily on conditions that are only known at runtime. Internally, the condition is evaluated by the calling task which is usually a workflow, but it can also be one of its branch tasks if, for instance, sandboxing is involved. Set *condition_as_workflow* to *True* to ensure that the condition is always evaluated by the workflow itself. In case the ``workflow_condition`` involves a costly computation, it is recommended to cache evluation of the condition by setting *cache_met_condition* argument to *True* or a string denoting the task instance attribute where the met condition is stored. In the first case, the attribute defaults to ``_dynamic_workflow_condition_met``. """ _decorator_result = object() def __init__( self, condition_fn, create_branch_map_fn=None, requires_fn=None, output_fn=None, condition_as_workflow=False, cache_met_condition=True, ): super(DynamicWorkflowCondition, self).__init__() # attributes self._condition_fn = condition_fn self._create_branch_map_fn = create_branch_map_fn self._requires_fn = requires_fn self._output_fn = output_fn self.condition_as_workflow = condition_as_workflow self.cache_met_condition = cache_met_condition if self.cache_met_condition and not isinstance(cache_met_condition, str): self.cache_met_condition = "_dynamic_workflow_condition_met" def _wrap_condition_fn(self): if self._condition_fn is None: return None @functools.wraps(self._condition_fn) def condition(inst, *args, **kwargs): # when caching, and the condition is already met, return the cached value if self.cache_met_condition and getattr(inst, self.cache_met_condition, False): return getattr(inst, self.cache_met_condition) # evaluate the condition task = inst.as_workflow() if self.condition_as_workflow else inst is_met = self._condition_fn(task, *args, **kwargs) # write to cache if requested if self.cache_met_condition and is_met: setattr(inst, self.cache_met_condition, is_met) return is_met return condition def create_branch_map(self, create_branch_map_fn): # store the function self._create_branch_map_fn = create_branch_map_fn return self._decorator_result def _wrap_create_branch_map(self, bound_condition_fn): if self._create_branch_map_fn is None: return None @functools.wraps(self._create_branch_map_fn) def create_branch_map(inst, *args, **kwargs): if not bound_condition_fn(): return [None] # enable branch map caching since the condition is met inst.cache_branch_map = True return self._create_branch_map_fn(inst, *args, **kwargs) return create_branch_map def requires(self, requires_fn): # store the function self._requires_fn = requires_fn return self._decorator_result def _wrap_requires(self, bound_condition_fn): if self._requires_fn is None: return None @functools.wraps(self._requires_fn) def requires(inst, *args, **kwargs): if not bound_condition_fn(): return [] # enable branch map caching since the condition is met inst.cache_branch_map = True return self._requires_fn(inst, *args, **kwargs) return requires def output(self, output_fn): # store the function self._output_fn = output_fn return self._decorator_result def _wrap_output(self, bound_condition_fn): if self._output_fn is None: return None @functools.wraps(self._output_fn) def output(inst, *args, **kwargs): if not bound_condition_fn(): return LocalFileTarget(is_tmp="DYNAMIC_WORKFLOW_PLACEHOLDER") # enable branch map caching since the condition is met inst.cache_branch_map = True return self._output_fn(inst, *args, **kwargs) return output def _iter_wrappers(self, bound_condition_fn): if self._create_branch_map_fn is not None: yield "create_branch_map", self._wrap_create_branch_map(bound_condition_fn) if self._requires_fn is not None: yield "requires", self._wrap_requires(bound_condition_fn) if self._output_fn is not None: yield "output", self._wrap_output(bound_condition_fn) def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self) class WorkflowRegister(Register): def __new__(metacls, name, bases, classdict): # handle dynamic workflow conditions condition_attr = metacls.check_dynamic_workflow_conditions(name, classdict) if condition_attr: # store the attribute when found and disable the branch map caching by default classdict["_condition_attr"] = condition_attr classdict.setdefault("cache_branch_map_default", False) # store a flag on the created class whether it defined a new workflow_proxy_cls # this flag will define the classes in the mro to consider for instantiating the proxy classdict["_defined_workflow_proxy"] = "workflow_proxy_cls" in classdict # create and return the class return super(WorkflowRegister, metacls).__new__(metacls, name, bases, classdict) @classmethod def check_dynamic_workflow_conditions(metacls, name, classdict): # check that only one condition is present in classdict condition_attr = None for attr, value in classdict.items(): if not isinstance(value, DynamicWorkflowCondition): continue if condition_attr: raise Exception( "class '{}' defined with more than one DynamicWorkflowCondition, found " "'{}' after previously registered '{}'".format(name, attr, condition_attr), ) condition_attr = attr return condition_attr
[docs]class BaseWorkflow(six.with_metaclass(WorkflowRegister, ProxyAttributeTask)): """ Base class of all workflows. .. py:classattribute:: workflow type: :py:class:`luigi.Parameter` Workflow type that refers to the workflow proxy implementation at instantiation / execution time. Empty default value. .. py:classattribute:: acceptance type: :py:class:`luigi.FloatParameter` Number of complete tasks to consider the workflow successful. Values larger than one are interpreted as absolute numbers, and as fractions otherwise. Defaults to *1.0*. .. py:classattribute:: tolerance type: :py:class:`luigi.FloatParameter` Number of failed tasks to still consider the workflow successful. Values larger than one are interpreted as absolute numbers, and as fractions otherwise. Defaults to *0.0*. .. py:classattribute:: branch type: :py:class:`luigi.IntParameter` The branch number to run this task for. *-1* means that this task is the actual *workflow*, rather than a *branch* task. Defaults to *-1*. .. py:classattribute:: branches type: :py:class:`law.MultiRangeParameter` Explicit list of branches or branch ranges to process. Empty default value. .. py:classattribute:: workflow_proxy_cls type: :py:class:`BaseWorkflowProxy` Reference to the workflow proxy class associated to this workflow. .. py:classattribute:: output_collection_cls type: :py:class:`law.TargetCollection` Configurable target collection class to use, such as :py:class:`target.collection.TargetCollection`, :py:class:`target.collection.FileCollection` or :py:class:`target.collection.SiblingFileCollection`. .. py:classattribute:: force_contiguous_branches type: bool Flag that denotes if this workflow is forced to use contiguous branch numbers, starting from 0. If *False*, an exception is raised otherwise. .. py:classattribute:: reset_branch_map_before_run type: bool Flag that denotes whether the branch map should be recreated from scratch before the run method of the underlying workflow proxy is called. .. py:classattribute:: create_branch_map_before_repr type: bool Flag that denotes whether the branch map should be created (if not already done) before the task representation is created via :py:meth:`repr`. .. py:classattribute:: cache_workflow_requirements type: bool Whether workflow requirements should be evaluated only cached and cached afterwards in the :py:attr:`_cached_workflow_requirements` attribute. Defaults to *False*. .. py:classattribute:: cache_branch_map_default type: bool The initial default value of the :py:attr:`cache_branch_map` attribute that decides whether the branch map be created only once and then cached in the :py:attr:`_branch_map` attribute. Defaults to *True*. .. py:classattribute:: workflow_run_decorators type: sequence, None Sequence of decorator functions that will be conveniently used to decorate the workflow proxy's run method. This way, there is no need to subclass and reset the :py:attr:`workflow_proxy_cls` just to add a decorator. The value is *None* by default. .. py:attribute:: workflow_cls type: :py:class:`law.Register` Reference to the class of the realized workflow. This is especially helpful in case your derived class inherits from multiple workflows. .. py:attribute:: workflow_proxy type: :py:class:`BaseWorkflowProxy` Reference to the underlying workflow proxy instance. .. py:attribute:: branch_map type: dict (read-only) Shorthand for :py:meth:`get_branch_map`. .. py:attribute:: branch_data type: any (read-only) Shorthand for ``self.branch_map[self.branch]``. """ workflow = luigi.Parameter( default=NO_STR, description="the type of the workflow to use; uses the first workflow type in the MRO when " "empty; default: empty", ) effective_workflow = luigi.Parameter( default=NO_STR, description="do not set manually", ) acceptance = luigi.FloatParameter( default=1.0, significant=False, description="number of finished tasks to consider the task successful; relative fraction " "(<= 1) or absolute value (> 1); default: 1.0", ) tolerance = luigi.FloatParameter( default=0.0, significant=False, description="number of failed tasks to still consider the task successful; relative " "fraction (<= 1) or absolute value (> 1); default: 0.0", ) pilot = luigi.BoolParameter( default=False, significant=False, description="disable certain configurable requirements of the workflow to let branch tasks " "resolve requirements on their own; default: False", ) branch = luigi.IntParameter( default=-1, description="the branch number/index to run this task for; -1 means this task is the " "workflow; default: -1", ) branches = MultiRangeParameter( default=(), require_start=False, require_end=False, single_value=True, description="comma-separated list of branches to select; each value can have the format " "'start:end' (end not included as per Python) to support range syntax; default: empty", ) # caches _cls_branch_map_cache = {} # configuration members workflow_proxy_cls = BaseWorkflowProxy output_collection_cls = None force_contiguous_branches = False reset_branch_map_before_run = False create_branch_map_before_repr = False cache_workflow_requirements = False cache_branch_map_default = True passthrough_requested_workflow = True workflow_run_decorators = None # skip from indexing exclude_index = True # parameter exclusions exclude_params_req = {"effective_workflow"} exclude_params_index = {"effective_workflow"} exclude_params_repr = {"workflow"} exclude_params_branch = {"acceptance", "tolerance", "pilot", "branches"} exclude_params_workflow = {"branch"} def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): inst = super(BaseWorkflow, cls).__new__(cls) # bind wrappers present in the optional condition object condition_attr = getattr(cls, "_condition_attr", None) if condition_attr: condition = getattr(inst, condition_attr, None) if isinstance(condition, DynamicWorkflowCondition): # bind the condition method itself bound_condition_fn = condition._wrap_condition_fn().__get__(inst) setattr(inst, condition_attr, bound_condition_fn) # store the condition object itself setattr(inst, condition_attr + "_obj", condition) # bind wrapped methods that currently correspond to placeholders for attr, wrapper in condition._iter_wrappers(bound_condition_fn): if getattr(inst, attr, None) != DynamicWorkflowCondition._decorator_result: continue setattr(inst, attr, wrapper.__get__(inst)) return inst
[docs] @classmethod def modify_param_values(cls, params): params = super(BaseWorkflow, cls).modify_param_values(params) # determine the default workflow type when not set if params.get("workflow") in [None, NO_STR]: params["workflow"] = cls.find_workflow_cls().workflow_proxy_cls.workflow_type # set the effective workflow parameter based on the actual resolution workflow_cls = cls.find_workflow_cls( name=params["workflow"], fallback_to_first=cls.passthrough_requested_workflow, ) params["effective_workflow"] = workflow_cls.workflow_proxy_cls.workflow_type # resolve workflow parameters params = cls._resolve_workflow_parameters(params) return params
@classmethod def _resolve_workflow_parameters(cls, params): """ Handles the translation from workflow parameters to branch values, updating *params* in-place. """ workflow_params = [ (name, param, params.get(name, no_value)) for name, param in cls.get_params() if isinstance(param, WorkflowParameter) ] # nothing to do when the task does not use workflow parameters if not workflow_params: return params # helper for error messages cjoin = lambda seq: ",".join(map(str, seq)) wparams_repr = lambda: cjoin(map("{0[0]}={0[2]}".format, workflow_params)) # when there are any workflow parameters, create_branch_map must be a classmethod since # there is no way of accessing this map before instantiation if not is_classmethod(cls.create_branch_map, cls): raise Exception( "{}.create_branch_map must be a classmethod accepting a single parameter (dict " "of parameter names and values) in case workflows use WorkflowParameter " "objects in order to perform branch value lookups prior to any task " "instantiation; found workflow parameter(s) {}".format( cls.__name__, wparams_repr(), ), ) # helper to extract an entry from branch data (usually a dict) def get_branch_value(branch, branch_data, key): if isinstance(branch_data, dict): if key in branch_data: return branch_data[key] elif getattr(branch_data, key, no_value) != no_value: return getattr(branch_data, key) raise AttributeError( "attribute or item '{}' unknown to branch data at branch {}: {}".format( key, branch, branch_data, ), ) # get the branch map, potentially from a cache try: # create a hash of all significant parameters to store the map h = hash((cls.task_family, tuple(params.items()))) except TypeError: # some parameter is not hashable h = None # recreate the maps if needed branch_map, branch_map_reversed = ( cls._cls_branch_map_cache[h] if h and h in cls._cls_branch_map_cache else (None, None) ) if branch_map is None: # get the map and sanitize it branch_map = cls.create_branch_map(params) branch_map = cls._sanitize_branch_map(branch_map, cls.force_contiguous_branches) # create the reversed map, using workflow parameter value tuples as keys branch_map_reversed = OrderedDict() for b, branch_data in branch_map.items(): key = tuple( get_branch_value(b, branch_data, name) for name, _, _ in workflow_params ) if key not in branch_map_reversed: branch_map_reversed[key] = [] branch_map_reversed[key].append(b) # cache if h: cls._cls_branch_map_cache[h] = (branch_map, branch_map_reversed) # get parameters branch = params.get("branch", -1) branches = params.get("branches", ()) # check if any or all workflow parameters are set, and if any of them is a sequence set_idxs = [i for i, (_, _, value) in enumerate(workflow_params) if value != no_value] any_set = len(set_idxs) > 0 all_set = len(set_idxs) == len(workflow_params) any_seq = any(isinstance(value, (tuple, list, set)) for _, _, value in workflow_params) # when all are set and none of them is a sequence, the workflow parameters can refer to # no branch (-> exception), one branch (-> assign it), or multiple branches (-> workflow) _branches = [] if all_set and not any_seq: values = tuple(value for _, _, value in workflow_params) _branches = branch_map_reversed.get(values, []) if len(_branches) == 0: raise ValueError( "workflow parameters {} do not match any branch in {}".format( wparams_repr(), cls.__name__, ), ) if all_set and not any_seq and _branches and len(_branches) == 1: # when all are set and do not refer to any sequence, # lookup the branch value and verify that workflow parameter values match _branch = _branches[0] if branch != -1 and branch != _branch: raise ValueError( "workflow parameters {} in {} refer to branch {}, but branch {} " "requested".format(wparams_repr(), cls.__name__, _branch, branch), ) # always overwrite params["branch"] = branch = _branch elif any_set: # at least one parameter is not set or is a sequence, resulting in a workflow, # and in both cases we can filter the branch map to determine matching branches # branch should not be set if branch != -1: raise ValueError( "workflow parameters {} will lead to {} being a workflow, but branch " "{} requested".format(wparams_repr(), cls.__name__, branch), ) if not _branches: # create a version of the reversed branch map where workflow parameters that are # not given are removed and corresponding branch values are merged branch_map_reversed_collapsed = defaultdict(list) for values, b in branch_map_reversed.items(): collapsed_values = tuple(values[i] for i in set_idxs) branch_map_reversed_collapsed[collapsed_values].extend(b) # lookup all branches matched by parameters _branches = [] names = [name for name, _, _ in workflow_params] sequences = (make_list(value) for _, _, value in workflow_params) for values in itertools.product(*sequences): collapsed_values = tuple(values[i] for i in set_idxs) if collapsed_values not in branch_map_reversed_collapsed: param_repr = cjoin(map("{0[0]}={0[1]}".format, zip(names, values))) raise Exception( "workflow parameter combination {} not found in branch map of " "{}".format(param_repr, cls.__name__), ) _branches.extend(branch_map_reversed_collapsed[collapsed_values]) # check if _branches match branches when set if branches: branches = range_expand(list(branches), include_end=True, min_value=0, max_value=max(branch_map)) if set(branches) != set(_branches): raise ValueError( "workflow parameters {} expanded in {} to branches ({}) do not match " "passed branches ({})".format( wparams_repr(), cls.__name__, cjoin(_branches), cjoin(branches), ), ) # always overwrite params["branches"] = tuple(range_join(_branches)) elif branch != -1: # set all workflow parameters according to the data in the branch map at "branch" if branch not in branch_map: raise KeyError( "branch map of task class {} does not contain branch {}".format( cls.__name__, branch, ), ) branch_data = branch_map[branch] for name, _, _ in workflow_params: params[name] = get_branch_value(branch, branch_data, name) return params @classmethod def find_workflow_cls(cls, name=None, fallback_to_first=False): first_cls = None for workflow_cls in inspect.getmro(cls): if not issubclass(workflow_cls, BaseWorkflow): continue if not workflow_cls._defined_workflow_proxy: continue if name in (workflow_cls.workflow_proxy_cls.workflow_type, None, NO_STR): return workflow_cls if first_cls is None: first_cls = workflow_cls if fallback_to_first and first_cls is not None: return first_cls msg = " for type '{}'".format(name) if name else "" raise ValueError("cannot determine workflow class{} in task class {}".format(msg, cls)) @classmethod def _sanitize_branch_map(cls, branch_map, force_contiguous_branches): if isinstance(branch_map, (list, tuple)): branch_map = dict(enumerate(branch_map)) elif isinstance(branch_map, six.integer_types): branch_map = dict(enumerate(range(branch_map))) elif force_contiguous_branches: n = len(branch_map) if set(branch_map.keys()) != set(range(n)): raise ValueError("branch map keys must constitute contiguous range " "[0, {})".format(n)) else: for branch in branch_map: if not isinstance(branch, six.integer_types) or branch < 0: raise ValueError("branch map keys must be non-negative integers, got " "'{}' ({})".format(branch, type(branch).__name__)) return branch_map
[docs] @classmethod def req_different_branching(cls, inst, **kwargs): """ Variation of :py:meth:`Task.req` that should be used when defining requirements between workflows that implement a different branch granularity (e.g. task B with 10 branches requires task A with 2 branches). The only difference to the base method is that workflow specific parameters such as *branches* or *tolerance* are automatically skipped when not added explicitly in *kwargs*. """ _exclude = set(make_list(kwargs.get("_exclude", []))) _exclude |= cls.exclude_params_branch kwargs["_exclude"] = _exclude return cls.req(inst, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BaseWorkflow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # store a list of workflow parameter names self._workflow_param_names = [ name for name, param in self.get_params() if isinstance(param, WorkflowParameter) ] # workflow and branch specific attributes if self.is_workflow(): # caches self._branch_map = None self._branch_tasks = None self._cache_branch_map = self.__class__.cache_branch_map_default self._cached_workflow_requirements = no_value # store whether workflow objects have been setup, which is done lazily, # and predefine all attributes that are set by it self._workflow_initialized = False self._workflow_cls = None self._workflow_proxy = None # initially set branches self._initial_branches = tuple(self.branches) else: # caches self._workflow_task = None @workflow_property(attr="_cache_branch_map") def cache_branch_map(self): return self._cache_branch_map @property def _cache_branches(self): # deprecation warning until v0.1 logger.warning( "accessing {0}._cache_branches is deprecated, use {0}.cache_branch_map instead".format( self.__class__.__name__, ), ) return self._cache_branch_map @_cache_branches.setter def _cache_branches(self, cache_branches): logger.warning( "setting {0}._cache_branches is deprecated, use {0}.cache_branch_map instead".format( self.__class__.__name__, ), ) self._cache_branch_map = cache_branches def _initialize_workflow(self, force=False): if self.is_branch(): return if self._workflow_initialized and not force: return self._workflow_cls = self.find_workflow_cls(self.effective_workflow) self._workflow_proxy = self._workflow_cls.workflow_proxy_cls(task=self) logger.debug( "created workflow proxy instance of type '{}'".format(self.effective_workflow), ) self._workflow_initialized = True @property def workflow_cls(self): self._initialize_workflow() return self.as_workflow()._workflow_cls @property def workflow_proxy(self): self._initialize_workflow() return self.as_workflow()._workflow_proxy def repr(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.create_branch_map_before_repr: self.get_branch_map() return super(BaseWorkflow, self).repr(*args, **kwargs) def cli_args(self, exclude=None, replace=None): exclude = set() if exclude is None else set(make_list(exclude)) # exclude certain branch/workflow parameters exclude |= self.exclude_params_branch if self.is_branch() else self.exclude_params_workflow # always exclude workflow parameters exclude |= set(self._workflow_param_names) return super(BaseWorkflow, self).cli_args(exclude=exclude, replace=replace) def _repr_params(self, *args, **kwargs): params = super(BaseWorkflow, self)._repr_params(*args, **kwargs) if self.is_workflow(): # when this is a workflow, add the requested or effective workflow type, # depending on whether the requested one is to be passed through workflow = ( self.workflow if self.passthrough_requested_workflow else self.effective_workflow ) params.setdefault("workflow", workflow) # skip branches when empty if not params.get("branches"): params.pop("branches", None) else: # when this is a branch, remove workflow parameters for param in self.exclude_params_branch: params.pop(param, None) return params def req_branch(self, branch, **kwargs): if branch == -1: raise ValueError( "branch must not be -1 when creating a new branch task via req_branch(), " "but got {}".format(branch), ) # default kwargs kwargs.setdefault("_skip_task_excludes", True) kwargs["_exclude"] = make_set(kwargs.get("_exclude", ())) | set(self._workflow_param_names) if self.is_workflow(): kwargs["_exclude"] |= set(self.exclude_params_branch) # create the task task = self.req(self, branch=branch, **kwargs) # set the _workflow_task attribute if known if task._workflow_task is None: task._workflow_task = self if self.is_workflow() else self._workflow_task return task def req_workflow(self, **kwargs): # default kwargs kwargs.setdefault("_skip_task_excludes", True) kwargs["_exclude"] = make_set(kwargs.get("_exclude", ())) | set(self._workflow_param_names) if self.is_branch(): kwargs["_exclude"] |= set(self.exclude_params_workflow) return self.req(self, branch=-1, **kwargs)
[docs] def is_branch(self): """ Returns whether or not this task refers to a *branch*. """ return self.branch != -1
[docs] def is_workflow(self): """ Returns whether or not this task refers to the *workflow*. """ return not self.is_branch()
[docs] def as_branch(self, branch=None): """ When this task refers to the workflow, a re-instantiated task with identical parameters and a certain *branch* value, defaulting to 0, is returned. When this task is already a branch task, the task itself is returned when *branch* is *None* or matches this task's branch value. Otherwise, a new branch task with that value and identical parameters is created and returned. """ if branch == -1: raise ValueError("branch must not be -1 when selecting a branch task") if self.is_branch() and branch in (None, self.branch): return self return self.req_branch(branch or 0)
[docs] def as_workflow(self): """ When this task refers to a branch task, a re-instantiated task with ``branch=-1`` and identical parameters is returned. Otherwise, the workflow itself is returned. """ if self.is_workflow(): return self if self._workflow_task is None: self._workflow_task = self.req_workflow() return self._workflow_task
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_branch_map(self): """ Abstract method that must be overwritten by inheriting tasks to define the branch map. """ return
def _reset_branch_boundaries(self, full_branch_map): if self.is_branch(): raise Exception("calls to _reset_branch_boundaries are forbidden for branch tasks") # rejoin branch ranges when given if self.branches: # get minimum and maximum branches branches = set(full_branch_map.keys()) min_branch = min(branches) max_branch = max(branches) + 1 # get expanded branch values branches = range_expand( list(self.branches), min_value=min_branch, max_value=max_branch, ) # assign back to branches attribute, use an empty tuple in case all branches are used use_all = ( len(branches) == len(full_branch_map) and set(branches) == set(full_branch_map) ) self.branches = () if use_all else tuple(range_join(branches)) def _reduce_branch_map(self, branch_map): if self.is_branch(): raise Exception("calls to _reduce_branch_map are forbidden for branch tasks") # create a set of branches to remove remove_branches = set() # apply branch ranges if self.branches: branches = set(branch_map.keys()) min_branch = min(branches) max_branch = max(branches) + 1 requested = range_expand( list(self.branches), min_value=min_branch, max_value=max_branch, ) remove_branches |= branches - set(requested) # remove from branch map for b in remove_branches: del branch_map[b]
[docs] def get_branch_map(self, reset_boundaries=True, reduce_branches=True): """ Creates and returns the branch map defined in :py:meth:`create_branch_map`. If *reset_boundaries* is *True*, the branch numbers and ranges defined in :py:attr:`branches` are rearranged to not exceed the actual branch map length. If *reduce_branches* is *True*, the branch map is additionally filtered accordingly. The branch map is cached internally. """ if self.is_branch(): return self.as_workflow().get_branch_map( reset_boundaries=reset_boundaries, reduce_branches=reduce_branches, ) branch_map = self._branch_map if branch_map is None: # create a new branch map args = () if is_classmethod(self.create_branch_map, self.__class__): params = OrderedDict([ (param_name, getattr(self, param_name)) for param_name, _ in self.get_params() ]) args = (params,) branch_map = self.create_branch_map(*args) # some type and sanity checks branch_map = self._sanitize_branch_map(branch_map, self.force_contiguous_branches) # post-process if reset_boundaries: self._reset_branch_boundaries(branch_map) if reduce_branches: self._reduce_branch_map(branch_map) # cache it if self.cache_branch_map: self._branch_map = branch_map return branch_map
@property def branch_map(self): return self.get_branch_map() @property def branch_data(self): if self.is_workflow(): raise Exception("calls to branch_data are forbidden for workflow tasks") branch_map = self.get_branch_map() if self.branch not in branch_map: raise ValueError("invalid branch '{}', not found in branch map".format(self.branch)) return branch_map[self.branch]
[docs] def get_branch_tasks(self): """ Returns a dictionary that maps branch numbers to instantiated branch tasks. As this might be computationally intensive, the return value is cached. """ if self.is_branch(): return self.as_workflow().get_branch_tasks() if self._branch_tasks is None: # get all branch tasks according to the map branch_tasks = OrderedDict() for b in self.get_branch_map(): branch_tasks[b] = self.as_branch(branch=b) # return the task when we are not going to cache it if not self.cache_branch_map: return branch_tasks # cache it self._branch_tasks = branch_tasks return self._branch_tasks
[docs] def get_branch_chunks(self, chunk_size): """ Returns a list of chunks of branch numbers defined in this workflow with a certain *chunk_size*. Example: .. code-block:: python wf = SomeWorkflowTask() # has 8 branches print(wf.get_branch_chunks(3)) # -> [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7]] wf2 = SomeWorkflowTask(branches=[(0, 5)]) # has 5 branches print(wf2.get_branch_chunks(3)) # -> [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4]] """ if self.is_branch(): return self.as_workflow().get_branch_chunks(chunk_size) # get the branch map and create chunks of its branch values branch_chunks = iter_chunks(self.get_branch_map().keys(), chunk_size) return list(branch_chunks)
[docs] def get_all_branch_chunks(self, chunk_size, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of chunks of all branch numbers of this workflow (i.e. without *branches* parameters applied) with a certain *chunk_size*. Internally, a new instance of this workflow is created using :py:meth:`BaseTask.req`, forwarding all *kwargs*, with *_exclude* parameters extended by ``{"branches"}`` in order to use all possible branch values. Example: .. code-block:: python wf = SomeWorkflowTask() # has 8 branches print(wf.get_all_branch_chunks(3)) # -> [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7]] wf2 = SomeWorkflowTask(branches=[(0, 5)]) # has 5 branches print(wf2.get_all_branch_chunks(3)) # -> [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7]] """ if self.is_branch(): return self.as_workflow().get_all_branch_chunks(chunk_size, **kwargs) # create a new workflow instance kwargs["_exclude"] = set(kwargs.get("_exclude", set())) | {"branches"} kwargs["_skip_task_excludes"] = True wf = self.req_workflow(self, **kwargs) # return its branch chunks return wf.get_branch_chunks(chunk_size)
[docs] def get_branches_repr(self, max_ranges=10): """ Creates a string representation of the selected branches that can be used as a readable description or postfix in output paths. When the branches of this workflow are configured via the *branches* parameter, and there are more than *max_ranges* identified ranges, the string will contain a unique hash describing those ranges. """ branch_map = self.get_branch_map() if not self.branches: return "{}To{}".format(min(branch_map.keys()), max(branch_map.keys()) + 1) ranges = range_join(list(branch_map.keys())) if len(ranges) > max_ranges: return "{}_ranges_{}".format(len(ranges), create_hash(ranges)) return "_".join( str(r[0]) if len(r) == 1 else "{}To{}".format(r[0], r[1] + 1) for r in ranges )
[docs] def workflow_complete(self): """ Hook to define the completeness status of the workflow. """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def workflow_requires(self): """ Hook to add workflow requirements. This method is expected to return a dictionary. When this method is called from a branch task, an exception is raised. """ if self.is_branch(): return self.as_workflow().workflow_requires() return DotDict()
[docs] def workflow_input(self): """ Returns the output targets of all workflow requirements, comparable to the normal ``input()`` method of plain tasks. """ if self.is_branch(): return self.as_workflow().workflow_input() # get potentially cached workflow requirements if self.cache_workflow_requirements: if self._cached_workflow_requirements is no_value: self._cached_workflow_requirements = self.workflow_proxy.requires() reqs = self._cached_workflow_requirements else: reqs = self.workflow_proxy.requires() return luigi.task.getpaths(reqs)
[docs] def requires_from_branch(self): """ Returns the requirements defined in the standard ``requires()`` method, but called in the context of the workflow. This method is only recommended in case all required tasks that would normally take a branch number, are intended to be instantiated with ``branch=-1``. When this method is called from a branch task, an exception is raised. """ if self.is_branch(): raise Exception("calls to requires_from_branch are forbidden for branch tasks") return self.__class__.requires(self)
def _handle_scheduler_messages(self): if self.scheduler_messages: while not self.scheduler_messages.empty(): msg = self.scheduler_messages.get() self.handle_scheduler_message(msg)
[docs] def handle_scheduler_message(self, msg, _attr_value=None): """ handle_scheduler_message(msg) Hook that is called when a scheduler message *msg* is received. Returns *True* when the messages was handled, and *False* otherwise. Handled messages: - ``tolerance = <int/float>`` - ``acceptance = <int/float>`` """ attr, value = _attr_value or (None, None) # handle "tolerance" if attr is None: m = re.match(r"^\s*(tolerance)\s*(\=|\:)\s*(.*)\s*$", str(msg)) if m: attr = "tolerance" try: self.tolerance = float( value = self.tolerance except ValueError as e: value = e # handle "acceptance" if attr is None: m = re.match(r"^\s*(acceptance)\s*(\=|\:)\s*(.*)\s*$", str(msg)) if m: attr = "acceptance" try: self.acceptance = float( value = self.acceptance except ValueError as e: value = e # respond if attr: if isinstance(value, Exception): msg.respond("cannot set {}: {}".format(attr, value)) logger.warning("cannot set {} of task {}: {}".format(attr, self.live_task_id, value)) else: msg.respond("{} set to {}".format(attr, value))"{} of task {} set to {}".format(attr, self.live_task_id, value)) return True msg.respond("task cannot handle scheduler message: {}".format(msg)) return False