Source code for law.workflow.local

# coding: utf-8

Local workflow implementation.

__all__ = ["LocalWorkflow"]

from import Generator

import luigi

from law import luigi_version_info
from law.workflow.base import BaseWorkflow, BaseWorkflowProxy
from law.util import DotDict

[docs]class LocalWorkflowProxy(BaseWorkflowProxy): """ Workflow proxy class for the local workflow implementation. The workflow type is ``"local"``. """ workflow_type = "local" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LocalWorkflowProxy, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._local_workflow_has_yielded = False
[docs] def requires(self): reqs = super(LocalWorkflowProxy, self).requires() local_reqs = self.task.local_workflow_requires() if local_reqs: reqs.update(local_reqs) # when local_workflow_require_branches is True, add all branch tasks as dependencies if self.task.local_workflow_require_branches: reqs["branches"] = self.task.get_branch_tasks() return reqs
[docs] def run(self): """ When *local_workflow_require_branches* of the task was set to *False*, starts all branch tasks via dynamic dependencies by yielding them in a list, or simply does nothing otherwise. """ pre_run_gen = self.task.local_workflow_pre_run() if isinstance(pre_run_gen, Generator): yield pre_run_gen super(LocalWorkflowProxy, self).run() if not self.task.local_workflow_require_branches and not self._local_workflow_has_yielded: self._local_workflow_has_yielded = True # use branch tasks as requirements reqs = list(self.task.get_branch_tasks().values()) # wrap into DynamicRequirements when available, otherwise just yield the list if luigi_version_info[:3] >= (3, 1, 2): yield luigi.DynamicRequirements(reqs, lambda complete_fn: complete_fn(self)) else: yield reqs
[docs]class LocalWorkflow(BaseWorkflow): """ Local workflow implementation. The workflow type is ``"local"``. There are two ways how a local workflow starts its branch tasks. See the :py:attr:`local_workflow_require_branches` attribute for more information. Since local workflows trigger their branch tasks via requirements or dynamic dependencies, their run methods do not support decorators. See :py:attr:`BaseWorkflow.workflow_run_decorators` for more info. .. py:classattribute:: workflow_proxy_cls type: :py:class:`BaseWorkflowProxy` Reference to the :py:class:`LocalWorkflowProxy` class. .. py:classattribute:: local_workflow_require_branches type: bool When *True*, the workflow will require its branch tasks within :py:meth:`LocalWorkflowProxy.requires` so that the execution of the workflow indirectly starts all branch tasks. When *False*, the workflow uses dynamic dependencies by yielding its branch tasks within its own run method. """ workflow_proxy_cls = LocalWorkflowProxy local_workflow_require_branches = False exclude_index = True def local_workflow_requires(self): return DotDict() def local_workflow_pre_run(self): return