Source code for law.workflow.remote

# coding: utf-8

Base definition of remote workflows based on job submission and status polling.

__all__ = ["JobData", "BaseRemoteWorkflowProxy", "BaseRemoteWorkflow"]

import sys
import time
import re
import copy
import random
import threading
import contextlib
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from abc import abstractmethod

import luigi
import six

from law.workflow.base import BaseWorkflow, BaseWorkflowProxy
from law.job.dashboard import NoJobDashboard
from law.parameter import NO_FLOAT, NO_INT, get_param, DurationParameter
from law.util import (
    no_value, is_number, colored, iter_chunks, merge_dicts, human_duration, DotDict, ShorthandDict,
from law.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class JobData(ShorthandDict): """ Sublcass of :py:class:`law.util.ShorthandDict` that adds shorthands for the attributes *jobs*, *unsubmitted_jobs*, *tasks_per_job*, and *dashboard_config*. This container object is used to store and keep track of per job information in :py:class:`BaseRemoteWorkflow`. .. py:classattribute:: dummy_job_id type: string A unique, dummy job id (``"dummy_job_id"``). """ attributes = { "jobs": {}, # job_num -> job_data (see classmethod below) "unsubmitted_jobs": {}, # job_num -> branches "attempts": {}, # job_num -> current attempt "tasks_per_job": 1, "dashboard_config": {}, } dummy_job_id = "dummy_job_id"
[docs] @classmethod def job_data(cls, job_id=dummy_job_id, branches=None, status=None, code=None, error=None, extra=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a dictionary containing default job submission information such as the *job_id*, task *branches* covered by the job, a job *status* string, a job return code, an *error* message, and *extra* data. Additional *kwargs* are accepted but _not_ stored. """ return dict(job_id=job_id, branches=branches or [], status=status, code=code, error=error, extra=extra or {})
def __len__(self): return len( + len(self.unsubmitted_jobs) def update(self, other): """""" other = dict(other) # ensure that keys (i.e. job nums) in job dicts are integers for key in ["jobs", "unsubmitted_jobs", "attempts"]: if key in other: cls = other[key].__class__ other[key] = cls((int(job_num), val) for job_num, val in six.iteritems(other[key])) super(JobData, self).update(other)
class PollData(ShorthandDict): """ Sublcass of :py:class:`law.util.ShorthandDict` that holds variable attributes used during job status polling: the maximum number of parallel running jobs, *n_parallel*, the minimum number of finished jobs to consider the task successful, *n_finished_min*, the maximum number of failed jobs to consider the task failed, *n_failed_max*, the number of currently active jobs, *n_active*. """ attributes = { "n_parallel": None, "n_finished_min": None, "n_failed_max": None, "n_active": None, }
[docs]class BaseRemoteWorkflowProxy(BaseWorkflowProxy): """ Workflow proxy base class for remote workflows. .. py:classattribute:: job_error_messages type: dict A dictionary containing short error messages mapped to job exit codes as defined in the remote job execution script. .. py:attribute:: show_errors type: int Numbers of errors to explicity show during job submission and status polling. .. py:attribute:: summarize_status_errors type: bool, int During status polling, when the number of errors exceeds :py:attr:`show_errors`, a summary of errors if shown when this flag is true. When a number is given, the summary is printed if the number of errors exceeds this value. .. py:attribute:: job_manager type: :py:class:`law.job.base.BaseJobManager' Reference to the job manager object that handles the actual job submission, status queries, etc. The instance is created and configured by :py:meth:`create_job_manager`. .. py:attribute:: job_file_factory type: :py:class:`law.job.base.BaseJobFileFactory` Reference to a job file factory. The instance is created and configured by :py:meth:`create_job_file_factory`. .. py:attribute:: job_data type: :py:class:`JobData` The job data object holding job submission and status information. .. py:attribute:: dashboard type: :py:class:`law.job.dashboard.BaseJobDashboard` Reference to the dashboard instance that is used by the workflow. .. py:attribute:: job_data_cls type: type (read-only) Class for instantiating :py:attr:`job_data`. """ # job error messages for errors defined in the remote job script job_error_messages = { 5: "input file rendering failed", 10: "dashboard file failed", 20: "bootstrap file failed", 30: "bootstrap command failed", 40: "law detection failed", 50: "task dependency check failed", 60: "task execution failed", 70: "stageout file failed", 80: "stageout command failed", } # configures how many job errors are fully shown show_errors = 5 # control the printing of status error summaries summarize_status_errors = True # maximum number of parallel jobs n_parallel_max = sys.maxsize def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BaseRemoteWorkflowProxy, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) task = self.task # the job submission file factory self.job_file_factory = None # the job dashboard self.dashboard = None # variable data that changes during / configures the job polling self.poll_data = PollData( n_parallel=None, n_finished_min=-1, n_failed_max=-1, n_active=0, ) # job data self.job_data = self.job_data_cls(tasks_per_job=task.tasks_per_job) # setup the job mananger self.job_manager = self.create_job_manager(threads=task.submission_threads) self.job_manager.status_diff_styles["unsubmitted"] = ({"color": "green"}, {}, {}) self._job_manager_setup_kwargs = no_value # boolean per job num denoting if a job should be / was skipped self.skip_jobs = {} # retry counts per job num self.job_retries = defaultdict(int) # cached output() return value, set in run() self._outputs = None # flag that denotes whether a submission was done befire, set in run() self._submitted = False # initially existing keys of the "collection" output (= complete branch tasks), set in run() self._initially_existing_branches = [] # flag denoting if jobs were cancelled or cleaned up (i.e. controlled) self._controlled_jobs = False # tracking url self._tracking_url = None # flag denoting whether the first log file was already printed self._printed_first_log = False # lock to protect the dumping of submission data self._dump_lock = threading.Lock() # intially, set the number of parallel jobs which might change at some piont self._set_parallel_jobs(task.parallel_jobs) @property def job_data_cls(self): return JobData
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_job_manager(self, **kwargs): """ Hook to instantiate and return a class derived of :py:class:`law.job.base.BaseJobManager`. This method must be implemented by inheriting classes and should update and forward all *kwargs* to the constructor of the respective job manager. """ return
[docs] def setup_job_manager(self): """ Hook invoked externally to further setup the job mananger or perform batch system related preparations, e.g. before jobs can be submitted. The returned keyword arguments will be forwarded to the submit, cancel, cleanup and query methods of the job mananger. """ return {}
def _setup_job_manager(self): if self._job_manager_setup_kwargs == no_value: self._job_manager_setup_kwargs = self.setup_job_manager() return self._job_manager_setup_kwargs or {}
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_job_file_factory(self, **kwargs): """ Hook to instantiate and return a class derived of :py:class:`law.job.base.BaseJobFileFactory`. This method must be implemented by inheriting classes and should update and forward all *kwargs* to the constructor of the respective job file factory. """ return
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_job_file(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a job file using the :py:attr:`job_file_factory`. The expected arguments depend on wether the job manager supports job grouping (:py:attr:`BaseJobManager.job_grouping`). If it does, two arguments containing the job number (*job_num*) and the list of branch numbers (*branches*) covered by the job. If job grouping is supported, a single dictionary mapping job numbers to covered branch values must be passed. In any case, the path(s) of job files are returned. This method must be implemented by inheriting classes. """ return
[docs] def destination_info(self): """ Hook that can return a string containing information on the location that jobs are submitted to. The string is appended to submission and status messages. """ return InsertableDict()
def _destination_info_postfix(self): """ Returns the destination info ready to be appended to a string. """ dst_info = self.destination_info() if isinstance(dst_info, dict): dst_info = list(dst_info.values()) if isinstance(dst_info, (list, tuple)): dst_info = ", ".join(map(str, dst_info)) if dst_info != "": dst_info = ", {}".format(dst_info) return dst_info
[docs] def get_extra_submission_data(self, job_file, config, log=None): """ Hook that is called after job submission with the *job_file*, the submission *config* and an optional *log* file to return extra data that is saved in the central job data. """ extra = {} if log: extra["log"] = str(log) return extra
@property def tracking_url(self): return self._tracking_url @tracking_url.setter def tracking_url(self, tracking_url): old_url = self.tracking_url self._tracking_url = tracking_url if tracking_url and self.task: self.task.set_tracking_url(tracking_url) if tracking_url != old_url: self.task.publish_message("tracking url: {}".format(tracking_url)) @property def _cancel_jobs(self): """ Property that is *True* when the :py:attr:`cancel_jobs` attribute exists and is *True*. """ return isinstance(getattr(self.task, "cancel_jobs", None), bool) and self.task.cancel_jobs @property def _cleanup_jobs(self): """ Property that is *True* when the :py:attr:`cleanup_jobs` attribute exists and is *True*. """ return isinstance(getattr(self.task, "cleanup_jobs", None), bool) and self.task.cleanup_jobs def _can_skip_job(self, job_num, branches): """ Returns *True* when a job can be potentially skipped, which is the case when all branch tasks given by *branches* are complete. """ if job_num not in self.skip_jobs: self.skip_jobs[job_num] = all( (b in self._initially_existing_branches) or self.task.as_branch(b).complete() for b in branches ) # when the job is skipped, ensure that a job data entry exists and set the status if self.skip_jobs[job_num]: if job_num not in[job_num] = self.job_data_cls.job_data(branches=branches) if not[job_num]["status"]:[job_num]["status"] = self.job_manager.FINISHED return self.skip_jobs[job_num] def _get_job_kwargs(self, name): attr = "{}_job_kwargs_{}".format(self.workflow_type, name) kwargs = getattr(self.task, attr, None) if kwargs is None: attr = "{}_job_kwargs".format(self.workflow_type) kwargs = getattr(self.task, attr) # when kwargs is not a dict, it is assumed to be a list whose # elements represent task attributes that are stored without the workflow type prefix if not isinstance(kwargs, dict): _kwargs = {} for param_name in kwargs: kwarg_name = param_name if param_name.startswith(self.workflow_type + "_"): kwarg_name = param_name[len(self.workflow_type) + 1:] _kwargs[kwarg_name] = get_param(getattr(self.task, param_name)) kwargs = _kwargs return kwargs def _set_parallel_jobs(self, n_parallel): if n_parallel <= 0: n_parallel = self.n_parallel_max # do nothing when the value does not differ from the current one if n_parallel == self.poll_data.n_parallel: return # add or remove the "unsubmitted" status from the job manager and adjust the last counts is_inf = n_parallel == self.n_parallel_max man = self.job_manager has_unsubmitted = man.status_names[0] == "unsubmitted" if is_inf: if has_unsubmitted: man.status_names.pop(0) man.last_counts.pop(0) else: if not has_unsubmitted: man.status_names.insert(0, "unsubmitted") man.last_counts.insert(0, 0) # set the value in poll_data self.poll_data.n_parallel = n_parallel return n_parallel def _status_error_pairs(self, job_num, job_data): return InsertableDict([ ("job", job_num), ("branches", job_data["branches"]), ("id", job_data["job_id"]), ("status", job_data["status"]), ("code", job_data["code"]), ("error", job_data.get("error")), ("job script error", self.job_error_messages.get(job_data["code"], no_value)), # ("log", job_data["extra"].get("log", no_value)), # backwards compatibility for some limited time ("log", job_data.get("extra", {}).get("log", no_value)), ]) def _print_status_errors(self, failed_jobs): print("{} in task {}:".format( colored("{} failed job(s)".format(len(failed_jobs)), color="red", style="bright"), self.task.task_id, )) # prepare the decision for showing the error summary threshold = self.summarize_status_errors show_summary = threshold and (isinstance(threshold, bool) or len(failed_jobs) >= threshold) # show the first n errors for i, (job_num, data) in enumerate(six.iteritems(failed_jobs)): # get status pairs status_pairs = self._status_error_pairs(job_num, data) if isinstance(status_pairs, dict): status_pairs = list(status_pairs.items()) # print the status line status_line = ", ".join([ "{} {}".format(colored("{}:".format(key), style="bright"), value) for key, value in status_pairs if value != no_value ]) print(" {}".format(status_line)) if i >= self.show_errors and len(failed_jobs) > self.show_errors + 1: remaining = len(failed_jobs) - self.show_errors if remaining > 0: print(" ... and {} more".format(remaining)) break else: # all errors shown, no need for a summary show_summary = False # additional error summary if show_summary: # group by error code and status groups = OrderedDict() for job_num, data in six.iteritems(failed_jobs): key = (data["code"], data["status"]) if key not in groups: groups[key] = {"n_jobs": 0, "n_branches": 0, "log": None, "error": None} groups[key]["n_jobs"] += 1 groups[key]["n_branches"] += len(data["branches"]) if not groups[key]["error"]: groups[key]["error"] = data["error"] if not groups[key]["log"]: groups[key]["log"] = data["extra"].get("log") # show the summary print(colored("error summary:", color="red", style="bright")) for (code, status), stats in six.iteritems(groups): # status messsages of known error codes code_str = "" if code in self.job_error_messages: code_str = " ({})".format(self.job_error_messages[code]) # pairs for printing summary_pairs = [ ("status", status), ("code", str(code) + code_str), ("example error", stats.get("error")), ] # add an example log file if stats["log"]: summary_pairs.append(("example log", stats["log"])) # print the line summary_line = ", ".join([ "{} {}".format(colored("{}:".format(key), style="bright"), value) for key, value in summary_pairs ]) print(" {n_jobs} jobs ({n_branches} branches) with {summary_line}".format( summary_line=summary_line, **stats))
[docs] def complete(self): if self.task.is_controlling_remote_jobs(): return self._controlled_jobs return super(BaseRemoteWorkflowProxy, self).complete()
[docs] def requires(self): # use upstream and workflow specific requirements only when not controlling running jobs if self.task.is_controlling_remote_jobs(): reqs = DotDict() else: reqs = super(BaseRemoteWorkflowProxy, self).requires() remote_reqs = self._get_task_attribute("workflow_requires")() if remote_reqs: reqs.update(remote_reqs) return reqs
[docs] def output(self): """ Returns the default workflow outputs in an ordered dictionary. At the moment, this is the collection of outputs of the branch tasks (key ``"collection"``), the submission file (key ``"submission"``), and the status file (key ``"status"``). These two *control outputs* are optional, i.e., they are not considered when checking the task's completeness. """ task = self.task # get the directory where the control outputs are stored out_dir = self._get_task_attribute("output_directory")() # define outputs outputs = DotDict() postfix = [ task.control_output_postfix(), self._get_task_attribute("output_postfix")(), ] postfix = "_".join(map(str, filter(bool, postfix))) or "" if postfix: postfix = "_" + postfix # file containing the job data, i.e. job ids, last status codes, log files, etc job_data_file = "{}_jobs{}.json".format(self.workflow_type, postfix) outputs["jobs"] = out_dir.child(job_data_file, type="f", optional=True) # update with upstream output when not just controlling running jobs if not task.is_controlling_remote_jobs(): outputs.update(super(BaseRemoteWorkflowProxy, self).output()) return outputs
[docs] def dump_job_data(self): """ Dumps the current submission data to the submission file. """ # renew the dashboard config self.job_data["dashboard_config"] = self.dashboard.get_persistent_config() # write the job data to the output file with self._dump_lock: self._outputs["jobs"].dump(self.job_data, formatter="json", indent=4) logger.debug("job data dumped")
def get_run_context(self): return self._get_task_attribute("workflow_run_context", fallback=True)()
[docs] def run(self): with self.get_run_context(): super(BaseRemoteWorkflowProxy, self).run() return self._run_impl()
def _run_impl(self): """ Actual run method that starts the processing of jobs and initiates the status polling, or performs job cancelling or cleaning, depending on the task parameters. """ task = self.task self._outputs = self.output() # create the job dashboard interface self.dashboard = task.create_job_dashboard() or NoJobDashboard() # read job data and reset some values self._submitted = not task.ignore_submission and self._outputs["jobs"].exists() if self._submitted: # load job data and cast job ids self.job_data.update(self._outputs["jobs"].load(formatter="json")) for job_data in six.itervalues( job_data["job_id"] = self.job_manager.cast_job_id(job_data["job_id"]) # sync other settings task.tasks_per_job = self.job_data.tasks_per_job self.dashboard.apply_config(self.job_data.dashboard_config) # store the initially complete branches if "collection" in self._outputs: collection = self._outputs["collection"] count, keys = collection.count(keys=True) self._initially_existing_branches = keys # cancel jobs? if self._cancel_jobs: if self._submitted: self.cancel() self._controlled_jobs = True return # cleanup jobs? if self._cleanup_jobs: if self._submitted: self.cleanup() self._controlled_jobs = True return # from here on, submit and/or wait while polling # maybe set a tracking url self.tracking_url = self.dashboard.create_tracking_url() # ensure the output directory exists if not self._submitted: self._outputs["jobs"].parent.touch() try: # instantiate the configured job file factory self.job_file_factory = self.create_job_file_factory() # submit if not self._submitted: # set the initial list of unsubmitted jobs branches = sorted(task.branch_map.keys()) branch_chunks = list(iter_chunks(branches, task.tasks_per_job)) self.job_data.unsubmitted_jobs = OrderedDict( (i + 1, branches) for i, branches in enumerate(branch_chunks) ) self.submit() # sleep once to give the job interface time to register the jobs if not self._submitted and not task.no_poll: post_submit_delay = self._get_task_attribute("post_submit_delay", True)() if post_submit_delay > 0: logger.debug("sleep for {} second(s) due to post_submit_delay".format( post_submit_delay)) time.sleep(post_submit_delay) # start status polling when a) no_poll is not set, or b) the jobs were already # submitted so that failed jobs are resubmitted after a single polling iteration if not task.no_poll or self._submitted: self.poll() finally: # in any event, cleanup the job file if self.job_file_factory: self.job_file_factory.cleanup_dir(force=False)
[docs] def cancel(self): """ Cancels running jobs. The job ids are read from the submission file which has to exist for obvious reasons. """ task = self.task # get job ids from submission data job_ids = [ d["job_id"] for d in if d["job_id"] not in (self.job_data.dummy_job_id, None) ] if not job_ids: return # setup the job manager job_man_kwargs = self._setup_job_manager() # get job kwargs for cancelling cancel_kwargs = merge_dicts(job_man_kwargs, self._get_job_kwargs("cancel")) # cancel jobs task.publish_message("going to cancel {} jobs".format(len(job_ids))) if self.job_manager.job_grouping: errors = self.job_manager.cancel_group(job_ids, **cancel_kwargs) else: errors = self.job_manager.cancel_batch(job_ids, **cancel_kwargs) # print errors if errors: print("{} error(s) occured while cancelling {} job(s) of task {}:".format( len(errors), len(job_ids), task.task_id)) tmpl = " {}" for i, err in enumerate(errors): print(tmpl.format(err)) if i + 1 >= self.show_errors: remaining = len(errors) - self.show_errors if remaining > 0: print(" ... and {} more".format(remaining)) break # inform the dashboard for job_num, job_data in six.iteritems( task.forward_dashboard_event(self.dashboard, job_data, "action.cancel", job_num)
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Cleans up jobs on the remote run location. The job ids are read from the submission file which has to exist for obvious reasons. """ task = self.task # get job ids from submission data job_ids = [ d["job_id"] for d in if d["job_id"] not in (self.job_data.dummy_job_id, None) ] if not job_ids: return # setup the job manager job_man_kwargs = self._setup_job_manager() # get job kwargs for cleanup cleanup_kwargs = merge_dicts(job_man_kwargs, self._get_job_kwargs("cleanup")) # cleanup jobs task.publish_message("going to cleanup {} jobs".format(len(job_ids))) if self.job_manager.job_grouping: errors = self.job_manager.cleanup_group(job_ids, **cleanup_kwargs) else: errors = self.job_manager.cleanup_batch(job_ids, **cleanup_kwargs) # print errors if errors: print("{} error(s) occured while cleaning up {} job(s) of task {}:".format( len(errors), len(job_ids), task.task_id)) tmpl = " {}" for i, err in enumerate(errors): print(tmpl.format(err)) if i + 1 >= self.show_errors: remaining = len(errors) - self.show_errors if remaining > 0: print(" ... and {} more".format(remaining)) break
[docs] def submit(self, retry_jobs=None): """ Submits all jobs. When *retry_jobs* is *None*, a new job list is built. Otherwise, previously failed jobs defined in the *retry_jobs* dictionary, which maps job numbers to lists of branch numbers, are used. """ task = self.task # collect data of jobs that should be submitted: num -> branches submit_jobs = OrderedDict() # keep track of the list of unsubmitted job nums before retry jobs are handled to control # whether they are resubmitted immediately or at the end (subject to shuffling) unsubmitted_job_nums = list(self.job_data.unsubmitted_jobs.keys()) if task.shuffle_jobs: random.shuffle(unsubmitted_job_nums) # handle jobs for resubmission if retry_jobs: for job_num, branches in six.iteritems(retry_jobs): # some retry jobs might be skipped if self._can_skip_job(job_num, branches): continue # in the case that the number of parallel jobs might be reached, or when retry jobs # are configured to be tried last, add the jobs back to the unsubmitted ones and # update the job id n = self.poll_data.n_active + len(submit_jobs) if n >= self.poll_data.n_parallel or task.append_retry_jobs:, None) self.job_data.unsubmitted_jobs[job_num] = branches if task.append_retry_jobs: unsubmitted_job_nums.append(job_num) else: unsubmitted_job_nums.insert(0, job_num) continue # mark job for resubmission submit_jobs[job_num] = sorted(branches) # fill with unsubmitted jobs until maximum number of parallel jobs is reached for job_num in unsubmitted_job_nums: branches = self.job_data.unsubmitted_jobs[job_num] # remove jobs that don't need to be submitted if self._can_skip_job(job_num, branches): self.job_data.unsubmitted_jobs.pop(job_num, None) continue # mark job for submission only when n_parallel is not reached yet n = self.poll_data.n_active + len(submit_jobs) if n < self.poll_data.n_parallel: self.job_data.unsubmitted_jobs.pop(job_num, None) submit_jobs[job_num] = sorted(branches) # store submission data for jobs about to be submitted new_submission_data = OrderedDict() # when there is nothing to submit, dump the submission data to the output file and stop here if not submit_jobs: if retry_jobs or self.job_data.unsubmitted_jobs: self.dump_job_data() return new_submission_data # add empty job entries to submission data for job_num, branches in six.iteritems(submit_jobs): job_data = self.job_data_cls.job_data(branches=branches)[job_num] = job_data # log some stats dst_info = self._destination_info_postfix() task.publish_message("going to submit {} {} job(s){}".format( len(submit_jobs), self.workflow_type, dst_info)) # job file preparation and submission if self.job_manager.job_grouping: job_ids, submission_data = self._submit_group(submit_jobs) else: job_ids, submission_data = self._submit_batch(submit_jobs) # store submission data errors = [] for job_num, job_id, data in, job_ids, submission_data.values()): # handle errors if isinstance(job_id, Exception): errors.append((job_num, job_id)) job_id = self.job_data.dummy_job_id # set the job id in the job data job_data =[job_num] job_data["job_id"] = job_id extra = self.get_extra_submission_data(data["job"], data["config"], log=data.get("log")) job_data["extra"].update(extra) new_submission_data[job_num] = copy.deepcopy(job_data) # inform the dashboard task.forward_dashboard_event(self.dashboard, job_data, "action.submit", job_num) # dump the job data to the output file self.dump_job_data() # raise exceptions or log if errors: print("{} error(s) occured during job submission of task {}:".format( len(errors), task.task_id)) tmpl = " job {}: {}" for i, tpl in enumerate(errors): print(tmpl.format(*tpl)) if i + 1 >= self.show_errors: remaining = len(errors) - self.show_errors if remaining > 0: print(" ... and {} more".format(remaining)) break else: task.publish_message( "submitted {} {} job(s){}".format(len(submit_jobs), self.workflow_type, dst_info), ) return new_submission_data
def _submit_batch(self, submit_jobs, **kwargs): task = self.task # create job submission files mapped to job nums all_job_files = OrderedDict() for job_num, branches in six.iteritems(submit_jobs): all_job_files[job_num] = self.create_job_file(job_num, branches) # all_job_files is an ordered mapping job_num -> {"job": PATH, "log": PATH/None}, # get keys and values for faster lookup by numeric index job_nums = list(all_job_files.keys()) job_files = [f["job"] for f in six.itervalues(all_job_files)] # prepare objects for dumping intermediate job data dump_freq = self._get_task_attribute("dump_intermediate_job_data", True)() if dump_freq and not is_number(dump_freq): dump_freq = 50 # setup the job manager job_man_kwargs = self._setup_job_manager() # get job kwargs for submission and merge with passed kwargs submit_kwargs = merge_dicts(job_man_kwargs, self._get_job_kwargs("submit"), kwargs) # progress callback to inform the scheduler def progress_callback(i, job_id): job_num = job_nums[i] # some job managers respond with a list of job ids per submission (e.g. htcondor, slurm) # so get the first id as long as batched submission is not yet supported if isinstance(job_id, list) and not self.job_manager.chunk_size_submit: job_id = job_id[0] # set the job id early[job_num]["job_id"] = job_id # log a message every 25 jobs if i in (0, len(job_files) - 1) or (i + 1) % 25 == 0: task.publish_message("submitted {}/{} job(s)".format(i + 1, len(job_files))) # dump intermediate job data with a certain frequency if dump_freq and (i + 1) % dump_freq == 0: self.dump_job_data() # submit job_ids = self.job_manager.submit_batch( job_files, retries=3, threads=task.submission_threads, callback=progress_callback, **submit_kwargs # noqa ) return ( job_ids, all_job_files, ) def _submit_group(self, submit_jobs, **kwargs): task = self.task # create the single multi submission file, passing the job_num -> branches dict job_file = self.create_job_file(submit_jobs) # setup the job manager job_man_kwargs = self._setup_job_manager() # get job kwargs for submission and merge with passed kwargs submit_kwargs = merge_dicts(job_man_kwargs, self._get_job_kwargs("submit"), kwargs) # submission job_ids = self.job_manager.submit_group( [job_file["job"]] * len(submit_jobs), retries=3, threads=task.submission_threads, **submit_kwargs # noqa ) # set all job ids for job_num, job_id in zip(submit_jobs, job_ids):[job_num]["job_id"] = job_id return ( job_ids, {job_num: job_file for job_num in submit_jobs}, )
[docs] def poll(self): """ Initiates the job status polling loop. """ task = self.task dump_intermediate_job_data = task.dump_intermediate_job_data() # total job count n_jobs = len(self.job_data) # track finished and failed jobs in dicts holding status data finished_jobs = [] failed_jobs = [] # track number of consecutive polling failures and the start time n_poll_fails = 0 start_time = time.time() # setup the job manager job_man_kwargs = self._setup_job_manager() # get job kwargs for status querying query_kwargs = merge_dicts(job_man_kwargs, self._get_job_kwargs("query")) # start the poll loop i = -1 while True: i += 1 # sleep after the first iteration if i > 0: time.sleep(task.poll_interval * 60) # handle scheduler messages, which could change task some parameters task._handle_scheduler_messages() # walltime exceeded? if task.walltime != NO_FLOAT and (time.time() - start_time) > task.walltime * 3600: raise Exception("exceeded walltime: {}".format(human_duration(hours=task.walltime))) # update variable attributes for polling self.poll_data.n_finished_min = task.acceptance * (1 if task.acceptance > 1 else n_jobs) self.poll_data.n_failed_max = task.tolerance * (1 if task.tolerance > 1 else n_jobs) # determine the currently active jobs, i.e., the jobs whose states should be checked, # jobs whose ids are unknown, and jobs that can be skipped, i.e., jobs whose tasks' # outputs are already present active_jobs = [] unknown_jobs = [] for job_num, data in six.iteritems( # skip jobs that are already known to be finished or failed if job_num in finished_jobs or job_num in failed_jobs: continue # skip jobs whose tasks are aready complete if self._can_skip_job(job_num, data["branches"]): data["status"] = self.job_manager.FINISHED data["code"] = 0 finished_jobs.append(job_num) continue # mark as active or unknown if data["job_id"] in (None, self.job_data.dummy_job_id): data["job_id"] = self.job_data.dummy_job_id data["status"] = self.job_manager.RETRY data["error"] = "unknown job id" unknown_jobs.append(job_num) else: active_jobs.append(job_num) self.poll_data.n_active = len(active_jobs) + len(unknown_jobs) # query job states job_ids = [[job_num]["job_id"] for job_num in active_jobs] if self.job_manager.job_grouping: query_data = self.job_manager.query_group(job_ids, **query_kwargs) else: query_data = self.job_manager.query_batch(job_ids, **query_kwargs) # separate into actual states and errors that might have occured during the status query states_by_id = OrderedDict() errors = [] for job_num, (job_id, state_or_error) in zip(active_jobs, six.iteritems(query_data)): if isinstance(state_or_error, Exception): errors.append(state_or_error) continue # set the data states_by_id[job_id] = state_or_error # sync extra info if available extra = state_or_error.get("extra") if not isinstance(extra, dict): continue[job_num]["extra"].update(extra) # set tracking url on the workflow proxy if not self.tracking_url and "tracking_url" in extra: self.tracking_url = extra["tracking_url"] # print the first log file if not self._printed_first_log and extra.get("log"): task.publish_message("first log file: {}".format(extra["log"])) self._printed_first_log = True del query_data # print the first couple errors if errors: print("{} error(s) occured during job status query of task {}:".format( len(errors), task.task_id)) tmpl = " {}" for i, err in enumerate(errors): print(tmpl.format(err)) if i + 1 >= self.show_errors: remaining = len(errors) - self.show_errors if remaining > 0: print(" ... and {} more".format(remaining)) break # increase the fail counter and maybe stop with an exception n_poll_fails += 1 if task.poll_fails > 0 and n_poll_fails > task.poll_fails: raise Exception("poll_fails exceeded") # poll again continue else: # no errors occured, reset the fail counter n_poll_fails = 0 # handle active jobs for job_num in active_jobs: # update job data with status info data =[job_num] for field in ["status", "error", "code"]: value = states_by_id[data["job_id"]][field] if value is not None: data[field] = value # when the task picked up an existing submission file, then in the first polling # iteration it might happen that a job is finished, but outputs of its tasks are # not existing, e.g. when they were removed externaly and the job id is still known # to the batch system; in this case, mark it as unknown and to be retried if self._submitted and i == 0: is_finished = data["status"] == self.job_manager.FINISHED if is_finished and not self._can_skip_job(job_num, data["branches"]): data["status"] = self.job_manager.RETRY data["error"] = "initially missing task outputs" del states_by_id # from here on, consider unknown jobs again as active active_jobs += unknown_jobs del unknown_jobs # get settings from the task for triggering post-finished status checks check_completeness = self._get_task_attribute("check_job_completeness")() check_completeness_delay = self._get_task_attribute("check_job_completeness_delay")() if check_completeness_delay: time.sleep(check_completeness_delay) # store jobs per status and take further actions depending on the status pending_jobs = [] running_jobs = [] newly_failed_jobs = [] retry_jobs = [] for job_num in active_jobs: data =[job_num] if data["status"] == self.job_manager.PENDING: pending_jobs.append(job_num) task.forward_dashboard_event(self.dashboard, copy.deepcopy(data), "status.pending", job_num) continue if data["status"] == self.job_manager.RUNNING: running_jobs.append(job_num) task.forward_dashboard_event(self.dashboard, copy.deepcopy(data), "status.running", job_num) continue if data["status"] == self.job_manager.FINISHED: # additionally check if the outputs really exist if not check_completeness or all( self.task.as_branch(b).complete() for b in data["branches"] ): finished_jobs.append(job_num) self.poll_data.n_active -= 1 data["job_id"] = self.job_data.dummy_job_id task.forward_dashboard_event(self.dashboard, copy.deepcopy(data), "status.finished", job_num) continue # the job is marked as finished but not all branches are complete data["status"] = self.job_manager.FAILED data["error"] = "branch task(s) incomplete due to missing outputs" if data["status"] in (self.job_manager.FAILED, self.job_manager.RETRY): newly_failed_jobs.append(job_num) self.poll_data.n_active -= 1 # retry or ultimately failed? if self.job_retries[job_num] < task.retries: self.job_retries[job_num] += 1 self.job_data.attempts.setdefault(job_num, 0) self.job_data.attempts[job_num] += 1 data["status"] = self.job_manager.RETRY retry_jobs.append(job_num) task.forward_dashboard_event(self.dashboard, copy.deepcopy(data), "status.retry", job_num) else: failed_jobs.append(job_num) task.forward_dashboard_event(self.dashboard, copy.deepcopy(data), "status.failed", job_num) continue raise Exception("unknown job status '{}'".format(data["status"])) # gather some counts n_pending = len(pending_jobs) n_running = len(running_jobs) n_finished = len(finished_jobs) n_retry = len(retry_jobs) n_failed = len(failed_jobs) n_unsubmitted = len(self.job_data.unsubmitted_jobs) # log the status line counts = (n_pending, n_running, n_finished, n_retry, n_failed) if self.poll_data.n_parallel != self.n_parallel_max: counts = (n_unsubmitted,) + counts status_line = self.job_manager.status_line(counts, last_counts=True, sum_counts=n_jobs, color=True, align=task.align_polling_status_line) status_line += self._destination_info_postfix() status_line = task.modify_polling_status_line(status_line) task.publish_message(status_line) self.last_status_counts = counts # inform the scheduler about the progress task.publish_progress(100.0 * n_finished / n_jobs) # print newly failed jobs if newly_failed_jobs: self._print_status_errors({ job_num:[job_num] for job_num in newly_failed_jobs }) # infer the overall status reached_end = n_jobs == n_finished + n_failed finished = n_finished >= self.poll_data.n_finished_min failed = n_failed > self.poll_data.n_failed_max unreachable = n_jobs - n_failed < self.poll_data.n_finished_min # write job data if finished or dump_intermediate_job_data: self.dump_job_data() # stop when finished if finished: break # complain when failed if failed: failed_nums = [job_num for job_num in failed_jobs if job_num not in retry_jobs] raise Exception( "tolerance exceeded for job(s) {}".format(",".join(map(str, failed_nums))), ) # stop early if unreachable if unreachable: err = None if reached_end: err = "acceptance of {} not reached, total jobs: {}, failed jobs: {}" elif task.check_unreachable_acceptance: err = "acceptance of {} unreachable, total jobs: {}, failed jobs: {}" if err: raise Exception(err.format(self.poll_data.n_finished_min, n_jobs, n_failed)) # invoke the poll callback poll_callback_res = self._get_task_attribute("poll_callback", True)(self.poll_data) if poll_callback_res is False: logger.debug( "job polling loop gracefully stopped due to False returned by poll_callback", ) break # trigger automatic resubmission and submission of unsubmitted jobs if necessary if retry_jobs or self.poll_data.n_active < self.poll_data.n_parallel: self.submit({ job_num:[job_num]["branches"] for job_num in newly_failed_jobs }) # break when no polling is desired # we can get to this point when there was already a submission and the no_poll # parameter was set so that only failed jobs are resubmitted once if task.no_poll: break duration = round(time.time() - start_time) task.publish_message("polling took {}".format(human_duration(seconds=duration)))
[docs]class BaseRemoteWorkflow(BaseWorkflow): """ Opinionated base class for remote workflows that works in 2 phases: 1. Create and submit *m* jobs that process *n* tasks. Submission information (mostly job ids) is stored in the so-called *jobs* file, which is an output target of this workflow. 2. Use the job data and start status polling. When done, status data is stored alongside the submission information in the same *jobs* file. .. py:classattribute:: check_unreachable_acceptance type: bool When *True*, stop the job status polling early if the minimum number of finsihed jobs as defined by :py:attr:`acceptance` becomes unreachable. Otherwise, keep polling until all jobs are either finished or failed. Defaults to *False*. .. py:classattribute:: align_polling_status_line type: int, bool Alignment value that is passed to :py:meth:`law.job.base.BaseJobManager.status_line` to print the status line during job status polling. Defaults to *False*. .. py:classattribute:: append_retry_jobs type: bool When *True*, jobs to retry are added to the end of the jobs to submit, giving priority to new ones. However, when *shuffle_jobs* is *True*, they might be submitted again earlier. Defaults to *False*. .. py:classattribute:: retries type: :py:class:`luigi.IntParameter` Maximum number of automatic resubmission attempts per job before considering it failed. Defaults to *5*. .. py:classattribute:: tasks_per_job type: :py:class:`luigi.IntParameter` Number of tasks to be processed by per job. Defaults to *1*. .. py:classattribute:: parallel_jobs type: :py:class:`luigi.IntParameter` Maximum number of parallel running jobs, e.g. to protect a very busy queue of a batch system. Empty default value (infinity). .. py:classattribute:: no_poll type: :py:class:`luigi.BoolParameter` When *True*, only submit jobs and skip status polling. Defaults to *False*. .. py:classattribute:: submission_threads type: :py:class:`luigi.IntParameter` Number of threads to use for both job submission and job status polling. Defaults to 4. .. py:classattribute:: walltime type: :py:class:`law.DurationParameter` Maximum job walltime after which a job will be considered failed. Empty default value. The default unit is hours when a plain number is passed. .. py:classattribute:: job_workers type: :py:class:`luigi.IntParameter` Number of cores to use within jobs to process multiple tasks in parallel (via adding '--workers' to remote job command). Defaults to 1. .. py:classattribute:: poll_interval type: :py:class:`law.DurationParameter` Interval between two job status polls. Defaults to 1 minute. The default unit is minutes when a plain number is passed. .. py:classattribute:: poll_fails type: :py:class:`luigi.IntParameter` Maximum number of consecutive errors during status polling after which a job is considered failed. This can occur due to networking problems. Defaults to *5*. .. py:classattribute:: shuffle_jobs type: :py:class:`luigi.BoolParameter` When *True*, the order of jobs is shuffled before submission. Defaults to *False*. .. py:classattribute:: cancel_jobs type: :py:class:`luigi.BoolParameter` When *True*, already running jobs are cancelled and no new ones are submitted. The job ids are read from the jobs file if existing. Defaults to *False*. .. py:classattribute:: cleanup_jobs type: :py:class:`luigi.BoolParameter` When *True*, already running jobs are cleaned up and no new ones are submitted. The job ids are read from the jobs file if existing. Defaults to *False*. .. py:classattribute:: transfer_logs type: :py:class:`luigi.BoolParameter` Transfer the combined log file back to the output directory. Defaults to *False*. """ retries = luigi.IntParameter( default=5, significant=False, description="number of automatic resubmission attempts per job; default: 5", ) tasks_per_job = luigi.IntParameter( default=1, significant=False, description="number of tasks to be processed by one job; default: 1", ) parallel_jobs = luigi.IntParameter( default=NO_INT, significant=False, description="maximum number of parallel running jobs; default: infinite", ) no_poll = luigi.BoolParameter( default=False, significant=False, description="just submit, do not initiate status polling after submission; default: False", ) submission_threads = luigi.IntParameter( default=4, significant=False, description="number of threads to use for (re)submission and status queries; default: 4", ) poll_interval = DurationParameter( default=1, unit="m", significant=False, description="time between status polls; default unit is minutes; default: 1", ) poll_fails = luigi.IntParameter( default=5, significant=False, description="maximum number of consecutive errors during polling; default: 5", ) walltime = DurationParameter( default=NO_FLOAT, unit="h", significant=False, description="maximum wall time; default unit is hours; default: infinite", ) job_workers = luigi.IntParameter( default=1, significant=False, description="number of cores to use within jobs to process multiple tasks in parallel (via " "adding --workers to remote job commands); default: 1", ) shuffle_jobs = luigi.BoolParameter( default=False, significant=False, description="shuffled job submission; default: False", ) cancel_jobs = luigi.BoolParameter( default=False, description="cancel all submitted jobs but do not submit new jobs; default: False", ) cleanup_jobs = luigi.BoolParameter( default=False, description="cleanup all submitted jobs but do not submit new jobs; default: False", ) ignore_submission = luigi.BoolParameter( default=False, significant=False, description="ignore any existing submission file from a previous submission and start a " "new one; default: False", ) transfer_logs = luigi.BoolParameter( default=False, significant=False, description="transfer job logs to the output directory; default: False", ) check_unreachable_acceptance = False align_polling_status_line = False append_retry_jobs = False exclude_index = True exclude_params_branch = { "retries", "tasks_per_job", "parallel_jobs", "no_poll", "submission_threads", "walltime", "job_workers", "poll_interval", "poll_fails", "shuffle_jobs", "cancel_jobs", "cleanup_jobs", "ignore_submission", "transfer_logs", } exclude_params_repr = {"cancel_jobs", "cleanup_jobs"} exclude_params_remote_workflow = set()
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def workflow_run_context(self): """ Hook to provide a context manager in which the workflow run implementation is placed. This can be helpful in situations where resurces should be acquired before and released after running a workflow. """ yield
[docs] def is_controlling_remote_jobs(self): """ Returns *True* if the remote workflow is only controlling remote jobs instead of handling new ones. This is the case when either *cancel_jobs* or *cleanup_jobs* is *True*. """ return self.cancel_jobs or self.cleanup_jobs
[docs] def control_output_postfix(self): """ Hook that should return a string that is inserted into the names of control output files. """ return self.get_branches_repr()
[docs] def poll_callback(self, poll_data): """ Configurable callback that is called after each job status query and before potential resubmission. It receives the variable polling attributes *poll_data* (:py:class:`PollData`) that can be changed within this method. If *False* is returned, the polling loop is gracefully terminated. Returning any other value does not have any effect. """ return
[docs] def post_submit_delay(self): """ Configurable delay in seconds to wait after submitting jobs and before starting the status polling. """ return self.poll_interval * 60
def dump_intermediate_job_data(self): return True
[docs] def create_job_dashboard(self): """ Hook method to return a configured :py:class:`law.job.BaseJobDashboard` instance that will be used by the worflow. """ return None
[docs] def forward_dashboard_event(self, dashboard, job_data, event, job_num): """ Hook to preprocess and publish dashboard events. By default, every event is passed to the dashboard's :py:meth:`law.job.dashboard.BaseJobDashboard.publish` method unchanged. """ # possible events: # - action.submit # - action.cancel # - status.pending # - status.running # - status.finished # - status.retry # - status.failed # forward to dashboard in any event by default return dashboard.publish(job_data, event, job_num)
[docs] def modify_polling_status_line(self, status_line): """ Hook to modify the status line that is printed during polling. """ return status_line
@property def accepts_messages(self): if not getattr(self, "workflow_proxy", None): return super(BaseRemoteWorkflow, self).accepts_messages return isinstance(self.workflow_proxy, BaseRemoteWorkflowProxy)
[docs] def handle_scheduler_message(self, msg, _attr_value=None): """ handle_scheduler_message(msg) Hook that is called when a scheduler message *msg* is received. Returns *True* when the messages was handled, and *False* otherwise. Handled messages in addition to those defined in :py:meth:`law.workflow.base.BaseWorkflow.handle_scheduler_message`: - ``parallel_jobs = <int>`` - ``walltime = <str/int/float>`` - ``poll_fails = <int>`` - ``poll_interval = <str/int/float>`` - ``retries = <int>`` """ attr, value = _attr_value or (None, None) # handle "parallel_jobs" if attr is None: m = re.match(r"^\s*(parallel\_jobs)\s*(\=|\:)\s*(.*)\s*$", str(msg)) if m: attr = "parallel_jobs" # the workflow proxy must be set here if not getattr(self, "workflow_proxy", None): value = Exception("workflow_proxy not set yet") else: try: n = self.workflow_proxy._set_parallel_jobs(int( value = "unlimited" if n == self.workflow_proxy.n_parallel_max else str(n) except ValueError as e: value = e # handle "walltime" if attr is None: m = re.match(r"^\s*(walltime)\s*(\=|\:)\s*(.*)\s*$", str(msg)) if m: attr = "walltime" try: self.walltime = self.__class__.walltime.parse( value = human_duration(hours=self.walltime, colon_format=True) except ValueError as e: value = e # handle "poll_fails" if attr is None: m = re.match(r"^\s*(poll\_fails)\s*(\=|\:)\s*(.*)\s*$", str(msg)) if m: attr = "poll_fails" try: self.poll_fails = int( value = self.poll_fails except ValueError as e: value = e # handle "poll_interval" if attr is None: m = re.match(r"^\s*(poll\_interval)\s*(\=|\:)\s*(.*)\s*$", str(msg)) if m: attr = "poll_interval" try: self.poll_interval = self.__class__.poll_interval.parse( value = human_duration(minutes=self.poll_interval, colon_format=True) except ValueError as e: value = e # handle "retries" if attr is None: m = re.match(r"^\s*(retries)\s*(\=|\:)\s*(.*)\s*$", str(msg)) if m: attr = "retries" try: self.retries = int( value = self.retries except ValueError as e: value = e return super(BaseRemoteWorkflow, self).handle_scheduler_message(msg, (attr, value))